Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4650: Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion

In the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, above the nine heavens, in front of the divine cocoon shrouded in heavy formations, stood a young man in black.

The clone is different from the avatar. The avatar has flesh and blood, but the avatar has no flesh and blood. It is just a phantom formed by the power of the great road.

Although it is a phantom, it can also exert the power of 30 or 40% of the deity.

However, the clone can exert 50 or 60% of the power of the deity, and cut, the clone has a flesh and blood body, and can cultivate on its own to improve cultivation.

"He actually..."

The demon ape saw that Gu Fei's clone stepped directly through the heavy killing array and broke into the void where the cocoon was. This shock was really extraordinary.

"the host……"

Humanoid creatures are also very scared.

Once the master has some shortcomings, they will die without a place to bury them.


Countless killing formations completely recovered at this moment, and the entire Tianyu instantly became a terrifying killing field, with endless array patterns filling every inch of void.

The monstrous destructive power was wiped out towards Gu Fei's clone like a stormy sea.




The cocoon was vibrating, like a huge heart beating, and the sound it made made the surrounding void vibrate.

This is a kind of great great sound, which contains an extremely powerful great law. If ordinary people hear this great great sound, they will be destroyed.

"Interesting, alternative eternal law?"

Gu Fei's clone stared at the divine cocoon opposite, muttering to himself, he didn't put in his eyes the destructive power that would be wiped out from all directions.

Countless formation patterns rushed out of his body, forming one after another killing formation, turning into an incomparably powerful field force, blocking the mighty destructive power from him.

This is the method of the Great Master of Array Dao, and the emptiness forms an array with one thought.

Inside the divine cocoon, it seems that the laws of ten thousand ways are intertwined, and the creatures in the divine cocoon want to accommodate the power of ten thousand ways in their own body.

This kind of transformation is amazing, maybe it can be successful.

But now, Gu Fei's clone is about to pick up the fruit of the supreme path. This is the holy birth of ten thousand ways. If the creatures inside are born, even if they are not eternal creatures, they are at least half an eternal existence.

"Damn you!"

The demon ape and the humanoid creatures roared, killing Xiang Gu Fei's clone with all their strength.

"Get out of here!"

At this time, Gu Fei's clone did not have time to entangle with the demon ape and the humanoid creatures, and directly used the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao to provoke the power of the endless killing formation and blast these two guys out.

The demon ape was blasted out hundreds of thousands of miles away, coughing up blood constantly.

But the humanoid creature was extremely miserable, and was directly bombarded by Gu Fei's clone, and even the primordial spirit shattered into countless light spots.

Obviously, humanoid creatures have life-saving secrets, and those primordial shards that shattered into countless points of light were directly condensed and turned into a fist-sized faint figure.


Regardless of the number of humanoid creatures, his primordial spirit directly rose into the sky, trying to escape.

This attack of Gu Fei's clone almost killed him directly, and if he stayed here, he would be beheaded by the opponent at any time, and he would die directly.

"Want to escape?"

Gu Fei's clone smiled, and with a wave of his hand, an invisible sword gas flew out of his hand immediately, and it immediately struck the soul of the humanoid creature.

The primordial spirit of the humanoid creature was directly cut into the void by this invisible sword aura.

The humanoid creature, one of the three big death giants in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, completely died like this.


When the demon ape saw this scene, he was scared and trembling. The opponent was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger from beginning to end. The opponent's cultivation and combat power definitely far surpassed them.

He does not exist in the eternal realm, why is there such a combat power?

The Demon Ape didn't understand how a single clone could be so powerful.

"Haha, the layout is forever, but in the end it is cheaper for me."

Gu Fei's clone laughed, then stretched out his big hand, and grabbed it directly at the divine cocoon in front.

However, the moment Gu Fei's big hand was about to grasp the divine cocoon, with a "boom!", the divine cocoon suddenly exploded.

At the moment when the cocoon exploded, a fist quickly enlarged in the pupil of Gu Fei's clone.


Gu Fei's avatar only felt black in front of him, and his entire head was stunned. He couldn't help but flew out, and directly smashed into the countless killing formations outside.


Gu Fei's clone roared, and countless formation patterns erupted from his body, Shengsheng opened up a void, and blocked the surrounding killing force.

However, at this moment, the fist slammed into Gu Fei’s avatar’s chest again, and the sound of broken bones immediately sounded. His entire chest was collapsed by the opponent’s fist. He flew out again, coughing up blood.

"Little guy, want to seize my Tao fruit? What a joke!"

An old voice sounded, and a figure came from a distance. Around him, it seemed as if there were ten thousand roads and the sound of the road was roaring, and the sound of the great road was lingering, terrifying.

This person completely ignored the power of the killing formation, every time he took a step, countless formation patterns dissipated directly into the void.


When Gu Fei’s clone saw this person, he couldn’t help being taken aback. This person turned out to be very young, twelve or three years old, but speaking, his voice was extremely old, like an old antique who had lived for endless years. .

In fact, this guy is really a super old antique worthy of the name.

This old antique's body has undergone an astonishing transformation, and he has turned into a child of twelve or three years old, but his voice is extremely old.

"Haha... Master finally succeeded."

The demon ape in the distance laughed wildly.


All the powerhouses who paid attention to all of this were dumbfounded, and no one would have imagined that at the most critical moment, there was even an extremely powerful existence that jumped out.

Moreover, this guy was so strong that he blasted Gu Fei's clone with one punch.

This is the first time that Gu Fei's clone has been forced back!


Gu Fei's clone heard the sound of bone rubbing, and his chest, which was knocked down by the opponent's punch, was repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hey, you are a great body!"

The twelve or three-year-old old antique stared at Gu Fei's clone, with countless ancient Dao patterns looming and intertwining in his eyes. He seemed to see the reality of Gu Fei's clone at a glance.

"is it?"

Gu Fei's clone smiled noncommitantly, then took a step forward and came directly to the opposite side of the little guy. Facing an opponent of this level, his blood was boiling.

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