Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4651: How about half-step eternity

Above the nine heavens of the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, there were heavy killing arrays, and every inch of the void was filled with array patterns under the gaze of the eyes of Gu Fei's clone.

These killing formations are extremely ancient killing formations, representing the strongest formation path cultivation base of the Lord of the Immortal Palace.

Every heavy killing array in the Nine Heavens can easily suppress the murderous Qi Dao Supreme, even the existence of the Lord level can hardly break the heavy killing array, close to the core area where the cocoon is located.

However, Gu Fei's clone is an alternative. He has the insight of the eternal realm, and his understanding of the Great Dao, even the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion cannot match.

These killing formations couldn't stop him at all, as if he had entered the land of no one, he directly killed the core area of ​​the nine-day killing array.

However, no one would have imagined that the Lord of the Immortal Mansion had achieved success at this time and emerged from the cocoon. Seeing his demonstrated combat power, he blasted Gu Fei's clone with one punch, which was definitely beyond the Lord's level. the power of.

The cultivation base of this guy who looks like a twelve or three-year-old child must have broken through to a half-step eternal realm, otherwise, it would be impossible to blow Gu Fei's clone with one punch.

"Such power..."

On the ground, Di Jiutian violently raised his head and looked towards the sky, with a look of shock on his face. This kind of power was exactly the kind of power that Gu Fei had "watched" for him.

"Beyond the extreme..."

Di Jiutian's eyes burst out with dazzling divine light, and his body shook the next moment.

"The emperor moves for nine days and breaks the universe!"

Di Jiutian roared, the next moment, his figure suddenly became huge, and the whole person directly knocked Jiutian out of a huge hole.

The endless formation pattern dissipated in the void.

This figure is too huge, the true standing upright is like the supreme creation **** who propped up the chaos and opened up the world when the chaos opened the sky.

"Little ants dare to be presumptuous, get out!"

The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion said that with a random wave of his right hand, the towering giant that Emperor Jiu Tian transformed into flew horizontally. The world and the earth were rapidly diminishing, and there was no shadow in an instant.


Everyone who saw this scene was stunned. This Emperor Nine Heavens is a generation of warlords, and can compete with the death giants in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace!

Such a powerful existence was unexpectedly shaken by people without knowing where it went.

"Well, the master is in danger!"

Heifengzhizun, Sheyangzhizun and others were shocked and inexplicably, Di Jiutian, that is the existence that can compete with the star boss!

"Huh! Although this guy is strong, he is more than ten thousand miles away from the master in his heyday."

Star Beast Lord sneered.

Gu Fei relied on his own strength to cultivate the eternal Tao fruit back then. That is the right way. How can these guys who want to achieve eternity with external force be compared with him?

Moreover, the lord of this Chaos Immortal Mansion is only half an eternal existence.

"Boss, although you are good at talking, it is not the master's deity who is shooting now, but a clone!"

The Black Wind Supreme was a little flustered, once Gu Fei's clone was defeated, they would suffer along with it.


The forehead of the Star Beast Venerable is sweating, yes, it is not the master's deity that is shooting now, but a clone, which is definitely not a good thing.

"Has a half-step eternity?"

Gu Fei's clone smiled, and one after another fairy light lingered on him. At this moment, his fighting spirit had already reached its peak, and almost all of his cultivation was revealed.


The void around Gu Fei's clone was shaking, and the fluctuation of the power of Immortal Dao was too strong, although it was not an eternal power, it was close.

"Very well, just use you to try my eternal power!"

The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion sensed the power fluctuations that erupted from Gu Fei's clone, and he couldn't help being a little surprised. His cultivation had just broken through the legendary realm, so naturally he wanted to find someone to try his strength.

"You just half-step eternity, you think the world is invincible? A joke!"

Gu Fei's clone raised his **** directly at the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion.

"You really don't shed tears if you don't see the coffin, so I will see what you can do and dare to be presumptuous in front of the deity!"

The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion said that he squeezed his right hand with five fingers, and hit the opposite Gu Fei's clone with a punch, a light punch, speed but no speed, strength but no strength, just like a punch made by ordinary people. same.

However, this punch fell in the eyes of Gu Fei's clone, but the moment the opponent's fist hits, the whole world was filled with the opponent's invisible fist intent.

"Good guy!"

Gu Fei's avatar could see the reality of the opponent's punch at a glance. This punch seemed to have no power, but it was actually shocking.

Even with the abilities of Gu Fei's clone, he couldn't avoid this punch at all, because the opponent's fist intent enveloped the entire world.

No matter how Gu Fei's clone hides, it is under the cover of the opponent's fist, and can't hide it at all.

Since you can't hide, there is no need to hide.


Gu Fei's clone was also punched, and his punch was completely opposite to that of the master of Chaos Immortal Mansion.

His punch was powerful, and the speed was like lightning. The punch was thunderous, and the whole world was trembling, and its power was shaking.

In this life, Gu Fei took the path of being the strongest and believed in the supremacy of power. As long as his power was strong enough, he could defeat his opponents with a thousand magical powers and magic techniques.

Although the opponent is half-step eternal, but he is not a vegetarian.


There was a loud noise, like two worlds colliding, a dazzling divine light appeared on the nine heavens, shining through the ages, and the countless killing arrays on the nine heavens completely collapsed in an instant.

A wave of power rushed out in all directions, and countless formation patterns were dissipating wherever it passed, and no killing formation could stop this force.

Even in the void, there appeared one after another dark and huge spatial cracks, and those cracks were like a dark magic abyss, revealing an aura of horror.

The terrifying coercion came down from the sky and spread directly to the entire Chaos Xianfu world.

Countless creatures are panicked to the extreme, even the Supreme Master is panicked.

This Chaos Immortal Palace world is extremely stable, and it is impossible for the existence of Extreme Dao Venerable Master level to destroy this world.

And now, the first collision between these two people has caused a crack in this world.

One can imagine how powerful Gu Fei's clone and the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion are.

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