Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4653: Xiaoqiang who can't die

Although the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao is the ultimate secret technique created by the ancestor of the Supreme Dao, it is the embodiment of the ultimate morality of the immortal Dao. However, the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, after being perfected by Gu Fei with the principle of the eternal realm, is more powerful than the original immortal Dao. The Nine Secrets are much more powerful.


The void shook, and the entire world seemed to be turned upside down. The big hand that the Lord of the Primal Chaos Mansion grabbed to Gu Fei turned back towards the Lord of the Immortal Mansion in an instant and grabbed it directly.

"how is this possible……"

The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion was really frightened. Could this guy's secret technique reverse all attacks? In this way, wouldn't he be invincible?

"It's unreasonable, it's just a little fellow at the master level, the deity doesn't believe that it can't kill you."

The Lord of the Immortal Mansion became fierce, and the next moment, the whole day was shaking, and the world was shocked with a thought, and the endless power of the world gathered towards him like crazy.

He is the master here, and he can mobilize the power of this world for his own use at will. It can be said that his power is almost endless.

Gu Fei's clone only felt that his body sank, and endless pressure came from the ground to suppress him. If he were to be replaced by a general Extreme Supreme, I am afraid he would have been suppressed into meat sauce long ago.

However, this immortal avatar of Gu Fei was extraordinary.

He operates the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, and the nine types of Immortal Dao's secret powers are intertwined in his body, like opening up the heavens and the earth, opening up a void around his body.

The powerful force from the suppression from all directions was directly blocked.

Gu Fei's clone not only blocked the power of this square of heaven and earth, but also continued to refine the power of this square of heaven and earth for his own use, and his power was constantly condensing and improving.

"The ground, water, wind and fire, now!"

The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion directly used the big killing technique. The next moment, the void around Gu Fei’s clone shattered directly, and the four most primitive forces emerged, and Gu Fei’s clone was submerged in one of these four forces. under.

Suddenly, the sky was fierce, the water vapor filled the sky, the earth-yellow air of the earth enveloped all directions, and the invisible wind blew the nearby void into continuous cracks.

These four forces are intertwined and collide with each other, and the power that bursts out is absolutely destroying the world.

The void where Gu Fei's clone was located was as terrifying as a chaotic world was being opened up, and powerful fluctuations of power spread throughout the chaotic fairy house world.

Countless strong people were shocked to the extreme.

"the host……"

Star Beast Venerable and the others were also dumbfounded, but the master of the Primal Chaos Mansion was too ruthless, he did not hesitate to use this power, you know, once this power gets out of control, the consequences will be very serious.

At this time, the expression of the lord of the Primal Chaos Mansion became extremely solemn, and sweat dripped from his forehead, and he had to carefully control these four forces.

This is the first time he has used this kind of power after he has cultivated half-step eternity.

Not to mention the Lord, even if it is the same half-step eternal supreme existence, facing this ultimate move, I am afraid it will be dead or injured. You must know that the power of the four primitive forces of water, fire and wind in this place is too amazing.

"Gu Fei is dead."

Those in the human world and the heavens who had enemies with Gu Fei were gloating at this time, wishing Gu Fei would be killed by the Lord of the Primal Chaos Mansion.

At this time, those powerhouses who had smashed into the four worlds of the Chaos Immortal Mansion world were frightened by the battle, and some people directly withdrew from the Chaos Immortal Mansion world.


An ancestor-level powerhouse turned around and left. This type of battle, even if the existence of the ancestor-level came, might not be enough.

"Gu Fei is still strong!"

An ancestor from the human world exclaimed that there are forces established by Gu Fei in the human world, and the Jagged Daoist and others are dealing with the great clans in the Eastern Region.

After Gu Fei returned, Jie Xue Dao people's life was a little easier.

However, the hatred between Gu Fei and the Eastern family has reached the point where it cannot be resolved, and a battle between Gu Fei and the Eastern family is inevitable.

The ancient Zhao family is also eyeing.

However, with the presence of Gu Fei, none of these forces can overcome any storms. The most important thing to guard against is the enemies in the dark. The enemies hiding in the dark, such as the Proterozoic and the descendants of the sky demon, are invincible.

Gu Fei was strong throughout his life, never moving forward, even if he was a clone of him, it was still the same.

Just when everyone thought that Gu Fei's clone was about to be killed by the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, a voice suddenly came out from the four primitive forces of Earth, Water, Fire and Wind.

"Do you only have this ability?"

The voice of Gu Fei's clone was extremely flat.

However, everyone who heard the voice of Gu Fei's clone was shocked to the extreme, especially the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, his eyes widened.


The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion is really unbelievable, this guy is simply Xiaoqiang who can't beat him.


At this moment, a sword light directly split the heavy water, fire and wind, and slashed directly towards the lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, the speed was extremely fast.

While the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion was shocked, his heart moved, and the great light of the great road immediately came out of the windshield, and directly greeted the light of the sword.

I saw that sword light directly cut off countless avenues of divine light, slashing to a place less than a foot in front of the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion before being blocked by the avenue of divine light.

"Good guy..."

The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion was shocked and angry, and the cold sword intent of this sword light actually made him feel a little palpitating.

The divine light transformed by countless avenue laws interweaves into a large net in front of the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, and the sword light cut by Gu Fei's clone is like a fish caught in the net.

This sword light finally dissipated in the big web of great lights intertwined.

But at this moment, a figure directly walked out of the spherical energy storm transformed by the splitting ground, water, wind and fire.

"You can't do it yet!"

Gu Fei's clone looked indifferently at the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion opposite, this half-step eternal existence, but just broke into the half-step eternal realm.

He has a body of power, but he doesn't know how to use it. Although his power is not as good as this guy, his understanding of Dao is far above this guy.

This is the support of Gu Fei's clone. The power is not enough, but the understanding of Dao is unprecedented. This is the key to how to use power.

"Master is mighty!"

"Master is invincible!"

Heifeng Zhizun and Sheyang Zhizun who were watching the battle near the entrance of Xianfu shouted in excitement.

"Damn trash, go to hell!"

At this time, the only surviving demon ape among the three giants of death roared towards the Supreme Black Wind and Supreme Sheyang, and the devilish energy erupting from his body instantly enveloped the sky.


When other people saw this, they hurried away from a distance. They didn't want to be affected by the war and suffered the disaster of pond fish.

"Your opponent is me!"

At the same time, a figure appeared in front of the demon ape.

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