Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4654: Crazy Lord of Immortal Mansion

The Demon Ape, one of the three great death giants in the Chaos World, was extremely fierce, and directly attacked the Black Wind Supreme and Sheyang Supreme, and the devilish energy erupting from him instantly enveloped the entire sky.

The demon cloud rolled, and there seemed to be one after another terrifying ghost shadow looming inside, and the terrifying aura was vast.

Although the Demon Ape was not the opponent of Gu Fei's clone, he was a veritable existence of the Lord's level, and the existence of the Lord's pinnacle.

Ordinary Lords are simply ants in front of him, and they can be killed easily.

The Supreme Heifeng and Supreme Sheyang were only the Supreme Realm, and naturally they were not the opponents of the Demon Ape. Seeing the Demon Ape unexpectedly culled at them, their surprise was truly extraordinary.

"Your opponent is me."

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the demon ape, blocking it like a big mountain.

"Go to hell!"

The demon ape didn't even want to shoot directly, amidst the endless magic light, a demon shadow rushed towards the man like a ghost.


The man sneered, and the spear in his hand pierced forward directly.


A dazzling divine light burst out from the spearhead of the war spear in that person's hand, directly nailing the demon shadow that had been culled into the void.


The right hand of the man holding the spear shook, and the demon shadow immediately exploded, transformed into strands of demon energy, and dissipated in the void.

"Di Jiutian?"

Heifeng Zhizun and Sheyang Zhizun looked at the man and couldn't help being surprised and happy.

I saw that Emperor Jiutian was bloodstained and embarrassed, but he was still fighting like a rainbow, with a spear in his hand, he was invincible.

The invincible aura that erupted from Di Jiutian shocked everyone.

"This guy really exists for war."

Star Beast Sighed.



Di Jiutian and Demon Ape roared at the same time and rushed together.

This is a master-level battle, violent power fluctuations rushed out in all directions, and the countless strong men who watched the battle nearby all hurriedly retreated to the distance.

You know, this is a master-level battle. It is no trivial matter. Once it is affected, it is absolutely devastating. Even the Supreme Master will die.

If you die like this, it would be really wrong.

At this time, the battle between Gu Fei's clone and the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion had reached the final juncture, and Gu Fei's clone had already hit a real fire.


Gu Fei’s clone directly displayed an improved version of Zhu Tian’s Nine Swords, and nine immortal sword lights rushed out of him, flying around him.

The laws of swordsmanship attached to each sword light were extremely terrifying. Wherever the sword light passed, there were dark space cracks in the void.

The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion is like the supreme of ten thousand daos, swaying at will, ten thousand daos resonating, the invisible power of destruction swept toward Gu Fei's clone like a huge wave.

"Nine swords unite the world!"

Gu Fei's clone roared, and saw his hands folded together, and the nine sword lights circling around him instantly merged together in his hands, turning into a sky-shaking sword rainbow and soaring into the sky, piercing the nine heavens. A huge hole came.

The violent sword energy fluctuations filled every inch of void.


Gu Fei's clone did not hesitate, and directly slashed forward with a sword. The power of the nine swords broke out in an instant, and directly smashed the devastating storm that swept through.

The invincible sword intent can be divided into the void, slashing the heavens and the earth. This is a blow to destroy the heavens and the earth. If it were not for this heaven and earth to be extremely strong by the priest of the Chaos Immortal Mansion, the sword of Gu Fei's clone was actually slashing. Exterminate the law of ten thousand ways.


The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion directly left an afterimage on the spot.

Where the Zhutian sword light passed, the afterimage was directly cut off under the sword light, and a strand of hair floated down in the air.

The real body of the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion appeared thousands of feet away. He reached out his hand and touched the corner of his forehead, a trace of terror flashed in his eyes, and a thin blood stain leaked from his forehead.

"I... was actually injured?"

The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion had to be shocked, he hadn't been injured for a long time, so long that he almost forgot the pain.

But today, he felt this feeling again. The pain, although very slight, was enough to make a huge wave in his heart.

"Little ants dare go to die!"

The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion roared, the next moment, a terrifying force of destruction erupted from his body, and then the whole world seemed to be ignited.

The entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world is burning, and the Law of Ten Thousand Ways is wailing.

"What is he doing..."

"Is he going to ruin this world?"

"Don't run away now, can you just stay here and wait for death!"

Seeing this scene, countless strong people all panicked.

I saw a flame rushing out from the side of an old ancestor of Taishi Realm without warning, and this old ancestor was instantly enveloped by this divine fire.

The ancestor of the Taishi Realm screamed sternly, and without a few screams, he was burned to ashes by the divine fire, and when the wind blew, he immediately dissipated into the void.


Seeing this scene, everyone's scared faces turned pale. That is an old ancestor, and everyone who can become an ancestor is a supreme-level existence.

In Taishi Realm, it can be called an ancestor, which is a status symbol.

An old ancestor was burned in this way, and his body and spirit were all destroyed. It was the ancestor, not a cat or puppy. It was the Supreme Supreme, the Supreme Supreme who looked down upon the people for nine days.

The fall of the supreme has caused terrifying visions to occur in this world, the avenue is wailing, and there are glare of glare in the sky.

The whole world seemed to collapse.


Whether it is the heaven or the human world, the Taishi realm, the ancestor realm, the powerhouses of these four worlds are all at large, fleeing desperately.


Star Beast Venerable stared at the figure above the nine heavens, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Boss, let's withdraw!"

Black Wind Supreme cried.

At this time, this world was truly collapsing, and the power of earth, water, fire and wind rushed out of the void and destroyed everything.

"Yes, boss, if you don't withdraw, it will be too late!"

She Yang Zhizun also said, his speech speed is very fast, a little nervous.

This side of the world is extremely stable, but it is precisely because this side of the world is extremely stable, once it collapses and is destroyed, the power released is absolutely terrifying.

Even the Lord cannot bear it.


The Star Beast Venerable hesitated, you know, it was his shame to escape before the battle.

Moreover, if the master did not leave, they escaped first. This is abandoning the master to run for their lives!

"You go first!"

At this time, the voice of Gu Fei's clone rang in their hearts.

"Yes, master!"

Black Wind Supreme was surprised and delighted.

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