Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4657: Eternal body

The Shanhe Ding itself is only an extremely Dao-level Taoist weapon, it is impossible to hold a world of heaven and earth cultivated by a half-step eternal strongman.

However, if Shanheding and Gu Fei's eternal blood were added, it would be different.

The mountain and river tripod that received Gu Fei's eternal true blood directly undergone an astonishing transformation, and all the ancient Dao patterns on the entire ancient tripod appeared.

An eternal breath came out from the ancient tripod. Although this breath was very weak, it made countless creatures panic to the extreme.


At this time, the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion is no longer as simple as shock, this guy actually has eternal true blood, this is the supreme true blood that a true eternal can have!





The earth-shattering roar came from Shanhe Dingzhi, and the four ancient mythical beasts on the top of the cauldron actually rushed out, circling and dancing around Shanhe Ding.

That is the soul of the four great beasts. Although there is no flesh and blood body, the divine consciousness fluctuations that erupt from it are extremely powerful.

"this is……"

The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion watched this scene in disbelief. This ancient tripod was incredible. It actually suppressed the souls of the four ancient gods. Moreover, it is definitely not only suppressed. These four ancient gods may have become a mountain and river tripod. Of slaves.


The terrifying coercion erupted from the four great ancestor divine beasts directly shook the entire world, and the entire Chaos Xianfu world had been out of the control of the Lord of Chaos Xianfu.

"Fight with me?"

The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion stared at Gu Fei who was manipulating Shanhe Ding, and then sat cross-legged.

A group of divine light rushed directly from the body of the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion. It was a ball of light the size of a fist. Above the ball of light, everything was looming.

"The origin of heaven and earth is actually on him?"

Gu Fei frowned. This guy actually cultivated the origin of the heavens and the earth into his body. No wonder this guy is so confident that even if this world is ruined, as long as there is the origin of the heavens and the earth, he can create another one. The perfect world will save a lot of things.


The origin of this group of heaven and earth burst out with a strong light, shining through the ages, and the heaven and earth avenue of this square of heaven and earth immediately resonated with the light ball.

The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion is using the power of the origin of heaven and earth to compete with Gu Fei for control of this big world.

Whoever wins will naturally get this big world, and whoever loses will have serious consequences, and may be destroyed directly and dead.

"Very good, that's right, if it's so easy to win, it doesn't make much sense."

Gu Fei also sat down, and the next moment, the eternal true bones in his chest were blooming. At the beginning, it was only a cloud, but it became brighter and stronger.

"how is this possible……"

The moment the eternal power contained in Gu Fei's eternal true bone exploded, the half-step eternal power of the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion was completely suppressed.

In front of Gu Fei's true eternal power, the half-step eternal power of the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion was as weak as an ant.

This was an absolute suppression on the realm. In front of Gu Fei, the lord of the Primal Chaos Mansion found sadly that he had no power to fight back.

In fact, Gu Fei's cultivation has not been restored to the eternal realm, but he has eternal true bone on his body, and this eternal true bone can make him burst out eternal power.

Of course, this is limited, and he can't maintain this state forever.

However, to defeat the Lord of Chaos Immortal Palace, it was more than enough.


The void shook, and an unimaginable figure emerged from Gu Fei's body, and saw this figure directly open the whole world.

In front of this figure, even the huge stars are as small as dust.

At this time, Gu Fei's eternal Dao body was nothing more than a ray of eternal energy on his body, but for other creatures, it was no different from the eternal arrival in the legend.

"To drop or not to drop!"

Gu Fei's Eternal Dao Body said, the voice is louder than the explosion of thunder. I don't know how many times, the entire Chaos Xianfu world vibrated under his voice.

"No... drop..."

The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion gritted his teeth and said, he spit out these two words very hard.

"Humph! Then you go to die!"

Gu Fei's eternal body said that his right hand directly slapped down towards the lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, as small as dust.


The sky and the earth are shaking, and even the thousands of avenues in front of this big hand are as if they are imaginary, they are directly blasted out, and there is no force to stop this big hand.


The moment the big hand of Gu Fei's Eternal Dao Body dropped, the Lord of the Chaos Immortal Mansion was crushed on the ground by the mighty force descending from the sky.

There was a sound of bone rubbing from his body, and the bones all over his body felt uncomfortable as if they were about to break.


The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion desperately urged the power in his body, and even wanted to mobilize the power of the heaven and earth origin, but the heaven and earth origin was actually pressed back into his body by the force that descended from the sky.

As the big hand of Gu Fei's Eternal Dao Body continued to press down, it was extremely difficult for the Lord of Chaos Immortal Palace to even move his finger, and the whole person was imprisoned.

Even the primordial spirit wanted to escape.

"I will ask again one last time, whether to drop or not to drop."

Gu Fei's eternal Dao body spoke again, and the whole world shook at the same time, and the eternal pressure went out from the Xianfu world, and the countless powerful men who fled outside were all panicked to the extreme.

"This guy……"

In a valley in Xianfu World, Laogui and his old uncle were also very scared by Gu Fei's power.

"He actually stepped into that state..."

Laogui's old uncle was shocked and inexplicable. For him, the pursuit was nothing more than to enter that realm. However, throughout his life, until now, he has not even touched the edge of that realm.

This ancient ancestor of the monster race can be said to be jealous and envy Gu Fei!

At this time, even the Emperor's Seal on their heads shook, as if they could be shaken away by the mighty waves of eternal force at any time.

"I said, brother, what are you doing, do you want to suppress my brother?"

Old Turtle shouted in the direction where Gu Fei was. He didn't care if Gu Fei could hear it.

"Cut, how did you guy become so young? You still have silver hair, and you're so windy!"

A voice came from the horizon, and the next moment, a big hand stretched out directly from the sky, grabbing Lian Laogui, his old uncle and Tai Huang Yin directly.

The old tortoise yelled in fright, but in an instant, they appeared near Gu Fei's eternal Taoist body.

Looking at this unimaginable Taoist body, Laogui and his old uncle were directly dumbfounded.

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