Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4658: Real great fortune

"this is……"

Both the old turtle and the old uncle were dumbfounded. They saw that the Taoist body in front of them couldn't see their heads at a glance, and the principle of the great road that came out was actually crushing the world.

It was a great law they had never seen before. This great law was supreme, as if a strand could crush the void and burst the universe.

"The realm in the legend!"

The old uncle at this time is no longer as simple as envious.

However, what made the old uncle depressed to vomit blood was that although he saw Gu Fei's eternal Dao body, he also sensed this supreme aura, but he couldn't get anything.

Without any insight, this is really crazy for the old man.

At this time, Gu Fei held the entire Chaos Xianfu world with mountains and rivers, and the big hands of his eternal Dao body simultaneously slew down towards the town of the Lord of Chaos Xianfu below.


The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion was roaring, he was dissatisfied, unwilling to retreat for endless years, and his cultivation had just broken through to the half-step eternal realm, and he was killed when he came out, which made him hate and mad.


As the big hands of Gu Fei's Eternal Dao Body continued to kill, the body of the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion heard the sound of broken bones.

His whole person was almost crushed into pieces of paper by the eternal force from the sky, and even the soul was deformed.

"Fell, drop, I drop..."

The lord of the Chaos Immortal Mansion only felt that his soul was trembling, and if he didn't surrender, the opponent would definitely blast himself into dregs with one palm.

Such death is worthless.

"Did it fall?"

The voice of Gu Fei's Eternal Dao Body was extremely majestic, and Dao Body stopped toward the big hand that was killing the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion.

"Down, down..."

Nima, if you don't surrender, I will die. I haven't lived enough yet, but I don't want to die.

The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion had already scolded Gu Fei's ancestors for the eighteenth generation in his heart, but he had to be soft. Who made this guy's fists hard.


As soon as Gu Fei's eternal Dao body pointed out, a great line of gods immediately penetrated into the body of the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, and then branded into the spirit of the Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion.

"this is……"

Although the lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion was shocked and angry, he did not dare to complain. The other party planted a forbidden law on his body.

If the king is defeated, if he is defeated, then he has to bow his head and claim his court. It is better to be killed and die.

The technique of Chaos Immortal Mansion can be cultivated to this realm, and he has lived for endless years, as long as he can survive, he can do anything without compromise.

"Master, also ask the master to collect magical powers!"

The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion hurriedly said.

At this time, Gu Fei's true body suddenly shook, and the eternal divine light from the eternal true bones on his chest suddenly weakened.

The supreme aura of the world immediately disappeared in this world, and the eternal Dao body of Gu Fei also disappeared.

The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion immediately felt his body lighten, and he couldn't help feeling overjoyed.

However, when he thought that he would become Gu Fei's slave from now on and be sent by others, he couldn't be happy anymore.

The dignified generation of realm masters, the cultivation base has broken through to the half-step eternal realm. I wanted to cross the sky and the earth from now on, no longer invincible, but who would have jumped out of an ancient flying.

The Lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion never thought that he would be so unlucky.

"Tong Yu pays homage to the master!"

The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion bowed directly at Gu Fei's feet.

"Hand over the origin of heaven and earth!"

Gu Frisbee sat in the void and said indifferently, at this time, he was very weak, and when he used eternal power once, his vitality was almost hurt.

However, at this time, he could not show any signs of weakness.


The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, Tong Yu hesitated a little. You must know that if you hand over the origin of this world, it means that this world will never belong to him.

This is the world where I have been practicing for countless years, and it is not much different from the general perfect world. If you lose this world, your own combat power will be greatly weakened.

But the master told him to hand over the origin of heaven and earth, and he had to hand over it.


Gu Fei was a little upset.

The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion Tong Yu gritted his teeth and quickly took out the origin of heaven and earth and handed it to Gu Fei respectfully.

Gu Fei waved his hand, and the group of heaven and earth origins in the hands of Chaos Immortal Mansion Master Tong Yu immediately flew from Tong Yu's hands and fell into his hands.

The so-called origin of heaven and earth is a microcosm of heaven and earth. Gu Fei looked at the origin of heaven and earth in his hand, and saw the mountains, seas and lakes appearing above. The sun, moon and stars illuminate the starry sky, sometimes the stars shine in the sky, sometimes the sun rises, day and night. Alternately, the four seasons cycle.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Gu Fei nodded, and from the origin of this heaven and earth, he could see that this heaven and earth had transformed to the extreme, and here, the supreme Supreme Dao could be born.

This is a perfect world. The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, Tong Yu, was going to explode to such a big world just now, this guy is really cruel and cruel!

If he can live for endless years and cultivate into a half-step eternal existence, how can he be an ordinary person? Naturally, he has his own advantages.

"Not bad?"

The lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, Tong Yu, heard Gu Fei's words and almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood. This is a world where he has sacrificed endless years. In the eyes of this cheap master, it is just good?

Tong Yu, who had handed over the origin of heaven and earth, was bleeding in his heart.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, and directly aroused the eternal power in the eternal true bones in his chest, and erased the imprint of Tong Yu, the lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, in the origin of the world.


The moment the brand was erased, Tong Yu's body shook, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Tong Yu was shocked and angry. He never thought that his cheap master could easily erase the mark he had left in the origin of heaven and earth.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, after erasing Tong Yu's brand, he directly struck a brand of his own into the origin of heaven and earth.

In the next moment, Gu Fei felt as if he had merged with this world of heaven and earth. It was just a thought, and the secret technique of the whole world appeared in his mind.

What Jedi, fierce land, where there are peerless magical medicines, peerless gods, all emerged in his mind, just a thought, he knew everything.

"Undead Peach Tree?"

Gu Fei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't think that there was an immortal peach tree in this world, that was the immortal medicine!

I have to say that the luck of Tong Yu, the lord of Chaos Immortal Mansion, is really good.

This is the real great fortune!

"Hand over things!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came in from outside the Chaos Xianfu world, and then a figure walked in directly from the Chaos Xianfu world.

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