Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4661: Don't slap your face

"What a pure eternal force!"

Gu Fei opened his mouth and swallowed the countless eternal divine light that the white-clothed youth blasted at him. He only felt that his whole body was full of power.

Those eternal divine light melted into his body, and the power of eternity spread all over his body instantly, and every pore on his body was vomiting eternal light.

Gu Fei couldn't help being moved. Such pure eternal power is definitely not comparable to a half-step eternal realm like Tong Yu.

This guy has the real eternal realm of exercises, and only by practicing real eternal exercises can he cultivate pure eternal power.

Gu Fei knew at a glance that behind this guy, there was definitely a true eternal.

It is not a trivial thing for any creature to get caught up with a true eternal person, and it is also a little troublesome for Gu Fei now.

But, what about it, he didn't kill the true eternal one.

Back then, the battle between him and the first demon of the ancestor was earth-shattering. In the end, he forced the first demon of the ancestor to start the reincarnation with his life and fight Gu Fei into reincarnation with his own life.

Even if he knew that there was an eternal one behind this white-clothed youth, Gu Fei was still fearless.

"Who are you? You are definitely not a person in our world."

The white-clothed youth stared at Gu Fei fiercely, with a long nosebleed.

Gu Fei's punch was an eternal principle. The white-clothed youth was surprised to find that it was difficult for him to repair his wounds, and blood kept oozing out and dripping.

Below him, a sea of ​​blood turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the blood rushed into the sky, reflecting the whole world into a **** color.

This is the blood of a half-step eternal, and one drop can turn into a sea of ​​blood.

"Your world?"

Gu Fei frowned when he heard this. Is the world in the opponent's mouth even higher than the Taishi Realm and the Ancestral Realm? There is an eternal existence.

You know, not all worlds can give birth to eternals.

"Huh! Obediently hand over the origin of heaven and earth, then get out, otherwise, once my master arrives, all of you will die without a burial place."

The white-clothed youth sneered at Gu Fei, gritted his teeth and said.


Gu Fei didn't take the words of the white-clothed youth to heart at all.

"Do you dare to underestimate the eternal?"

The young man in white clothes was startled and angry. He realized that he seemed to underestimate this guy.

"Okay, hand over all your cultivation resources, then get out, otherwise, I don't mind killing you."

Gu Fei said impatiently.


The young man in white was shocked to the extreme, this guy was going to rob himself?

"If you haven't handed it over yet, what are you waiting for."

At this time, Tong Yu stood beside Gu Fei and looked at the white-clothed youth with cold eyes.

"The defeated general..."

The young man in white stared at Tong Yu fiercely.

"You were wrong, now you will be the loser."

Tong Yu sneered.


The white-clothed youth were frightened and angry.

"If you haven't handed over your cultivation resources, wouldn't I be able to do it?" Gu Fei was a little upset, this guy was too self-righteous, and even wanted to **** his resources when he came up.

Now, he just returned all this to the young man in white.

"You all go to die!"

As soon as the white-clothed youth gritted his teeth, a scroll rushed out of him and unfolded directly, and a terrifying eternal force immediately burst out from the scroll.

The whole world was instantly imprisoned.

On that scroll, there is only one word, "Kill". This is the word "Kill" written by the true eternal. The powerful force erupting from the word "Kill" is enough to kill everything. Eternal existence.


Both Gu Fei and Tong Yu were imprisoned by the power of the word "kill" on the scroll, especially for Tong Yu, where cracks appeared on his eyebrows.

Tong Yu only felt that his soul was about to collapse.

Only Gu Fei still looked indifferent, as if the eternal power erupting from the scroll of "kill" had no effect on him at all.


Tong Yu's divine consciousness fluctuated with difficulty, and he couldn't think that this white-clothed youth had this kind of assassin. This scroll was definitely his trump card.

"Haha... Die, die for me!"

The young man in white laughed wildly. This is a decree given to him by his master, the decree of the true eternal. This decree has only one word, that is, "Kill!"

Moreover, this decree is a one-off thing and can only be used once.

The young man in white couldn't think of it. Not long after he came into this world, he would use his hole cards, which made him extremely unhappy.

The eternal's decree is going down to Gu Fei and Tong Yu Zhen, and Tong Yu will be unlucky when he sees it.

At this moment, Gu Fei suddenly showed a slight chuckle, the next moment, with a thought in his heart, a sword light rushed out of him immediately.


The white-clothed youth was taken aback. What kind of sword is this weapon that can break the killing power that erupted from Master's decree, which made him unbelievable.

The sword light flashed by, and then the white-clothed youth was directly stunned.

The decree given to him by his master was cut in half by the sword light and floated down from the sky, even the word "kill" on the scroll was cut in half.

This eternal decree was completely destroyed, which made the white-clothed youth directly dumbfounded.

Your own master, but an almost invincible existence, even in their world, it is a well-known existence. The master's decree can definitely kill all half-step eternal guys.

However, the master's decree was actually cut out by the sword weapon that rushed out of this person. Could it be that the sword weapon was actually the eternal Dao sword refined by the eternal?

Although the decree of the white-clothed youth is the eternal decree, it is extremely powerful, but the eternal dao weapon is a killing weapon refined by the eternal with a lot of painstaking effort.

The power of the Eternal Dao Device is naturally much stronger than the power of the Eternal One's decree, which is beyond doubt.

At this moment, the young man in white had not recovered from the shock, and a long sword had already been placed on his neck.


The white-clothed youth Yin Tianyou was shocked and inexplicable. He was the genius of the Yin Clan, the first person among the younger generation. He was defeated by the ants of the lower realm, which made him unacceptable.


His response was a fist.

"Don't slap your face."

Yin Tianyou was almost crazy, his left eye was punched by this guy, and immediately became a panda eye.


Yin Tianyou just finished speaking and punched again in the face. This time, it was his right eye.

"Good things are in pairs!"

Gu Fei was happy when he looked at this guy who was beaten into panda eyes by himself.

Yin Tianyou seemed to vomit blood when he heard this.

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