Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4662: Repaired hard

Gu Fei used to be an existence in the eternal realm. Naturally, he knew how powerful and terrifying the existence of this series was. If he faced the eternal now, he would be absolutely invincible.

However, he was not afraid, after all, he was once a powerhouse of that series, and he also mastered two eternal Dao artifacts, even if he was lost, he could retreat calmly.

Now, what he has to do is to improve his cultivation as soon as possible and restore his former peak state.

"who are you!"

At this time, Yin Tianyou, who was completely restrained by Gu Fei, stared at Gu Fei with a pair of panda eyes.

"The defeated general is so arrogant? You have to learn how to be a servant."

Gu Fei smiled and said such words.


Yin Tianyou was frightened and angry. He was in the Yin clan, but with his superior existence, on weekdays, others were trembling in front of him.

But now, this guy actually wants to be his servant?

High above, with a genius halo on his head, how can he accept it? This is simply the greatest shame for him.

"I just want to be your follower, not a slave."

Yin Tianyou gritted his teeth and said.

"Tong Yu, teach him how to be a slave."

Gu Fei ignored Yin Tianyou, turned his head and said to Tong Yu who was aside.

"Yes, master!"

Tong Yu smiled and walked towards Yin Tianyou.

"What do you want to do!"

Yin Tianyou panicked.

"Hey, what do you say I want to do?"

Tong Yu was bullied by this guy just now. Had the master not taken the shot, he would have been killed by this guy. Now there is a chance for revenge, how could he let it go?

"Don't mess around."

Yin Tianyou took a step back in a panic. Now he has been completely imprisoned by Gu Fei in his cultivation. Now he is a saint who can completely abuse him.

Of course, this guy has a half-step eternal realm of Taoism, except for the existence of the same level, no one can really hurt him.

However, although the existence of the Saint-level cannot hurt Yin Tianyou, it can use the magical powers and laws of the Saint-level to suppress it.

"Hey, I will love you well."

Tong Yu came directly to Yin Tianyou.

In the next moment, Yin Tianyou's screaming screams spread throughout the Chaos Xianfu world.

At this time, Gu Fei was meditating. This Immortal Mansion world was different from the general big world. There were traps and great luck everywhere.

The world of Chaos Immortal Mansion was transformed by the original owner Tong Yu into a trial ground. This was a great method of using heaven and earth as a chess game.

He is a chess player in this world, and all the creatures entering the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion are chess pieces.

Therefore, this so-called trial is very dangerous, and it is possible to harvest the lives of various creatures at any time, because Tong Yu uses this method to attract countless powerful people into the world of Xianfu, the ultimate goal is to obtain the life essence of these creatures.

"Well, this is an excellent test ground for heaven and earth, where you can sharpen your cultivation."

There was a flash of inspiration in Gu Fei's mind, why didn't he make some extra money?

Everyone wants to get a lot of cultivation resources, Gu Fei is no exception, even if he has a lot of cultivation resources, but this is unable to restore his cultivation to the eternal realm.

"Just do it!"

Gu Fei was very happy. He wanted to be a chess player on this chessboard. He wanted to see countless powerful players competing for good fortune, fighting life and death, and breaking through the cultivation base.

"Okay, don't kill him."

At this time, Yin Tianyou's screams had gradually weakened. When Gu Fei saw Yin Tianyou's appearance, he was taken aback.

"It's so cruel!"

I saw that Yin Tianyou had been repaired by Tong Yu as an inhuman form.

"It's the master!"

Tong Yu also kicked Yin Tianyou twice before stopping.

"Hey, slaves must have the consciousness of slaves, and will be the master's slaves honestly in the future, you know?" Tong Yu stared at Yin Tianyou who was repaired by himself and sneered.

When Yin Tianyou had been so angry, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

"You have heard the news that this world of heaven and earth is open to everyone outside. For ten days, as long as they hand over certain heaven and earth spiritual things, they can enter here to hit the great luck, take chance, and have good luck."

Gu Fei thought for a while and said to Tong Yu.


Hearing this, Tong Yu couldn't help being inexplicable, what did the master do?

"Aren't there all the good fortunes you deliberately left here? Then give those people outside a chance to get good fortune." Gu Fei said calmly.

"But... Master, what do you mean? All the good fortune here is yours!"

Tong Yu didn't understand.

"Hmph, the good fortune here, it's not easy for those outside to get it!" Gu Fei looked at Tong Yu and said with deep meaning.


Tong Yu was startled when he heard the words, but for a moment he couldn't say much.

"In this way, you come up with a big moving road card to save the lives of those people. Of course, this big moving road card can't be given in vain." Gu Fei thought.

"Yes, master!"

Tong Yu quickly responded.

Just when Gu Fei and Tong Yu were discussing the details of this big trial in the world of Xianfu, outside the world of Xianfu, the battle between Emperor Jiutian and Demon Ape had reached the final juncture.

I saw that the war spear in Emperor Jiutian's hand directly penetrated the head of the demon ape, but the right hand of the war spear shook, and the demon ape's head immediately exploded.

Next was the Dao body of the Demon Ape, its limbs, and the nine powerful powers exploded in the Demon Ape's body, blasting his Dao body into a cloud of blood.

However, it is not so easy for a powerful creature with a cultivation base to die.

A magic light of death rushed out of the blood mist directly wrapped in a small magic shadow, and rushed towards the entrance of Xianfu World.

"Want to escape?"

Di Jiutian's fighting spirit moved nine days, and he rushed directly over, and the war spear in his hand instantly nailed the magic shadow wrapped in the magic light into the void.


The magical shadow that Emperor Jiutian had nailed into the void with his war spear exploded and turned into countless magic lights, rushing in all directions, these magic lights did not dissipate in the void.

"What... Doesn't it die?"

Di Jiutian was shocked. The life-saving method of this demon ape was so powerful that even the soul was shaken away by himself, and the soul was still immortal, and he wanted to rebirth against the sky?

He didn't dare to neglect, so he immediately wiped out most of the magic ape's primordial light, but still a small part of it escaped into the world of Xianfu.


Emperor Jiutian stepped on the Golden Light Avenue and directly chased into the world of Xianfu.

When they saw Gu Fei and Tong Yu standing together, they were immediately confused. What's the situation? Could it be that the two people who had fought a life and death battle before turned their enemies into friends?

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