Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4673: Origin Dragon Qi

The battle power displayed by the eternal **** child is amazing, facing the cooperation of Gu Ling and Gu Xiaofeng, it even hurt Gu Ling.

To be precise, the ancient spirit and the eternal **** son are both losers, the eternal **** son has a sword in the left shoulder of the ancient spirit, and the abdomen of the ancient spirit is also pierced by the sword energy of the eternal **** son.

This kind of injury is a great wound. Your great power is stronger than others, and this great wound will soon heal. However, once your great power is weaker than others, you will be in danger of life.

The power of other people's great power will attach to the wound, invade the body, and wipe out your own power of great power. Once your power of great power is completely wiped out by the power of the other side's great power, you will die.

Gu Ling used profound arts for the first time to get rid of the eternal **** son's kendo power attached to the wound.

However, she frowned immediately, the opponent's kendo power was so pure that she was unimaginable, and she was constantly wiping out her own power.

Gu Ling looked down and saw that around the wound on his abdomen, there were actually two different Dao Dao patterns intertwined, colliding and wiping out each other.

On the other hand, the Eternal Son of God, although his injury looks a little scary, the bones can be seen from the sword wound on his shoulder.

However, the power of the Great Dao belonging to Gu Ling was constantly being forced out of his body by him, and his wounds kept rushing out one after another, and then dissipated into the void.

That was a sign that the power of Gulin's Great Dao was worn away.


Seeing this scene, Gu Ling couldn't help crying secretly. This guy had a deeper understanding of Dao than himself. How could there be such a existence in this world.

You know, Gu Ling is Gu Fei's daughter, and he gets the best cultivation resources, and he also cultivates the best techniques among the heavens and all realms.

However, her great power is not as good as this guy.

The Eternal Son of God is very young, which can be sensed from his soul breath. A person's appearance can be changed, but the soul breath can never change.

Because that is the mark of life.

The age of this eternal **** child is even younger than Gu Ling, but the power of the great path he cultivated is extremely powerful and pure.


The Eternal God Child stared at Gu Ling fiercely, roaring like a wounded savage beast, as if he could kill him at any time.

"Little Lord……"

At this time, those followers of the Son of Eternal God wanted to rush to the Son of Eternal God, but they were stopped.

"Your opponent is me!"

A Tsing Yi blocked a commoner old man.

"Where do you want to go?"

Another strong man walked out and stopped a middle-aged man with black beard.

The battle between Gu Ling and the eternal **** child was very dynamic, and most of the powerful people in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion felt the volatility that moved here.

Some strong people nearby rushed over.

"Little baby, go away!"

The old man of Commoner was furious and waved his big sleeve directly. His sleeves swept towards the Qingyi youth on the opposite side as if they were hanging from a Tianhe.

"The power of stars?"

The corner of the Tsing Yi young man's mouth raised, revealing a sneer. The next moment, when he stretched out his right hand, an euphorbia appeared in his hand immediately.


The moment the young man in Tsing Yi held the halberd, a dragon shadow immediately rushed out of the halberd, circling and dancing in the void.

"Great Dragon Halberd, is that person the strongest Qinglong in the human world?"

"Is that the Twelfth Blue Dragon on the Human World Ranking List?"

Someone exclaimed.

In the human world, someone has created a ranking list, a ranking list, the ranking list is the ranking of the monks below the saint, and the street below the saint is the ant.

The ranking of the monks below the saint is the ranking list.

And the ranking above the saint is the sky list, and Qinglong can be ranked twelfth in the world sky list, which is enough to prove his strength.

Of course, there are some people who are dismissive of these rankings.

In the heavens, there are also so-called rankings of earth and sky lists.

"Unexpectedly, he actually appeared here. Didn't it mean that he was in retreat?"

Some people can't believe it.

"Cut, can't people leave the customs?"

Someone said disapprovingly.

"The Twelfth World Ranking?"

When Qinglong came out, Gu Fei had already recognized him.

This guy was his opponent in the Southern Wilderness of the year, and now, Qinglong still regards himself as an opponent, and wants to surpass himself.

But is it easy to surpass me, Gu Fei?

Qinglong directly attacked and killed the old man in common clothes, and saw that the big dragon halberd in his hand turned into a real dragon, and pounced directly at the old man in common clothes.


The two forces collided together in an instant, and the long sleeves of the old man in the commoner immediately shattered and turned into fragments, and the dragon shadow that burst out from the big dragon halberd in Qinglong's hand also disappeared.

The two powerhouses each stepped back involuntarily.

"Come again!"

The green dragon's fighting spirit was like a rainbow, and he danced the big dragon halberd in his hand and swept towards the old man in commoner.

The old man in commoner is also taking action, his body is like a starry sky, and countless stars are blasting towards the Qinglong.


There was an extremely shocking sound from the void, as if two heavens and earth were colliding.

Qinglong was directly shaken away, with a trace of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

Although the old man of Commoner is also a half-step supreme realm, his understanding of Dao is much deeper than Qinglong. The deeper the understanding of Dao, the higher the cultivation level and the stronger the combat power.

"Dogs are like chickens, come to die?"

The old man Bu Yi was angry, this little guy dared to stop Lao Tzu, he was really tired of his life.

"what did you say?"

Qinglong was angry. The next moment, he looked up to the sky and screamed, a golden dragon shadow rushed out of him, and the huge dragon shadow covered the entire sky.

Long Wei mighty tens of thousands of miles, and hundreds of millions of creatures panic.


The old man in commoner stared at the golden dragon in the sky, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"Siyuan Dragon Qi?"

The old tortoise in a valley tens of thousands of miles away was shocked when he sensed this dragon power, the origin of dragon energy, that is the dragon energy that was bred in the chaos before heaven and earth opened. .

Origin Dragon Qi, in the Dragon Clan, is considered to be the beginning of the Dragon Race. First Origin Dragon Qi, then the Chaos Ancestral Dragon is bred from the Origin Dragon Qi.

"Qinglong guy's luck is too bad, you can get this kind of thing."

The old tortoise soon knew that everyone was using the Origin Dragon Qi, and the guy who could use the Origin Dragon Qi was actually a half-step Supreme Azure Dragon who came out of the Southern Wilderness of the Human World.

"This is Siyuan Dragon Qi, you aborigines don't deserve to have this kind of fetish!"

The old man in commoner was full of greedy eyes.

This kind of innate fetish has unimaginable value to them, and can be exchanged for what they want, and can be sold at a sky-high price.

Origin Dragon Qi has an anti-the-sky effect on the dragon clan.

Like Qinglong, he also has the bloodline of the Extreme Dao in his body. Of course, this bloodline has been very weak, but it still made him stuck in the half-step supreme realm, and the ancestor could not take the ultimate leap.

However, after possessing this original dragon energy, Qinglong can cut off the supreme bloodline in his body, and it is possible to take that ultimate step.

"Cut, you are noble? In my eyes, are you not garbage?"

Qinglong said disdainfully.


The old man of Commoner was angry, and star after star hovered around him. He was like a giant standing in a starry sky.


Qinglong once again shot towards the old man of Commoner.

The big dragon halberd in his hand directly turned into a golden dragon with teeth and claws, and slaughtered towards the old man in cloth.


The old man in commoner hit a punch directly, and his fist collided with the golden dragon that had collided, making a very dull sound.

The powerful boxing force directly shattered the golden dragon phantom, letting the big dragon halberd reveal its original face.

Qinglong felt that the hands holding the big dragon halberd shook fiercely. The next moment, the big dragon halberd was almost shaken away, and blood leaked from the hands holding the big dragon halberd.

"So strong."

Qinglong was very surprised.

"Take me another punch!"

The old man in commoner shot again.

There was no suspense, Qinglong was shocked again, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. It seemed that he was not the opponent of Old Man Commoner at all.

"Qinglong is still weaker!"

Gu Fei was also a little moved when he saw this scene from the side. The cultivation base of this group of people was known to be the strongest of the same rank, otherwise, they would not follow the Eternal Son of God.

At this moment, in the other direction, the middle-aged black beard who was stopped was furious, and shot directly at the guy who stood in front of him.

A big hand appeared in the void, slapped towards the person, and the whole world seemed to be extremely unstable, as if it could collapse at any time.


The man sneered, and patted the middle-aged black beard with a palm.


The two forces collided together in an instant, and there was a loud noise erupting, and a terrifying force wave blasted out in all directions.

The two figures separated in an instant, and then rushed back in an instant, and the battle was fought together.

"Is that the Zhou family?"

Someone recognized the origin of the young man who blocked the middle-aged man with black beard.

"The Zhou's Xiaotianzun who ranks eleventh on the Earth Ranking?"

Someone exclaimed.

The Zhou family came out of an amazing guy, even more stunning than the Zhou family's little fairy king back then. Known as the Zhou family's little Tianzun, his cultivation has reached a half-step supreme realm.

"Unexpectedly, he was here."

Someone exclaimed that the good fortune in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion has attracted the attention of countless powerful people.

Not only the Zhou family Xiaotianzun came, but also the strongest descendants of other ridiculous ancient families came. The cultivation base of these people was not under the Zhou family's Xiaotianzun.

"Well, the livelier the better!"

Gu Fei couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. The more people who came, the more cultivation resources he would get. You know, if you want to enter the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, you need a quasi-immortal medicine or a piece of medicine. Quasi-Supreme Taoist Device.

Xiao Tianzun of Zhou's family showed strong combat power, and he could fight endlessly with the middle-aged black beard, and he did not fall behind.

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