Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4674: Incarnation of the Supreme Spiritual Mind

There are cultivating families inherited from ancient times in the human world.

The Huanggu Zhou Family was one of the ancient cultivation families, and it was a big clan who once had the Supreme Dao, and almost unified the entire human world.

However, in the end the barren ancient world collapsed, and the sects and ancient religions of countless barren ancient years disappeared. However, some powerful races have been passed down, and their bloodlines have not been cut off.

The ancient Zhou family once walked out of the Supreme Dao, his clan left behind, and the strong people in the clan hid away from the sky and escaped the genocide.

In this life, the ancient Zhou family was finally born, and it was a blockbuster. Whether it was the little fairy king of the previous Zhou family or the current little Tianzun of the Zhou family, they were all beings that could be called evildoers.

Especially Zhou Qi, the little Tianzun of the Zhou family, is the most shocking child of the Zhou family since the endless years.

He fought endlessly with the black-bearded middle-aged man from the Eternal World, and he did not fall under the wind, but attacked and defended each other, and the battle was fierce.


There was a scream from Zhou Qi's body, and the next moment, five divine lights rushed out of him directly and turned into five divine swords, and each divine sword revealed monstrous sword energy fluctuations.

"go with!"

With a wave of Zhou Qi's right hand, the five divine swords flying around him immediately pierced towards the black-bearded middle-aged man. Wherever the five divine swords passed, the void was shaking, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings. Drive.

"Five Elements Avenue?"

The middle-aged black beard stared at Zhou Qi, his eyes lit up.

Although the other side's avenue was a genuine five-element avenue, in the eyes of a middle-aged black beard, Zhou Qi's five-element avenue was too rough.

The cultivation methods of this aristocratic family are not enough to cultivate the Five Elements Dao to the extreme, but it is different in the eternal world. Wherever there are countless cultivation methods, especially advanced methods, they can directly point to the origin of various Dao. All kinds of avenues practice to the extreme.

In fact, when a world has evolved to the limit, various resources will become scarce.

Because the gods bred in the time of chaos were all used up, some higher worlds turned their attention to other worlds to plunder the cultivation resources of other worlds.

Even in the Taishi Realm, the Origin World like the Ancestral Realm, the top forces in these worlds have some inferior world resources to some extent.

Mastering a world is not uncommon among the top forces in the Ancestral Realm.

These are the world hunting grounds spoken by the ancestors of the ancestor world, where the top powers hunt.

Even Gu Fei also controls many world resources.

Of course, this is Gu Fei's back hand and confidence, but he is low-key, no one knows that he has quietly mastered so many world resources.

Of course, although Gu Fei had obtained these world resources, it was not an easy task to defend it.

"I want to seize your avenue."

The middle-aged man with black beard grinned at Zhou Qi, and the next moment, he actually pounced directly at Zhou Qi.


Zhou Qi was taken aback, this guy actually ignored his Five Elements Excalibur?

However, a scene that shocked Zhou Qi happened. He saw his five-element divine sword that could almost penetrate the void instantly pierced through the middle-aged man with black beard. However, the middle-aged man with black beard had a trace of it. No bloodstains appeared.

Zhou Qi's Five Elements Excalibur was like passing through the air.

"how is this possible……"

Heifengzhizun, Sheyangzhizun and others who watched the battle in the distance were all shocked and inexplicable. Could this guy also practice the master's secret technique?

The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, created by the Supreme Dao Ancestor, is an extremely Dao technique with unpredictable power.

The magical power displayed by the middle-aged black beard is very similar to one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao's anti-emptiness secret technique. Those who do not know it may regard this magical power as the Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao.

Xiao Tianzun Zhou Qi of the ancient Zhou family deserves to be the most powerful existence among the young generation of the ancient Zhou family.


The next moment, he soared into the sky.

However, the figure of the middle-aged black beard pounced towards Xiaotianzun Zhou Qi like a shadow. ,

"The Five Elements Realm!"

Zhou Qi's reaction was almost at its extreme, and a cloud of colorful divine light burst out of him immediately, covering his whole person in a light shield.

The void around him is a world of its own.

However, Zhou Qi was dumbfounded in an instant, and saw that the figure of the middle-aged man with black beard passed directly through the group of colorful divine light outside him, and then plunged on Zhou Qi's body.


All those who saw this scene were shocked and inexplicable.


Zhou Qi suddenly hugged his head and screamed, seemingly painful.

Soon, his eyes, ears, nose and mouth were bleeding.

"Hey, this Five Elements Taoist body is mine."


Zhou Qi seemed to have two souls in his body, making him completely out of control.

"Taking home?"

The complexion of some old-fashioned beings suddenly became ugly.

"It doesn't seem like."

Someone hesitated.

Seizure is abandoning one's own Dao body. The soul rushes out from the Dao body and seizes the Dao body of another strong person. This is seizure. However, the middle-aged black beard does not seem to abandon his Dao body. !

At this moment, the battle between Gu Ling and Gu Xiaofeng and the eternal **** son had reached the most critical juncture.

Gu Ling continued to use the Secret Art of the Dao Sword, and he continued to slay the Eternal God Child, but the Eternal God Child was also able to cut so many swords by the Gu Ling, and he was still alive.

If the general quasi-supreme is slashed by the ancient spirit's Yuanshen Dao sword, it will be destroyed in form and spirit, and will die.

The aura of the Eternal God Child is getting weaker and weaker, and he is about to be cut off by the ancient spirit, but at a critical time, the Eternal God Child’s soul has rushed out of a powerful divine mind.

"Dare to kill my descendants, you **** it!"

A phantom appeared between the sky and the earth, although it was only a phantom, but the invincible aura that looked over the world made Gu Fei a little moved.


The incarnation of the gods slapped directly towards Gu Ling and Gu Xiaofeng, and the huge palm enveloped the entire void of heaven and earth, and the void of powerful power fluctuations continued to appear one after another in the space.

"The power beyond the extreme?"

Gu Fei stared at the vague figure with an extremely solemn expression.

The palm of the incarnation of God's mind, even the Supreme Dao Supreme could not hold it, let alone Gu Ling and Gu Xiaofeng.

Both Gu Ling and Gu Xiaofeng felt the tremendous pressure falling from the sky, and they almost couldn't straighten their waists, making it difficult for them to avoid them.

This divine mind in the depths of the soul of the eternal **** son is a life-saving talisman that a supreme existence of the eternal gods stays in the depths of his soul.

When the Eternal Son of God encounters the great calamity of life and death, the divine mind in the depths of his soul will explode, and the incarnation of the divine mind will appear to kill all enemies.

This is also enough to see that the big figures in the eternal gods are more concerned about the eternal gods.

Seeing that the big hand falling from the sky was about to pat Gu Ling and Gu Xiaofeng's body, a sword light suddenly rushed out of Gu Ling's body.

I saw this sword light directly soaring into the sky, breaking open with heavy palm strength, and suddenly pierced the super big hand that was slapped down from the sky.


The incarnation of the divine mind that burst out of the eternal **** child was shocked to the extreme, a little ant could hurt himself?

"Eternal sword?"

At the next moment, the incarnation of the divine consciousness was shocked again, and saw that the sword light in the void turned in the void and directly strangled the incarnation of the divine consciousness.

Then, the entire incarnation of divine consciousness dissipated in the void.

However, soon, the incarnation of the divine mind reappeared before everyone's eyes.

"I am immortal!"

The incarnation of Shennian roared.

At this time, the physical body of the Eternal Son of God was completely controlled by the incarnation of divine consciousness.


The sky and the earth shook, and the void burst into a series of pitch-black cracks, and a terrifying aura of destruction spread out.

Gu Fei still watched the scene calmly, and didn't make a move.

Those followers of the Eternal Son of God are all going crazy and attacked, wanting to save the Eternal Son of God.

However, these followers of the Son of Eternal God were stopped by the arrogance of the four worlds of the human world, the heaven world, the ancestor world, and the Taishi world.

"You guys who think you are superior, that's nothing more!"

Someone said loudly in disdain.

At this time, the Qinglong punched back the old man in commoner clothes, and the whole person merged with the Origin Dragon Qi, and the current Qinglong had great power in every gesture.

"how is this possible……"

The old man in commoner was unbelievable.


A sword light suddenly slashed from the side, and directly cut the old man in common in half, and even the original spirit was instantly cut into the void.

A generation of strong men fell like this.

At this time, the powerhouses of the Four Great Worlds gathered and attacked, and these guys of the Eternal God Dynasty who killed them were embarrassed to the extreme, and people continued to be beheaded.


Seeing that the incarnation of the spiritual mind was not good, he immediately took the Taoist body of the Eternal God Child into the void, trying to escape from this world.


At this moment, a big hand fell from the sky and immediately grabbed the avatar of the gods in the hand, and then grabbed it hard, and the avatar of the gods broke directly into the void.

Tong Yu shot, but he half-stepped the eternal supreme existence, and directly destroyed this incarnation of divine consciousness.

"Destroy my incarnation, kill my descendants, wait for death!"

Before the incarnation of the divine consciousness completely disappeared, there was such a divine consciousness fluctuation.

"What if you are the eternal?"

Gu Fei didn't agree at all, the other party's true body was in the eternal world, and it was not easy to come over.

You know, the stronger the existence, the more you want to cross the boundary, enter the Taishi realm or the ancestor realm, you have to pay an unimaginable price.

It's not impossible that the great figure of the Eternal God Dynasty wants to come across the boundary, but it is absolutely impossible to get there.

During this period of time, Gu Fei might have recovered his former peak cultivation level long ago. By that time, he would be fearless of anyone. If the other party dared to come to the door, he would just cut it with one sword.

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