Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4675: God Wrath


In an infinitely vast world, deep in a continent surrounded by immortality in the east, an angry roar came out.

The Eternal Realm is infinite, even the Supreme Master doesn't know how big this world is, how vast, and how many creatures exist.

Only the eastern part of the eternal world has 13 continents, each of which is big enough to be much larger than a perfect world.

The eternal world is really too big, and it has bred endless creatures. There are countless powerful and extremely powerful creatures distributed in various areas of this large world.

No one can unify this big world.

Xianzhou, one of the eastern thirteen continents, is the world of the inheritors of the Immortal Dao. The entire Xianzhou is occupied by three powers, and the three legs stand together, one of which is the Eternal God Dynasty.

Although the Eternal God Dynasty is one of the three powers in Xianzhou, among the 13 eastern continents, the power of the Eternal God Dynasty is only in the upper middle.

In the eternal world, the true top power, a sect, or a clan, can occupy the entire continent, and those who stand at the apex of the pyramid can easily occupy several continents.

"Why is the ancestor so angry?"

Eternal God's Ancestral Land, in a valley where immortal energy is almost liquefied, everyone is panicked, and they all feel the anger of the existence from the depths of the valley.

"God's life card is broken!"

Someone exclaimed.


Everyone in the valley was stunned, and the life card of the son of God was broken. What does it mean that his son fell to the lower realm?

"how can that be……"

"The son of God has fallen into the lower realm."

In the valley, all the high-level members of the Eternal God Dynasty are all dumbfounded, and there is someone in the lower realm who can kill His Highness? His Royal Highness is guarded by the incarnation of the ancestor's spirit!

There is only one person who can be guarded by the ancestors in the incarnation of the divine mind in the entire eternal gods, and that is the son of the eternal gods.

Different from other forces, there is only one God Child in the Eternal God Dynasty, and all the power of the God God is used to cultivate a God Child. Once he grows up, he must be the next Emperor of the God Dynasty.

However, the only Son of God of the Eternal God Dynasty died unexpectedly, and he was not dying in the struggle with other great forces of the Eternal World.

The eternal **** son died in the lower realm, which is a great shame for the entire eternal **** dynasty.

"Check, I want to know where the son of God died and who killed him."

Above the ancestral land of the Eternal God Dynasty, in a huge shrine, there was an angry roar, and a terrifying pressure fell on the whole world.

Almost at the same time, the powerful creatures in the ancestral realm elsewhere in Xianzhou were alarmed.

"What is the eternal **** going crazy toward that guy."

An old voice came from a sacred mountain.

"The old guy is getting more and more restless."

In another place filled with immortality, a man in white walked out.

However, soon, the major forces of Xianzhou knew why the emperor was so furious, the **** son of the eternal gods actually died, and died in the lower realm.

"This is too funny, the eternal **** son died in the lower realm?"

Everyone can't believe it, the lower realm is a wild world, what masters are there?

"The Eternal Son of God is too unlucky."

Some are gloating.

You know, the entire Xianzhou, the three powers stand together, and the three major forces have been fighting against each other for a long time.

The death of the Eternal God Child is definitely a great thing for the other two powers.

However, when the Eternal God Child dies, the Eternal God Dynasty will immediately select a new God Child. For the Eternal God Dynasty, this has not happened.

As a dynasty that has passed on for endless years, it is natural to encounter the murder of the son of God.

The killing of the Son of God is definitely a major event that shakes the entire Son of God for Eternal God, and it is directly at war with those forces that killed the Son of God.

Back then, a **** son of the Eternal God Dynasty died in the hands of another superpower's successor, and it was heard that the power of that successor was soon dealt with by the Eternal God Dynasty.

That battle shook the world and smashed the gates of that super power. Endless creatures fell and blood stained the earth.

That super power was finally destroyed by the eternal gods and uprooted.

However, after all, that super power is also a master, and it is inevitable that there will be some fish that slip through the net. Therefore, since the endless years, the eternal gods have been in constant trouble.

Some people have speculated that the death of the Eternal Son of God was caused by the remnants of that power?

Soon, the Eternal Gods took action. Someone saw the great figures of the Eternal Gods open a cross-border portal and sent countless eternal Gods of heaven into an unknown world.

Someone saw an ancestor of the Eternal God Dynasty screaming up to the sky and stepping into the portal.

At this time, the trials in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion were still going on, and the powerhouses of the four worlds were all competing for the good fortune of this world.

The turmoil of the Eternal God Child has long since calmed down, but those followers of the Eternal God Child are quite good. Under the circumstances that Ji Dao Supreme couldn't make a move, these people almost swept the entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world.

Finally, Yuan Hong, Qinglong, Laogui, Gu Ling, Ziyun brothers and sisters of the Golden Spirit Ape, as well as the strongest descendants of all the great ancient worlds, together shot these people.

And they also paid a big price.

"I heard that Qinglong was seriously injured and dying, and was rescued by an ancestor of the Qinglong clan. I don't know if it was true."

"Well, I heard that even the golden spirit ape Yuan Hong was beaten to vomit blood."

"The demon lord of my demon clan is powerful, and he was not injured at all."

In a safe area in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, many powerful young people in the cultivation world gathered here. These people exchanged here or exchanged what they needed.

This is a place called Liuxu in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.

Liuxu is a valley in the world of Xianfu, where fairy air is lingering, flowers are clusters of brocades, there are flowing springs dotted in it, pavilions and towers are looming, it is a fairyland.

At this time, in a pavilion near the water, a dozen young monks were chatting happily.

Among the dozens of young monks, there are powerful monsters, outstanding human figures, and strong men from other races. There is even an ancestral dragon-class strong man who is particularly conspicuous.

Having cultivated to the realm of Ancestral Dragon at a young age, this dragon clan powerhouse is definitely an evildoer-level existence.

Of course, among the four worlds, the most indispensable are geniuses and evildoers. There have been countless strong people in the four worlds. Some strong people have only cultivated for thousands of years, and they can already compete with the older generation. Up.

Someone saw a young monk take an ancestor directly into the bowl in his hand.

"Hey, Zhou Qi is here."

At this time, a group of people came over with a young man.

A dozen young monks in the pavilion quickly greeted them.

"Brother Zhou, don't come here unharmed!"

The strong dragon clan in the Ancestral Dragon realm arched his hands towards Zhou Qi.

"Ao Hai, what are you doing here?"

When Zhou Qi saw the guy with two Ancestral Dragon horns on his forehead, he couldn't help feeling a little unhappy.

"Brother Zhou, didn't he know this to ask."

The Zulong named Ao Hai smiled.

"The good fortune here is not so easy to get."

Zhou Qi said calmly.

"Hehe, Brother Zhou still want to fight?"

Ao Hai provoked.

"Come on, who is afraid of who."

Zhou Qi's battle clothes are like a rainbow.


At this moment, a voice sounded, and then a woman in white walked in from outside.

When everyone saw the person, they stopped talking immediately, and they were all jealous.

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