Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4676: True yang core

Liuxu is one of the few places in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace that has no killing formations, no traps, and no places occupied by powerful creatures.

To be precise, Liuxu is a refuge, as long as no major horror happens, as long as you hide in Liuxu in time, it is safe.

However, if a great horror happened in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, it would be a refuge like Liuxu, and it would also be unsafe, because those dead masters could enter Liuxu.

The original Lord of Death in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion can rush into any place in the Chaos Immortal Mansion. For the Lord of Death, there is no place in the entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world to go.

Of course, except for Tong Yu's retreat, that is the most core place in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion. Even the Lord of Death, without Tong Yu's call, cannot enter.

However, all this has become a thing of the past.

Now, the master of this world is Gu Fei.

At this time, in the emptiness, on the pavilion by the lake, the two strong men's fighting spirit erupted. When confronting each other, a quasi-supreme war might break out at any time.

"It's forbidden to fight here."

In the pavilion, someone whispered.

"These two guys are new here, I don't know the rules here."

Someone said.

When everyone was watching the play, a figure suddenly walked in from outside.

"If you want to fight, please go out and fight! This is Liuxu."

The visitor came to Zhou Qi and Ao Hai, glanced at the two of them, and said coldly.

Everyone looked at this white-clothed woman, and no one dared to say anything, even Zhou Qi and Ao Hai were the same, because this white-clothed woman was someone they couldn't afford to offend.

Behind the white-clothed woman, there were a few people who followed, and they saw that these people were very popular, and the aura on her body was either domineering or erratic.

However, everyone knows that these people are not easy to mess with.

Zhao Hao, Yan'er, Meng Long, and the Ziyun brothers and sisters of the Ziyun family, Ziyunxiao and Ziyuner on the ancestor star of Zhou Zhou.

Gu Fei sent them all into the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion to participate in this trial in this Immortal Mansion world.

Because combat experience, real combat experience, cannot be obtained in retreat. Only by fighting a real life and death battle can you become a real strong.

Although Zhao Hao and others were Gu Fei's disciples and grandchildren, Gu Fei did not intend to help them during this trial.

"Friends of Taoism, we are just for fun, we don't really want to shoot here."

Ao Hai laughed and said, the fighting spirit from him suddenly disappeared.

Ao Hai is a dragon, and even has some blood relationship with Laogui, because whether it is in the world or the heaven, the ancestor of the dragon is Taihuang.

This Ao Hai can become an ancestor dragon, which means that the blood of the Emperor in his body is not too thin.

"Yes, how dare we break the rules here?"

Zhou Qi also smiled. He is from the ancient Zhou family, so he naturally knows the details of Gu Ling. This Gu Ling is Gu Fei's daughter and the only daughter.

Who would dare to attack Gu Ling in this world? This is Gu Fei's world. With a single thought, Gu Fei can kill them, no matter where they are, as long as they are in this world, they are dead.

However, this was not Gu Fei's original intention. He wanted Gu Ling to compete with other powerful beings and for good fortune, so as to achieve the ultimate leap and become the Supreme Supreme.

"Hey, you can actually fight if you want."

Zhao Hao suddenly smiled, and then with a wave of his right hand, something flew out of his hand and onto the lake outside the pavilion.


That thing quickly grew bigger and turned into a battlefield.

"Ancient battle platform?"

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help being moved. No one would have thought that Zhao Hao would carry an ancient battle platform with him. It was the place where life and death battles took place in the ancient years.

The people standing on the ancient battle platform are absolutely unshakable enemies, because only this kind of hatred can make the two powerhouses fight against each other.

"This, Dao Hao, don't be kidding me."

Ao Hai directly admitted, he didn't want to join Zhou Qi on the platform, because once on the ancient battle platform, it would be endless.

He wasn't crazy. Although he didn't like Zhou Qi, the grievances between them were far from endless.

You know, life and death duel, it is divided into birth and death.

"Please also ask fellow Taoists to put away your magical tools!"

Zhou Qi was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, Junior Brother, stop playing."

Gu Ling glanced at Zhao Hao and said.

"Yes, Senior Sister!"

Zhao Hao smiled, and with a move with his right hand, the ancient battle platform floating on the lake flew back towards him, becoming smaller and smaller, and fell into his hands.

"Well, let us see what good fortune each has gotten, and then take what we need."

Gu Ling said to everyone.

Liuxu is a refuge, but in fact it is also a place where the strong from all sides exchange various resources.

However, who is willing to exchange the true nature against the sky?

Everyone in the pavilion was hesitating.

"I have a ten-thousand-star grass here. I want to exchange it for a fire-moving god. Who has a fire-moving god?"

Gu Ling said that he immediately opened Inner World and took out a strange grass, and saw that the strange grass was emitting dim stars, as if there were countless stars hanging on it.

It is incredible that a strange grass that can't stay half a foot reveals a strong stellar atmosphere.

"It really is the legendary Ten Thousand Star Grass!"

Tianjiao from the ancestor world marveled.

This Ten Thousand Star Grass is very important for those who practice the Avenue of Stars. It can change their physique, transform their physique into a star battle body, and greatly increase their cultivation base and combat power.

"Friend Gu Dao, I have a true sun core, can I change your Ten Thousand Star Grass?"

A quasi-supreme full of stars came out, and saw his right hand flipped over, and a fist-sized stone appeared in his hand.

No breath came out on this stone, just like an ordinary stone that had been burnt black.

"This is the true sun core?"

Someone said disdainfully.

"Hey, I said Xingkui, you take a piece of waste rock and want to fool the ancient Taoist friends' ten thousand star grass?"

Ao Hai sneered.

The stone in Xingkui's hand, looking from side to side, is just an ordinary black stone. Want to exchange such a worthless thing for Ten Thousand Star Grass?

Everyone looked at Xingkui in disbelief.

"True Yang Divine Core?"

Gu Ling looked at the stone in Xingkui's hand and couldn't help frowning. This true yang divine core was not a mortal thing, but a divine stone condensed in the inner core of Shenyang.

This kind of sacred stone, which contains the strong and yang essence of the sacred yang, is definitely a treasure for those who practice the fire-walking avenue.

"Can the goods be inspected?"

Gu Ling couldn't see it either.


Xing Kui also simply passed the stone in his hand to Gu Ling.


Gu Ling only felt that her hand sank. This fist-sized black stone was actually very heavy, which surprised her a bit.

She directly stretched her hand and stroked the stone, the skin broke open, and a golden light came out from the stone. The next moment, everyone felt a hot breath hitting her upper body.

"Really is the true sun **** core?"

Someone exclaimed.

This is a sacred stone bred from the core of Shenyang!

Such a divine object contains true yang essence, which is of great use to Gu Ling, swallowing the essence of the true yang **** core, her cultivation level will definitely improve a lot.


Without hesitation, Gu Ling directly used Ten Thousand Star Grass to replace this true sun core.

At this time, everyone took out the divine objects they had obtained, and exchanged the divine objects they needed. For a while, the atmosphere in the pavilion was vigorous and the aura flickered.

The aura fluctuations erupted by various gods are too strong.

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