Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4677: Break the universe with one sword

Liuxu, in the pavilion facing the lake, the fairy aura was mighty, and the precious light flickered. A group of quasi-sages who entered the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion to participate in the trial took out the divine objects they had obtained.

They exchanged the fetishes they needed.

Gu Ling's gains are not small. Not only did she successfully switch to the true sun divine core, she also changed to the previous chaotic fire. That is the divine fire bred out of the chaos. It is extremely terrifying. Much more powerful.

And Meng Long, Zhao Hao, and Yan'er also got the gods they needed.

Especially Yan'er, she is an innate Taoist body. She traded an ice phoenix tree for a heavenly Taoist fruit. This heavenly Taoist fruit can transform her physique into the strongest innate Taoist body.

"Haha, yes, this is the heart of Ancestral Dragon."

Ao Hai laughed. He actually exchanged an Ancestral Dragon's Heart from a Quasi-Sovereign from Taishi Realm. This is the Ancestral Dragon's Heart, which can further refine his dragon bloodline and cultivate a true The body of Ancestral Dragon, sweeping the nine days of invincible hand.

Zhou Qi, the Xiaotianzun from the ancient Zhou family of the human world, was replaced by a piece of five-element **** iron, which surprised and delighted him. He wanted to use the five-element **** iron sacrifice to refine his own life. Device.

"Did a group of scums hide here to entertain themselves?"

Just when everyone was overjoyed, a cold voice suddenly appeared, and it accurately reached the ears of everyone present.

"who is it!"

"Get out for Laozi!"

"Hidden and bare-tailed rat!"

In the pavilion, were a group of strong men suddenly shocked and angry when they heard the words? They immediately released their spiritual thoughts, but to their surprise, they could not sense anything.


At this moment, Gu Ling's expression suddenly changed. The next moment, with a wave of her big sleeve, she directly took Zhao Hao, Meng Long and others into the inner world, and then turned into a divine light from the pavilion. Got out.

"what happened?"

When everyone saw Gu Ling rushing out, they couldn't help being surprised.


Just when everyone was in doubt, a big hand suddenly fell from the sky and slammed the entire pavilion directly into the ground, and a huge palm print appeared on the ground.

A terrifying wave of power erupted from the big hand, like a storm of destruction, sweeping out in all directions, destroying everything where it passed.

It was just a few breaths, and the entire Liuxu was erased from the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.

Even if there is a powerful Dao pattern guarding in this emptiness, it is useless, this blow from the sky is simply destroying the sky and destroying the earth, terrifying.


The void shook, and a figure rushed out of the void directly. It was Zhou Qi, the little Tianzun of the Zhou family.

When he turned around to see this scene, he was frightened and frightened. If he was a step slower just now, wouldn't he be killed inexplicably?

"That rat scheming against your ancestor!"

Ao Hai rushed out of the ground with a disheveled hair, and saw that he was covered in blood, and one of the ancestral horns on his forehead was broken, and golden dragon blood oozes out.

The violent ancestor dragon breath erupted from his body, with a disheveled hair, like a madness.


At this moment, the void vibrated, and a yin-yang Taoist figure broke through the ground and rushed out, that yin-yang Taoist figure, like an open sky, exuded a terrifying aura.

However, the yin and yang Daotu disappeared instantly, and two figures appeared in the void.

These two are the siblings of Ziyunxiao and Ziyuner.

They are the most powerful rising stars on the earthly world. They have stepped out of the earthly ancestor star, fought in ten directions, and can be their opponents. There are not many of the young generations in the earth world.

"Brother Wu, your Heaven Destroying Hand does not seem to be very powerful, why are there a few fish that have slipped through the net?"

A voice was uploaded from Jiu Tianzhi.

"Chenzhou, what do you mean, dare to underestimate my Wu family's Destroyer?"

Another voice sounded.


At this time, Gu Ling was angry, Zhou Qi and Ao Hai were even more furious, because they were almost like everyone else, and they didn't even know who was killed.

Brother and sister Ziyun were also killing the sky, and they locked the two breaths in the sky.


Suddenly, the whole world shook violently.


A roar immediately sounded, and a terrifying eternal breath instantly swept the entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world.

The countless creatures in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion were terrified, and they all looked into the depths of this world, and they saw a scene that they will never forget.

I saw the sky collapsed and the ground cracked. A big hand broke through the sky and the earth, and slapped towards a huge figure standing on the ground.


The huge and boundless figure that was standing up from the ground was directly pressed into the ground by the big hand falling from the sky.


Everyone was stunned.

"If you dare to kill my descendants, I will cleanse the whole world."

An extremely majestic voice came in across a world, spread throughout the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, and into the soul of every creature in this world.


The countless creatures in the Chaos Immortal Mansion were all dumbfounded. Someone wanted to cleanse the entire world and destroy hundreds of millions of creatures?

" me..."

At this time, a panic and anxious voice came out.

The figure that was shrouded by the big open sky was actually dissipating. It was Tong Yu's great body. Once it dissipated completely, he would die.

Even the half-step eternal existence is not an opponent, this existence that is shot is definitely the true eternal one!

"We are dead."

"Who can save me."

Countless creatures were wailing, and even the countless quasi-sovereigns who had entered this trial of heaven and earth were stunned, all of them directly crushed the Dao shifting Taoist talisman.

One after another, the divine light shot up into the sky from all over the world of Chaos Immortal Palace and disappeared instantly.

Outside the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, a group of figures appeared, and one after another Quasi-Supreme was sent out of the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion by the Dao Talisman.


At this moment, the supreme existence that was going to clean the entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world made another move. With his loud shout, the world was directly banned.

"Huh, Da Nuo Yi Road Talisman is invalid?"

Soon, someone exclaimed that those quasi-sovereigns who had entered the chaos fairy house world before they had time to crush the Taoist talisman were all dumbfounded.

Because even if they smashed the Great Move Path Talisman, they could not do without this world.

"how is this possible……"

Those quasi-seniors were anxious, and quickly sent a letter to the sect.

However, they soon discovered that they were completely isolated from the outside world, and they had used all means, that is, they could not contact anyone outside.


Some quasi-superiors were scared.


Gu Ling looked into the depths of this world, she was confident in her father.

"Well, the ancestor has taken action, let's kill it!"

At this time, the strong man who had destroyed Liu Xu appeared, and saw him coming from above the nine heavens, a handsome man in white.

The man in white is slender, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, extremely handsome.

And beside the white-clothed man, there is a Tsing Yi man. Compared with the dazzling brilliance of the white-clothed man, this Tsing Yi man looks very ordinary, looks average, and does not even have the breath of a monk.

However, no one dared to underestimate this man in Tsing Yi.

"It's you guys plotting against Lao Tzu? Come and die!"

Ao Hai's temper was fierce, and a huge dragon shadow rushed out of him, flaring his teeth and claws at the two.

"Aboriginals who live and die!"

The white-clothed youth looked at Ao Hai with disdain, but he was just a small quasi-supreme, and he dared to be presumptuous in front of him. Isn't this looking for death?

The white-clothed youth pointed out.


Ao Hai didn't even have time to make a scream, and was directly exploded by the white-clothed youth, and it turned into a cloud of blood and dissipated in the void.


Even Gu Ling was taken aback when he saw this scene. This guy killed a quasi-supreme at one point? This is not an ordinary quasi-superior, but an ancestor-dragon-class quasi-superior.

"Oh, Brother Wu, you are so powerful that the **** of punishment is so powerful."

The young man in Tsing Yi clapped his hands.

"Huh, do you still need to talk about it?"

The young man surnamed Wu said coldly, very proud.

This **** of death finger, the hand of destroying the sky, are the top supernatural powers among the eternal gods, and the top supernatural powers are naturally different.

The Wu family is a relative of the Emperor of the Eternal God Dynasty.


Brother Ziyun and Zhou Qi were both frightened and angry. The cultivation base and combat power of the incoming people were really terrifying. Kill Ao Hai with one finger. Who can do it in the presence?

Even Gulin couldn't do it!

Poor Na Ao Hai, the dignified ancestor dragon, was even pointed and killed.


Gu Ling couldn't bear it anymore, these two guys were simply defiant.

"Well, your cultivation is good, follow me and be my maidservant!"

Wu Fan in white said.


Ziyun brothers and sisters, Zhou Qi and others who knew Gu Ling's identity all looked at Wu Fan as if they were watching monsters. This guy actually wanted Gu Ling to be his maidservant?

That's Gu Fei's daughter!

Who is Gu Fei?

That is the name moving between the world and the heavens. All the supreme supreme who killed in the ancestor realm are silent, dare to fight against the supreme king, dare to kill the existence of the supreme lord with one hand!

Gu Fei, that is a peerless cruel person, who dares to provoke?

But now, someone asked Gu Fei's daughter to be a maidservant.

After thinking about it, Zhou Qi and others felt that this young man in white was crazy.


Gulin looked at Wu Fan, the young man in white clothes, and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at? Being my maidservant is the good fortune of your few years of cultivation, don't mistake yourself." Wu Fan said, looking at Gu Ling very seriously.


Gu Ling raised his **** directly at Wu Fan.


Wu Fan was angry, he was about to shoot.

At this moment, a sword rang through the sky, and an immortal sword light rushed out from a mountain that he did not want, and directly slashed into the depths of this world. Kaitian cut it down with a big hand.

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