Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4684: Pit **** returns

Gu Fei's Nine Sky Stars Sword was an eternal Taoist weapon, and he relied on this sword to draw a tie with the supreme being from the eternal world.

The supreme being from the Eternal Great World is actually the ancestor of the Eternal God Dynasty. He was originally inspired by the people, but found that his opponent is very strong, suspecting the eternal reincarnation.

No one wants to provoke the reincarnated eternal person with this kind of peerless horror.

You must know that there are also strong and weak among the eternals, and the eternals of the series like the ancestor of the eternal dynasty are only the existence of the eternal elementary level.

The eternal one who can re-enter the cycle of reincarnation is the most powerful eternal one in the eternal world, possessing the terrifying cultivation base and combat power of the eternal peak.

They can intervene in reincarnation, their hands can touch the most mysterious things in the eternal world.

However, the existence of a series like the ancestor of the eternal gods could not touch the most secret things in the eternal world.

When the ancestor of the Eternal God Dynasty suspected that Gu Fei was the reincarnation of a certain eternal power, he immediately became calm, and he chose to negotiate terms with Gu Fei.

The two finally reached some consensus, and then the ancestor of the Eternal God Dynasty returned to the eternal world with the army, and soon, the Eternal God Dynasty and the countless quasi-supreme attached to the God Dynasty passed through the gate and entered the Chaos Immortal House world.

Although the **** son of the Eternal God Dynasty fell into the Chaos Immortal Mansion world and was beheaded by Gu Ling, the cost of being an enemy of Gu Fei was too great, and the Eternal God Dynasty did not want to really smash Gu Fei.

"Haha, come on, it's all good."

Gu Fei stood on the nine heavens, overlooking the Primordial Chaos Mansion. At this time, the Quasi-Supreme from the Four Worlds and Quasi-Supreme from the Eternal World had a violent collision.

Wars broke out everywhere in the chaotic world.

At this time, Gu Fei had already asked Tong Yu to re-arrange the super large array that could devour other people's power.

Of course, this big formation of Tong Yu directly swallowed the spirit of the strong, but Gu Fei made some changes to this battle.

This large formation became the Elemental Devouring Array, a super large array that gradually swallowed its vitality before the monks knew it.

He is gathering the power of countless powerful men, especially those who come from the eternal world.

Because the law of heaven and earth in the Eternal World is much stronger than the Four Worlds, even if the cultivation base of the monks in the Eternal World is the same level as the monks of the Four Worlds, it is enough to sweep the opponents of the same level in the Four Worlds. .

"Master, do we want to make a move?"

Tong Yu, who was standing behind Gu Fei, asked carefully.

Gu Fei did not speak.

At this time, in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, the Quasi Supreme from the four worlds was about to be defeated, and the entire world of Chaos Immortal Palace was suddenly bloody.

"They are so strong..."

A quasi-sovereign from the heavens didn't finish a sentence, but was cut in half by a young man in Tsing Yi with a sword, and naturally he couldn't say that sentence.


The young man in Tsing Yi said and killed him in the other direction. It was a sacred mountain, and more than a dozen strong men fought on this not very big sacred mountain.

On the top of the sacred mountain, there is a small red tree. On the small tree, there are fruits with golden light.

"It turned out to be Jin Yuanguo!"

As soon as the young man in Tsing Yi saw the small tree on the top of the mountain, his eyes lit up. Without thinking about it, he rushed up.


At this moment, with a sneer, I remembered that a figure rushed from the side, and hit the young man in Tsing Yi directly.

The punch is as strong as a landslide, and the person who shot is a master.


The young man in Tsing Yi was bursting with fierce sword energy from all over his body. Where he was, the void was almost pierced by the burst of sword energy.


The person who made the sneak attack was taken aback, but his fist still slammed at the young man in Tsing Yi, and countless sword qi was blown away by his fist.

At the same time, the young man in Tsing Yi turned into a sword light, like a real peerless sword light, directly culling the person who attacked him.


The two forces collided together in an instant, and the burst of power fluctuations directly shook the surrounding void.

"Jin Yuanguo is mine."

The young man in Tsing Yi pushed back the assailant, and then he flashed away and appeared directly in front of the small tree, about to gather the whole tree into the inner world.

At this moment, a figure appeared silently behind the young man in Tsing Yi, and then a brick slammed on the young man's head.

The young man in Tsing Yi snorted and fell directly to the ground. He was knocked out by a brick in his life.


A figure appeared in front of the young man in Tsing Yi, and then immediately ransacked this guy, even this guy's inner world is no exception.

"I said, you guys are too mean!"

Seeing this scene, Ji Changkong frowned.

The young man in black is Heitian.

"Despicable? It's obviously that this guy is inferior to others, so I can beat him down!"

Hei Tian said disapprovingly, and he shook his body as he spoke, and instantly disappeared into the void, disappearing.

A generation of pit gods returns, and this time the four worlds are lively.

Ji Changkong shook his head helplessly, just about to follow, just at this moment, a figure was stopped in front of him, and a terrifying murderous aura erupted from this person.


When Ji Changkong saw this person, he couldn't help being surprised. With his cultivation base, he hadn't sensed that anyone nearby was following him before.

This is not a good thing for him.

At least this person's cultivation base is not below Ji Changkong.

"who are you!"

Ji Changkong was very calm. He didn't have any friends in the heavens, so naturally he didn't have any enemies, but, obviously, the old man on the opposite side definitely wanted to kill himself.

"Ji Yuanshan!"

The thin old man said coldly.


Ji Changkong was shocked when he heard this.

"Are you Ji Yuanshan?"

Ji Changkong's voice trembled a little.

Ji Yuanshan, that was the peerless **** son of the previous generation, who had beaten the entire eternal gods and the younger generation invincible, but, for some reason, such a peerless figure suddenly disappeared.

No one knows where Ji Yuanshan has gone, no one knows what caused him to disappear.

However, an existence that was once so amazing has actually appeared here, he is an old man who seems ordinary to no longer ordinary.

"You want to kill me?"

Ji Changkong stared at the thin old man opposite.


The thin old man's tone was very determined.


Ji Changkong was puzzled. This person, in terms of seniority, should be his uncle. Among the Ji clan, it is forbidden for internal clan members to kill each other.

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