Ji Yuanshan, once a genius of the Ziwei ancestor Xingji clan, didn't know why, just as Ji Yuanshan in the sky suddenly disappeared.

The attitudes of the ancestors in the clan towards this matter were also intriguing. In the end, this matter was left untouched and no one talked about it anymore.

It was Ji Changkong who didn't know what happened back then, because no one told him about it.

Now, Ji Yuanshan, who had disappeared inexplicably, appeared in front of him alive, which shocked Ji Changkong inexplicably, and what made him even more shocked was that Ji Yuanshan had come to kill himself.

"Why kill me?"

Ji Changkong's face was extremely solemn. You must know that the Ziweiji clan forbids killing each other in the clan.

Of course, in the current world, this kind of clan rule in Ziweiji's family is dead in name. No one cares about this clan rule. The battle between Ji Changkong and Emperor Ji has caused mutual death and injury.

Those ancestors in the Ji clan turned a blind eye to these things, and didn't care much at all.

"Repaying someone else's favor."

Ji Yuanshan looked at Ji Changkong indifferently.


Ji Changkong was furious, feeling his life, not as good as someone else's favor?

"Okay, let you go on the road!"

Then Ji Yuanshan roared, and directly attacked Ji Changkong, the speed was extremely fast.


In the next moment, Ji Changkong's figure disappeared into the void, and his speed was almost incredible. Then Ji Yuanshan was just culling an afterimage of Ji Changkong.


Ji Yuanshan was taken aback, this little guy's cultivation base and combat power seemed to be beyond his own!


Ji Yuanshan could only hear the sound of vibration from above his head, he suddenly raised his head, and a big hand quickly enlarged in his pupils.


Ji Yuanshan basically had no time to react, and he was slapped into the ground by Ji Changkong's palm, and a huge palm print appeared on the ground.

One after another cracks spread from the palmprints to the surroundings.


A dull roar came from the ground, and the next moment, "Boom!" the palm prints on the ground suddenly exploded, and a figure rushed out of the ground.

A violent breath erupted from this man, and he saw him with disheveled head and blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, making him extremely embarrassed.


Ji Yuanshan stared at the opposite Ji Changkong fiercely, and his eyes gradually became blood red, as if he was about to fall into madness.

"Bao Yuan Tian Gong?"

The moment Ji Changkong saw the ghost of a giant ape appeared on Ji Yuanshan's body, he couldn't help being shocked.

This violent ape heavenly skill is a taboo technique among the Ji clan. When cultivating this heavenly skill, the cultivator will go crazy if he is not careful.

The violent ape’s Tiangong has great defects. Throughout the ages, among the Ji clan, almost no one wants to practice this Tiangong.

However, who would have thought that this Ji Yuanshan would have taken a different path and chose the Violent Ape Heavenly Art. However, what is even more incredible is that Ji Yuanshan actually practiced this profound art to the extreme.


Ji Yuanshan looked up to the sky and roared, and then attacked Ji Changkong again.

The two quasi-extreme powerhouses fought into battle.

Just when Ji Changkong was fighting with Ji Yuanshan, Hei Tian started his looting operation, directly saping, looting more than a dozen gods from the four worlds, even the saints.

"That **** beast is going to behave me!"

In a valley, an old man wearing only a pair of shorts almost spewed out old blood. He had just snatched a magic drug king from someone else. Before he could put it away, his head hurts and his eyes are black. , Was sapped.

After waking up, the old hair felt that all the things on his body, all the training resources he had obtained hard, and even his clothes had been stripped off.

"Wow! Even the old man is robbed, that guy has too much personality."

"Hey, I heard that all the fairies who invited Yuexian Palace were also robbed."

"What, beast, even the fairies are snatched, are they still human?"

Someone jumped out and shouted.

"Well, what is it, I just grabbed it, why?"

Hei Tian responded quickly. Of course, he didn't dare to stand upright, he just left a few lines on a boulder.

"Are the clothes of the fairy robbed by that brute still?"

Someone cares about this.

That despicable big thief even stripped the old man's clothes, can the clothes of the fairy from Yuexian Palace still be there?

Soon someone claiming to be the guest of the Yuexian Palace jumped out to speak. The clothes of the fairy of the Yuexian Palace were not stripped, but a big bag was bulged on his forehead.

"I'll rub, Xiongtai, you don't know how to pity Xiangxiyu!"


"I seriously doubt that this sap guy is not good."

Some people directly despise Hei Tian, ​​and they all succeed in this way. What a god! Since they were all fainted, except for a looting, then there was no more. This is also a weird thing.

It can only be said that this is a big thief with a bottom line.

Inviting the Moon Immortal Palace is one of the top forces in the Taishi Realm. This force is very strong. It is the top ten power in the Taishi Realm, and it is extremely powerful.

This fairy of Yueyuexiangong is the saint of Yueyuexiangong, and her appearance is naturally peerless. I feel pity for such a woman, how can that guy succeed?

"Crazy guy, everyone will be punishable!"

Someone chanted.

Then, countless people responded.

Heitian was really too cruel this time. Many big men were looted all the way, and everything on their bodies was completely looted, extremely miserable.

However, in this way, Heitian angered the public.

Although Heitian is powerful, a large group of **** sons and saints are chasing him all over the world, and he can't hold it anymore and runs straight away.

"this is……"

Heitian fled into the depths of the Chaos Immortal Mansion world, where the trees are lush, but the mountain can not hear any sound of beasts, it is too quiet here.

"Are there big guys entrenched here?"

Heitian walked carefully inside, and soon he saw a cave. In the cave, there was a colorful brilliance lit up, but soon, this brilliance disappeared.

"What is this?"

Hei Tian was curious, and then walked up quietly.


A terrifying roar suddenly came from the cave, and the whole cave immediately shook.

A terrifying figure appeared in the cave.


Hei Tian turned around and fled the first time!

However, the existence in the cave was directly chased out.


Heitian ran straight through the woods, and suddenly a person appeared in front of him.

"Brother, it's great to see you, I will give you a great luck!"

Hei Tian yelled immediately when he saw the man.

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