Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4688: Stomped to death

"This old man dared to sack the fiancée of the Grand Prince of the Eternal Gods. Is this tired of living?"

Hei Tian has made a lot of noise these days. He ransacked all the way, either making a brick behind his back, or designing a trick, and all the people he targeted were slapped.

"I heard that this man even stripped off the clothes on those gods!"

Some people marveled.

"The clothes are robbed, it's too inhuman."

Someone shook his head.

"Cut, you know what a shit, people from the eternal royal family, everyone is wearing the silkworm robes, or the golden armor, whatever you take out is a treasure."

Someone said cursingly.

The creatures who come from the mysterious world of the eternal world will have less good things in their bodies?

"That's it!"

Everyone suddenly realized that the clothes are all treasures, don't grab them? I'm so sorry these babies.

However, Hei Tian was lawless, and even robbed the fiancé of the Grand Prince of the Eternal God Dynasty, which would break the sky.

The people of the Eternal God Dynasty were only afraid of Gu Fei, and were not afraid of other people. In front of Gu Fei, they did not dare to be presumptuous. You must know that Gu Fei was a big man who could challenge their ancestors.

However, apart from Gu Fei, who else is their opponent in the entire Chaos Xianfu world?

After the people of the Eternal God Dynasty came to the chaos world, they were arrogant and domineering, disregarding everything, and did not put everyone except Gu Fei in their eyes.

Especially the people of the eternal royal family, even if they don't agree with each other, they kill people and win treasures, without any scruples, they completely put the world of Chaos Immortal Palace on the spot in their hunting grounds.

These actions of the eternal royal family naturally angered the people of the four worlds.

Wu Chen, the prince of the Wu Ji Dynasty from the world, was directly punched by the servant of Tsing Yi next to the eternal **** prince and did not give way because he encountered the eternal **** prince head on.

Heitian ransacked the fiancée of the eternal prince, is this still worth it?

The fiancée of the eternal prince Heng Dynasty is also a no-brainer. She is a saint of Lingtian Holy Land, one of the three major forces in Xianzhou.

Lingtian Holy Land has a transcendent position in Xianzhou, and the disciples of the Holy Land are all women.

Because there are forces from other continents threatening Xianzhou, Eternal God Dynasty and Lingtian Sacred Land plan to use marriage and alliance to resist foreign enemies.

The battle in the eternal world is more intense.

"Kill him for me!"

Heng Chao directly ordered that the ants of this lower world were not worth his own shot.

"Yes, master!"

The Tsing Yi servant who was standing behind Heng Chao came out.

"Boy, how do you want to die?"

The servant of Tsing Yi smiled and stared at Gu Fei.

"Cut, just because you want to kill me?"

Hei Tian said disdainfully.

"Dare to underestimate me?"

The servant of Tsing Yi was furious. The next moment, a powerful wave of power erupted from him. He was an inconspicuous servant of Tsing Yi just now, but now, his aura is stronger than ordinary gods and saints. many.

"Go away and let your master come over."

Hei Tian waved impatiently.

"go to hell!"

The Tsing Yi servant shrank his right hand, and the next moment he saw his palm leaping forward like a poisonous snake, and instantly slapped Hei Tian's body.


Hei Tian's figure suddenly disappeared into the void.

"this is……"

The servant of Tsing Yi was taken aback. The speed of this guy was too fast. He raised his head sharply, and his big feet grew quickly directly in his pupils.


Without any suspense, the servant of Tsing Yi was directly stepped on his head by Heitian, and he stepped into the ground for life, revealing only one head.

It depends on the owner to beat the dog. As soon as the servant of Tsing Yi shot his hand, Heitian stepped into the ground, and Heng Chao's face became gloomy as the owner.

"This guy is really not easy!"

"No wonder you dare to rob Heng Chao's fiancee!"

Those who were from the eternal world watching the battle from the sidelines and who knew the origins of the Heng Dynasty were surprised.

They thought that Heitian was only relying on a sneak attack and unexpectedly to sack so many sons and saints of the eternal world. Now it seems that this guy has some ability!


The servant of Tsing Yi froze directly and burst out instantly. Like a 100,000 volcano colleague, the power of the quasi-superior level burst out from his body.

The violent power directly burst the ground, the entire ground exploded, and the dust skyrocketed.

One after another divine light rushed out of the servant of Tsing Yi, each divine light was like a poisonous snake, strangling toward the black sky fiercely.

At the same time, the servant of Tsing Yi rose into the sky against the dark sky.

"All the ways to return to the Yuan, one step to control the universe, give me the town!"

As soon as Hei Tian stepped on the right foot of Tsing Yi servant's head, a terrifying divine power immediately burst out from under his feet.

The next moment, the servant of Tsing Yi was stepped down from the sky by Hei Tian, ​​and the countless divine lights strangling towards Hei Tian were all shaken away by him.


This time, there was a loud noise, and the whole ground was trampled by Heitian into a bottomless pit, and the servant of Tsing Yi collapsed under his feet.

"Huh! Unbearable!"

Hei Tian stood in the void with his hands on his back, indifferently looking at the eternal prince Hengchao.


The lungs of this eternal **** prince almost exploded. He grew up from the throne, and one after another big stars appeared in the void around him.

A torrent of star power erupted from his body, and the surrounding void was shaking.

Those who were watching the battle were also shocked. No one would have imagined that this guy named Hei Tian would trample Heng Chao's servant to death.

That servant is not simple, he has reached the realm of quasi-supreme in his cultivation!

Everyone's gaze towards Heitian changed. Some people who had been ransacked by him wanted to jump out and find him to settle accounts, but now, those people were directly suppressed.

"It's just killing one of my servants. What's so great."

Heng Chao's voice was extremely cold.

"Hey, really. What if I stomped you to death?"

Hei Tian stared at Heng Chao, his eyes revealed crazy gazes, as if a hungry beast suddenly encountered a prey.

At this time, a white figure appeared nearby.

"Eldest niece, are you here too?"

Hei Tian didn't put the furious Heng Chao in his eyes at all, and directly turned to the white-clothed woman and said loudly.

"Uncle Heitian, don't come here unharmed!"

The woman in white is Gu Ling.

"Hey, okay, I can't die."

Hei Tian grinned.

"Hei Tian, ​​you bastard..."

At this moment, a roar came from far away, and the terrifying sonic wave of heaven and earth was shaking. An unimaginable force surged, and everyone couldn't help changing their colors.

"Oh my god!"

As soon as Hei Tian heard the roar, he immediately persuaded, turned and fled.

"Where to escape!"

Heng Chao, the eldest prince of the Eternal God Dynasty, directly soared into the sky and pursued and killed Hei Tian.

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