Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4689: The true combat power of Emperor Jiutian

The Heng Dynasty is the eternal **** prince of the eternal world, one of the eastern thirteen continents of Xianzhou. His prince is actually not under the eternal **** of the past.

However, the eternal son of God has amazing talents and was favored by the older generation of strong men in the royal family, so he was named the son of god, the heir of the next emperor.

As the great prince of the eternal dynasty, he is naturally dissatisfied.

However, what about dissatisfaction, who dares to question the choice and decision of the Eternal Emperor?

However, now that the Eternal God Child has fallen into this world, the Eternal God Prince Heng Chao sees hope.

He only needs to win this trial and get the heaven-defying nature here. Isn't this eternal son of God still in his bag?

However, no one would have imagined that Heng Chao's fiancée was ransacked, which made him shameless, and naturally the corpse of the person who ransacked his fiancée would be broken into pieces.

As a result, Hei Tian was spotted by the great prince of the eternal gods and chased him all the way.

Hei Tian really didn't put this so-called eternal **** prince in his eyes, but when the old turtle came, he escaped immediately.

He pitted the old tortoise.

If the old turtle is caught, he will be out of luck.


Hei Tian turned into a divine rainbow and soared into the sky, disappearing at the end of the sky in an instant.

"this is……"

Heng Chao was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"Rainbow Escape Method?"

The old turtle stepped forward and came to the neighborhood directly. He also saw the scene where Hei Tian turned into a divine rainbow and escaped instantly, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

"This guy……"

The old tortoise was very angry, but he could only watch this guy escape.

The eternal **** prince Heng Chao disappeared into the void in an instant, and he even displayed a speed secretary and chased after him.

"Who is this guy?"

The old turtle was startled, but he soon knew that the guy who could catch up with Hei Tian in speed was actually the great prince of the eternal **** in the eternal world.

"No wonder!"

The old turtle had to admit that this guy from the eternal world really had some abilities.

This scene was seen by Gu Fei on Nine Heavens, and he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

Lao Gui was really angry. He was miserable. The Demon Ape was extremely powerful. Even if he killed the Demon Ape, he had paid a considerable price.

And at this time, outside the world of Primal Chaos Palace, the battle between Emperor Jiutian and the eternal world came to the final juncture. He was covered in blood, his body was pierced, and there were blood holes in his body.

However, his fighting spirit was still like a rainbow, and his murderous aura was shocking for nine days. One person, one spear, and his displayed combat power shocked countless ancient ancestors who watched the battle.

At this time, even the demon from the eternal world felt something wrong.


The scarlet demon pupil's hair showed a shocking magic light and headed towards Emperor Jiutian.

Where the **** magic light passed, the void was directly cut open, and the magic patterns appeared and intertwined on the **** magic light, and its power was shocking to the sky.

This kind of magic power surpasses the magic power of the four worlds.

The Dao of the Eternal World is stronger and more complete than the Dao of any world. The powerful creatures that grow up in the Eternal World are generally stronger than the creatures of the same level in other worlds, that is beyond doubt.

This is the advantage of beings in the eternal world.

However, this does not mean that the creatures in the eternal world must be stronger than the creatures in other worlds. Of course, such enchanting existence in other worlds is very rare.

Throughout the ages, there was only one ancient flying.

"Good job!"

Emperor Jiutian ran his profound arts frantically, the next moment, his body was blurred, and the next moment, nine Emperor Jiutian appeared in the void.

"What magical power is this?"

The ancient ancestors who were watching the battle around were shocked when they saw this scene, because they were shocked to sense that each of the nine Emperor Nine Heavens revealed a peerless and powerful divine might.

Each of the nine emperor nine heavens actually has the full combat power of the emperor nine heavens.

"how can that be……"

"This supernatural power is against the sky!"

No one was unmoved after seeing this scene. You must know that the nine-dimensional body evolved from the nine heavens of the emperor, each one is as strong as the deity.

This is tantamount to nine real Emperor Jiu Tian attacking together. This kind of combat power is absolutely powerful in the world. Under the eternal realm, this kind of combat power is absolutely unmatched!


With just one blow, the void exploded directly, and the void turned into chaos, destroying everything.

What **** magic light, what **** magic eyes, all exploded under the blow of Emperor Jiutian, and even those who watched the battle were affected.

The exploded magic light penetrated several ancient ancestors.


The ancient ancestors howled miserably and retreated directly, only to see that their bodies were rapidly losing weight, and the magic light that entered their bodies was actually devouring their flesh and blood.

An ancient ancestor was even directly swallowed by the magic light that invaded his body and turned into a corpse, even the soul cannot escape.


Those ancient ancestors who had been recruited were all scared to death, fighting their fate to turn to profound arts, trying to get rid of the terrifying magic power in their bodies.

The power of the magic way extinguished all vitality, and what made these ancient ancestors frightened was that their way could not suppress the power of the magic way in the body.

Can't suppress the power of the Demon Dao in the body, it means that they will follow in the footsteps of the person just now, and the energy and blood in the body will be swallowed up by the Demon Dao power in the body, and finally their souls are scattered.

When the cultivation base reaches the ancient ancestor level, the competition is the Dao, the power of the Dao, whoever has the strong Dao can determine the life and death of others.

The world of cultivation is so cruel, no matter where it is, no matter where it is, respect for the strong is an eternal law.

The weak can only let the strong dominate.


A terrifying roar sounded, and a magical shadow appeared in the distant sky. The vague magical shadow, the coercive and terrifying uttered from it, made the world tremble.

"Huh! Is the real body coming?"

Nine emperors, Jiutian, spoke at the same time, and the terrifying sound wave spread out, directly dissipating 100,000 miles of chaotic mist.

Even the beings of the ancient ancestor level received a great impact. The ancient ancestors with a weaker cultivation base even seeped blood in their ears and hurriedly retreated to the distance.


Gu Fei, who was sitting in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the entrance of the Chaos Immortal Palace.

"Does the perversion of the eternal realm come again?"

Gu Fei frowned. There are really many eternal perversions in the eternal world?

This is definitely not a good thing for the heavens and the worlds. You must know that the existence of the eternal level can ignore everything, and the heavens and the worlds are their amusement parks.

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