Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4692: Who is stronger?

The trial of the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion is still going on.

But in this trial, there was a thief who was dedicated to looting the powerful creatures from the eternal world, the powerful from the four worlds, and he looted a lot.

In this way, Heitian naturally offended many people.

Especially those creatures from the eternal world, all want to kill the black sky.

At this time, Heitian, who was hunted down, actually defeated Heng Chao, the great prince of the Eternal God, and stepped on the ground with one foot.

All of Hengchao's men saw their master being trampled under their feet. Is it okay?

All of Heng Chao's men didn't think much about it, and went directly to Hei Tian to kill.

However, just when they shot, Hei Tian shot too, he was waiting for these guys, he wanted these guys in one pot.


All of Heng Chao's subordinates were directly dumbfounded. They never expected that Hei Tian would count on them, and it was Zhou Tian Xingchen's killing array.

Zhou Tianxing's killing array, that is the killer of His Royal Highness!


Someone broke out directly, showing the quasi-superior level combat power, and wanted to break through the Zhou Tianxing star killing array and kill it.

However, in the Zhoutian Star Killing Array, the power of the stars is mighty, one after another big stars are looming in the void, and no one can break through this starry sky.

"Quickly let us go, or else, destroy your nine clans."

A middle-aged strong man trapped in the killing array said sharply.

"Don't make mistakes, let go of my host, and forget the past."

Another old man with white hair and white eyebrows said in a deep voice.

"Cut, forget the past? Who are you lying to?"

Heitian stepped on the foot of the eternal prince, and directly stepped on the head of the eternal prince into the ground, chewed, and his mouth was full of mud.

"Let the past go, let the past go, as long as you let me go, everything before that will be forgotten."

Hengchao spit out the mud and sand in his mouth and said hurriedly. He had to bow his head and get out first before talking.

"Can I trust you?"

Heitian groaned.

"Trust it, believe it, I swear, if I trouble you again, I won't die!"

Heng Chao quickly swears.

Hei Tian suddenly rolled his eyes and smiled: "Hey, it seems that you are still a little sincere, so let's call out all the things on your body, and I will spare your life."

At this time, Zhou Tianxingchen's killing formation was moving, and Heng Chao and his men were trapped in the formation.

Their life and death are only between Heitian's thoughts.

"Come to cross..."

How dare Heng Chao say anything at this time?

Not only did he hand over all the cultivation resources in his body, he also opened up the inner world and directly asked Hei Tian to carry out all the things in his inner world.

In order to survive, let alone the great prince of the eternal **** dynasty surrender all the training resources, even if he is asked to eat shit, he will do it.

"Haha... the person who knows the current affairs is a handsome, you really are the handsome among the handsome!"

Hei Tian looked at the mountains of cultivation resources in his inner world, and he was so happy that he almost couldn't help holding Heng Chao to kiss him.

As the great prince of the eternal **** dynasty, Heng Chao has too many cultivation resources. He has everything he deserves, such as the rare iron and the king of medicine.

Hei Tian even got two quasi-immortality medicines from the depths of Heng Dynasty's Inner Heaven and Earth.

This quasi-immortal medicine, it is a magic medicine that can be used for the Supreme!

Moreover, these cultivation resources are all cultivation resources in the eternal world. Compared with cultivation resources in other worlds, they are naturally the best in quality.

After looting the eternal prince of God, Heitian's capital for attacking Jidao is stronger.

"And you, one by one, all hand over your cultivation resources."

Hei Tian is honest and polite. There are twelve of Heng Chao's subordinates trapped in the Zhoutian Star Killing Array. Although these people are Heng Chao's subordinates, they must also have a lot of cultivation resources.


Those people were directly dumbfounded.

"No? Then you go to die!"

Heitian is too lazy to talk nonsense, he must do it.

"do not!"

"Young man, don't be impulsive."

Those people were shocked when he saw Hei Tian really want to do something. Even the master, the prince, was not the opponent of this madman, and they were even more not opponents.

These subordinates of Heng Chao didn't hesitate any more, they handed over their cultivation resources one after another, and they all opened Inner Heaven and Earth for Hei Tian to check.

Seeing Heitian looting their cultivation resources, the hearts of these people were bleeding.

They are different from the eternal prince of the gods. This is the cultivation resources they have accumulated for a lifetime. They are ransacked by others. They have worked hard for a lifetime, and in the end they have perfected others!

Moreover, it is impossible not to pay, because no one wants to die.

"Heitian, his nature is hard to change!"

Sitting cross-legged for nine days, Gu Fei, who was sitting in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, couldn't help but be happy to see this scene.


At this moment, Gu Fei suddenly sensed that two powerful auras suddenly broke out on a large lake east of Chaos Immortal Mansion.

His thoughts moved, and the next moment, he felt everything there, and saw two figures standing on the lake. The two powerful men were facing each other, and the pressure on them was constantly soaring.

The two powerhouses facing each other, one is actually an acquaintance, and the other is from the eternal world, that is a masked woman fluttering in white.

"Do you know how to come first, come first? I saw this enlightened purple lotus first, and it should belong to me."

Ziyi Qin Yao stared at the woman in white clothes and said with a cold voice.

"Huh! What comes first, I only believe in strength, whoever has a hard fist, who owns this enlightened Zilian."

The woman in white is extremely strong.

"Haha, well, if that's the case, then there is nothing to say, let's fight!"

The coercion on Qin Yao's body is still soaring, as if there is no end, one after another divine light rushes out of her body, lingering around her.

A yin and yang Taoist picture emerged from her body.

However, the momentum of the white-clothed woman opposite Qin Yao is not weaker than Qin Yao's. Behind the white-clothed woman is like an endless ocean connected by an endless water channel power from her body. The whole world seems to be turbulent.

Qin Yao cultivates the Yin-Yang Dao, while the white-clothed woman cultivates the Shui Xing Dao.

The two great powers have reached the level of quasi-supreme, and they both want to go one step further and become the true supreme of the extreme, but it is very difficult for Qin Yao to take this step.

The woman in white also wanted to take this scene. Compared to Qin Yao, she was easier because she did not have the suppression of the supreme bloodline.


The battle between Qin Yao and the woman in white attracted Gu Fei.

Among them, one is the daughter of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, and the other is a strong man from the eternal world.

Gu Fei is also very curious about who is stronger in their local area.

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