Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4693: Battle of Tianjiao

The trial in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion continued, because people from the Eternal World also joined in, and Gu Fei extended the end of this trial indefinitely.

In other words, in this trial, if he said to stop, he would stop, and he would continue without saying to stop.

There are a lot of magical medicines, magical materials, and even an immortal peach tree in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace. There is no need to worry about no one coming to participate in this trial.

Moreover, this trial is no longer a simple quasi-supreme competition of the four worlds, and now there are powerful creatures coming from the mysterious and eternal world.

Although these powerhouses from the eternal world are all quasi-extreme-level existences, the heaven and earth where they are located are stronger than any other world.

After endless years of evolution, their avenues are almost the strongest and most complete. Compared with the eternal world, the avenues of the human world, the heavens, the ancestors, and the Taishi world are still immature.

This is the difference between children and adults.

In the eyes of the creatures of the eternal world, Gu Ling, Hetian and them are just a group of natives.

At this time, on a large lake in the eastern part of Chaos World, a huge wave was set off on the calm lake surface, and the entire large lake seemed to be boiling.

Some powerful creatures that had been hiding at the bottom of the lake were shocked.

However, under the coercion of the two quasi-prime peaks, the powerful creatures at the bottom of the lake were all trembling and panic to the extreme.

Gu Fei, who was sitting cross-legged on the nine heavens of Chaos Immortal Mansion World, was also curious.

The two powerhouses facing each other on the lake, who is stronger?


Void vibrated, and the waves on the lake suddenly stopped, and the whole lake was as calm as a mirror, which was too much in contrast to the scene where the waves were just overwhelming.


Qin Yao took the lead, and the light blades transformed by the yin and yang gods directly slashed towards the white-clothed woman on the opposite side, and ripples appeared in the void where the light blade passed.

This is the power of the Dao. The Yin-Yang Dao of Qin Yao's cultivation has reached a bottleneck, it is almost perfect, and one step further will be the ultimate of Dao, this is the realm of the ultimate Dao.

However, it is far more difficult for Qin Yao to break through to the extreme realm, because she is the daughter of Emperor Yin and Yang and has the supreme blood of Emperor Yin and Yang in her body.

The Dao of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang was passed down to Qin Yao through his blood.

The Dao from the Great Emperor Yin and Yang does not belong to Qin Yao. Before the realm of the Great Dao, the Dao of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang was of great help to Qin Yao's cultivation.

However, when Qin Yao's cultivation realm reached the quasi-superior realm, the Dao of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang would suppress the Dao of Qin Yao, and the difficulty of breaking through the Dao of the same Great Emperor was absolutely unimaginable.

"Huh! Little bugs!"

The white-clothed woman sneered. The next moment, with a move from her right hand, a water column rushed up from the lake. Following her gesture, the water column instantly turned into a water knife and cut it forward.


The sword's energy is vertical and horizontal, and the ten directions are mighty, and it suddenly wiped out all the dark and sunny blades that came to her.

"Hey, the meaning of this knife..."

Seeing this scene, Gu Fei, who was sitting cross-legged for nine days, couldn't help but move in his heart. The white-clothed woman's water was used as a knife. This knife cut out, it was really extraordinary!

After the white-clothed woman's water knife broke through Qin Yao's blade of darkness and sunshine, she blasted away, still cutting towards Qin Yao, and it became more and more powerful, attracting the power of water travel in the entire world.

Faced with this knife, Qin Yao couldn't help being taken aback. The opponent's knife actually locked herself, no matter how she avoided it, the opponent's knife would slash like a shadow.

"Only fight it!"

Qin Yao took a deep breath, and the next moment, a dazzling yin and yang light burst out of her body, and she disappeared into the yin and yang light.

In just an instant, Qin Yao turned into a yin and yang pirate picture in his own form.

Qin Yao turned into a yin and yang Taoist figure, and directly greeted the water knife that slashed towards the opponent.

I saw that the light of the sword of the woman in white was directly taken away by Qin Yao's yin and yang figure.


The white-clothed woman frowned, this humble creature in the lower realm could actually catch my knife?

This technique of water swordsmanship, in the sect where the white-clothed woman belongs, is not an unpredictable magical power, but it is also regarded as the superior technique among the sects.

Qin Yao broke this sword technique with water so easily, but it was something that the white-clothed woman never expected.

"Is it because I underestimated these people?"

The woman in white couldn't help being a little moved.


The yin-yang road map vibrated, and it instantly became as huge as a mountain. A swallowing force fell from the yin-yang road map, and there were ripples visible to the naked eye in the compressed void.

The white-clothed woman was taken aback, and the next moment she could not help but flew towards the yin and yang Daotu falling from the sky.


The white-clothed woman roared, and the power of a water movement immediately gathered in her hands. The next moment, she directly cut at the Yin and Yang Dao Tu that Qin Yao had transformed.

However, this magical power of Qin Yao is not trivial, the yin and yang **** map operates and can swallow everything.

The sword cut by the white-clothed woman disappeared again after approaching the yin and yang Dao map, suddenly, as if the yin and yang Dao map was connected to an endless world.

The yin-yang road map can swallow everything.


The Yin-Yang Dao map that Qin Yao had transformed was cut directly at the white-clothed woman. On the Dao map, the Yin-Yang roads were intertwined, and countless Dao patterns were blooming with the most devastating eyes.


The white-clothed woman sneered, and then slashed out with a single knife. The endless sword energy was so powerful that she actually blocked the Yin and Yang Dao Tu.


Upon seeing this, Qin Yao had to retreat.

Suddenly, the two powerhouses couldn't help each other, but the big lake under their feet was directly destroyed by the mighty wave of power.

On a mountain next to the big lake, in a pool on the top of the mountain, there was a purple lotus with enlightenment, and the corpse of a wild beast like a hill was lying less than ten feet away from the purple lotus.

There was blood oozing out of the brutal beast, and there was a smell of blood in the void.

A guy sneaked up from the bottom of the mountain and walked slowly toward the pond. He was very careful because he didn't want to disturb the two strong men on the big lake.

You know, any one of them is the strongest quasi-supreme in the world, under the supreme, there is almost invincible existence.

If they are disturbed, I am afraid I will be * annoying.

Both of these two are peerless Tianjiao, each of them is the existence of the famous party, and he can't afford to provoke them, but can only steal and enlighten Zilian without knowing it.

However, this enlightenment Zilian was not so easy to be stolen by him.

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