Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4694: Wu Ji Shen Quan

In the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, wars broke out everywhere.

In order to gather the life essence of endless creatures, Tong Yu, the original owner of the fairy house world, laid out the entire world into a super killing game.

In order to attract those peerless powerhouses into the world of Immortal Mansion, he even hides the treasures of heaven, material and earth that have collected endless years, as well as the Taoist tools in this world.

If you want to get the treasures of heaven and earth, the ultimate technique, and the powerful Dao, you need to pay a price, and this price is life.

Throughout the ages, the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion has appeared countless times, harvesting the lives of countless powerful people, and of course, there are also some small fishes that were released by Tong Yu.

You know, if few people succeed in obtaining rare treasures from the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, or the ultimate technique, the world of Immortal Palace will lose its appeal to everyone.

Because he knew he would die, who would go to the world of Immortal Mansion?

Those strong men who went to the world of Immortal Mansion and finally fell into it and became Tong Yu's nourishment only entered with a glimmer of hope of success.

At this time, the big lake under the mountain was blown up by Qin Yao and the white-clothed woman, and one after another horrible rays of destruction burst out from the bottom of the lake, and went directly toward Qin Yao and the white-clothed woman.


The woman in white showed supreme divine art. The water movement essence of the ten directions of heaven and earth was forcibly gathered by her and turned into a big seal. The big seal took shape in an instant, with a radiant light. In every ray of light, there are countless ways. The pattern is looming.


One side of the watermark was suppressed directly below, and the light of destruction that penetrated her was directly suppressed by Shengsheng.

"You seem to be weak in this killing formation!"

Above the nine heavens, Gu Fei, who overlooked the entire Chaos Xianfu world, said to Tong Yu beside him.

Tong Yu's current appearance is only an eleven or twelve-year-old child, he is a little embarrassed.

"Enlightenment Zilian is not a rare miracle medicine, and it's okay for them to go."

The power of the killing array that Tong Yu had placed around Zilian Enlightenment was not so powerful, but it was not that anyone could break it.

Enlightenment Zilian has little effect on Quasi-Supreme, because this miraculous medicine can make people enlighten Dao, but Quasi-Supreme's Tao is almost perfect.

It is impossible to break through to the extreme realm by taking the Purple Lotus cultivation base of enlightenment.

The realm of the extreme realm is no longer a magical medicine against the heavens, or something that can be created by the supreme existence. You can only rely on yourself. Only when you take that step can you make your Tao complete.

However, the enlightened purple lotus can make people holy, and can bring up a saint.

This kind of magic medicine is very rare even in the eternal world. The enlightened purple lotus in the fairy pond on the mountain is the mother plant. If you carefully cultivate it, you can plant a large area.

In this way, those who master the enlightened purple lotus can create a large number of saints.

This is the value of enlightened purple lotus.

However, few people know the true value of the enlightened purple lotus, and only those top forces in the eternal world can master the cultivation of all kinds of magic medicine.

The sect where the white-clothed woman is located has mastered the cultivation method of enlightened purple lotus.

The miraculous medicine that can create a large number of saints, women in white will naturally not let go, even those who rely on the miraculous medicine to create saints are also saints.

Of course, the saints created by this kind of magical medicine can't compare with the saints who are trained on their own strength, but if an army of saints is created, even in the eternal world, they can definitely sweep one side. .

At this time, the woman in white showed her secretary and used the power of water travel to gather a big seal, directly suppressing the power of the Great Lake's killing formation.

But at this time, Qin Yao, in the form of a yin and yang Tao map, was frantically devouring the light of destruction that came through the hole.

The two secretaries are completely opposite, one is devouring, the other is strong suppression. On the surface, the woman in white looks majestic, like a peerless **** of war.

but. Qin Yao is gathering strength.

The yin and yang **** map can take the ten directions for his own use. Qin Yao can be said to be stronger in the Vietnam War. Even if he fights against a strong man of the same level, she often fights to the end and she wins.

Even some existences stronger than Qin Yao were killed by Qin Yao when he fought against Qin Yao.


The white-clothed woman put away the watermark and squeezed both fists, and the general overbearing momentum immediately burst out of the white-clothed woman.

"Let you aboriginal see what a martial arts fist is!"

There was a trace of disdain in the white-clothed woman's tone. The next moment, with her fists, the whole world shook, as if an ancient war beast had awakened from its deep sleep.

"this is……?"

Qin Yao sensed an extreme danger from the woman in white.


Even Gu Fei, who was sitting cross-legged on the nine-day sky and overlooking the battle, brightened his eyes. Is this an eternal combat technique?

He used to be an eternal person and created eternal combat skills, but the martial arts fist displayed by the woman in white is the ultimate of another martial art.

"The eternal world also has martial arts inheritance?"

Gu Fei couldn't help but shake his heart when he thought of this. He thought of a lot. Above the heavens and ten thousand realms, there is the Origin World, the origin world of the Ancestral Realm and Taishi Realm.

However, there is actually a big world that surpasses the world of Origin.

Could it be said that the inheritance of cultivation in the world of Origin comes from the eternal world?

Could it be said that the source of everything is in the eternal world?

Gu Fei knew that all this would only come to light when he entered the eternal world.


At this time, the woman in white had already punched Qin Yao.

In an instant, Gu Fei seemed to see countless stars and Shenyang shattered under the fist of the white-clothed woman, as if the world had been punched through by this punch.

Fist breaks the stars and crushes the universe.

This is a kind of boxing power, an alternative display of the true power of this boxing method.

The white-clothed woman now has only the cultivation base of the quasi-sovereign peak, it is impossible to truly display the true power of this martial arts fist.

However, even if only one ten thousandth of the power of this martial arts fist can be displayed, the woman in white can be almost invincible at the same level.


Qin Yao roared, her hair was dancing, her whole person was fused with the yin and yang Tao map, she fate to turn the yin and yang secret technique, to swallow the white-clothed woman into her yin and yang world.

However, the moment Qin Yao's yin and yang Daotu touched the fist of the white-clothed woman, the yin and yang Daotu collapsed into the void.

With just one punch, Qin Yao was pierced by the divine body, and the whole person flew out hundreds of thousands of miles away. The divine body was almost blasted by the punch of the white-clothed woman.


For this result, Gu Feidu was stunned.

"This type of boxing has such power?"

Gu Fei had to move.

Defeating Qin Yao with one punch, the woman in white is extremely strong.

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