Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4696: Almost dead

Qin Yao and the woman in white are fighting in the place where a big lake is located in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.

It is for a magical medicine in the fairy pond on the hill next to the big lake. This magical medicine is called Enlightenment Purple Lotus. Although it is not a top-level magical medicine, it can allow the monk's cultivation to break through to the holy rank.

The battle between Qin Yao and the woman in white has become a collision of eternal combat skills.


The white-clothed woman's fist shook the sky and the earth, with one punch, the sun, moon and stars were shaking, as if they might fall from the sky at any time.

The power of Qin Yao's Heavenly Transformation Hand should not be underestimated. With only one hand, any essence can be transformed into the most primitive state by her, and then swallowed and absorbed by her, and transformed into her own power.

"Come again!"


The two silhouettes bloomed with the divine light of the endless avenue, and once again rushed together, the violent power fluctuations rushed out in all directions.

The eternal combat skills burst into unimaginable combat power in their hands.

"These two people..."

Where the two great powers went, they shattered everything, even the void was constantly punched out by them one after another, and even the chaotic energy was punched out by them.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked and inexplicable.

The general quasi-supreme, in front of these two powerful men, is almost as weak as an ant, and can definitely crush them!

What is the evildoer? This is the evildoer, almost invincible at the same level.

The big lake was exploded, and the surrounding mountains continued to crumble, only the mountain where the enlightened purple lotus was still standing.

This mountain is not simple, it is guarded by a formation, otherwise, it would have been broken long ago.

At this moment, a sneaky figure took advantage of Qin Yao's battle with the white-clothed woman, carefully looking towards the pond where the enlightened Zilian was.

I saw the pond was not big, and a lotus plant rooted in the pond was shrouded in a cloud of purple aura.

"Little bald, do you want to steal the magic medicine?"

A figure was about to take the magic medicine, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain.

"Are you a descendant of Fanxiu? When will you be better if you don't come out and die!"

The black shadow's voice is extremely majestic.

At this time, the person who wanted to steal the Enlightenment Zilian knew that he couldn't hide, so he had to stand up.


At this time, those who were watching the battle nearby realized the scene on the mountain where the Dao Zilian was located.

"Who is that, black sky? That little bald head is going to be unlucky."

Someone exclaimed.

"Little Bald and Heitian are not good birds."

Someone gritted his teeth and said that he had just been ransacked by Heitian, and there was still a big bag bulging on the back of his head. He had to admire that Heitian's tiles were really accurate and ruthless.

In the void not far from the mountains, many people are watching a play, and there are still a few young children from other world forces standing in the sky.

He ransacked so many people directly before Hei Tian, ​​and most of the powerhouses from the entire eternal world were slapped with bricks by him, and all the training resources on his body were even looted.

"Heitian dare to appear here."

A young man in white was unbelievable.

His name is Martial Skill, and he comes from a martial artist in the eternal world. His cultivation has reached the pinnacle of quasi-supreme. Among these people from the eternal world, he is definitely the best.

"Brother Wu, are you also recruited?" A young boy stared at the black sky above the mountain with a fierce gaze.

This young man was looted badly by Heitian, and even the clothes on his body were taken away. At this time, seeing Heitian again, he almost rushed to fight this guy desperately.

Just as Hei Tian confronted a young monk on the top of the mountain, in another area, Gu Ling was surrounded by more than a dozen powerful men.

"Hand over the source of the ultimate god, or die!"

A middle-aged man with a thick beard and a rugged appearance is holding a big gun, and the strong is Gu Ling.

Ji Dao Divine Source is the original power left by Ji Dao Supreme, extremely precious.

"Huh! Come and get it if you have the ability."

Gu Ling sneered.


The middle-aged man with a big gun in his hand didn't talk nonsense, he roared, and directly danced the big gun in his hand and stab Gu Ling.

The simple blow of this man showed great power.

A dozen other powerhouses also roared and shot. Suddenly, the murderous intent was shocking, the divine light from the Taoist tools was extremely dazzling, and the vitality was mighty, and this area set off a strong wind.

Are ordinary people who dare to attack Gu Ling?

These seventeen powerhouses, all of them quasi-supreme, shot together, giving people a sense of shock from the rush of thousands of troops.

In their opinion, Gu Ling was crazy, and he dared to use his own power to fight against the seventeen quasi-supreme. Among these quasi-supreme, there were even a few quasi-supreme peaks.

"Haha, great!"

Gu Ling laughed and put her feet on the ground, and the ground under her feet immediately collapsed. At the same time, she rushed forward like an arrow and plunged into the crowd.

Screams and screams suddenly sounded, and a group of figures flew out like rag bags, the Taoist tools broke, and blood splashed. In just an instant, five or six people were blown by the ancient spirit.

Gu Ling was extremely powerful, she was like a terrifying tyrannosaurus, and between her gestures, violent power burst out frantically. His fists were invincible, and those warriors would die when hit, and they would be injured when they hit.

Her attack is simple, direct and effective.

I saw that she shattered a blade of light with a single punch, and exploded the head of a quasi-sovereign swordsman, and died; one foot swept out and the big gun broke, causing the strong man with the gun to be kicked in the waist, and the whole body immediately It was weirdly distorted, and he was almost kicked in half, seeing that he could not survive.

Every blow of Gu Ling contained the power of her great power, and if she was hit, it was a great wound.

"Monster, this guy is simply a monster!"

The seventeen quasi-sovereigns only persisted for three breaths, and they were killed by Gu Ling more than half. The rest of them were frightened, and they turned around and fled.

This is a complete crush, there is no suspense.

With a move of Gu Ling's right hand, a broken knife immediately flew from the ground, and then grabbed it, with five fingers and forcefully, it actually grabbed the blade to pieces, and threw it at those who had escaped.

The fragments broke through the air, and the blood was splashed. The guys who wanted to escape were directly penetrated by the fragments and fell to the ground. After a few twitches, they stopped moving.

The power of Gulin's Great Way obliterated the vitality of these people.


Gu Ling took another step, and instantly came to the head of the middle-aged man.

"You guys are so stupid."

Gu Ling shook his head and sighed, these people dare to provoke themselves, isn't it what they mean to die? Only an idiot will find his own death.

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