Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4697: Yan'er is going to become the supreme?

Gu Ling is the only daughter of Gu Fei and Yan'er. She cultivates all the true inheritance of Gu Fei, and is also the source of family learning in medicine.

Yan'er's cultivation of the path of medicine has reached the realm of quasi-supreme, only one step away can obtain the Tao fruit of the ultimate medicine.

This is many times higher than the cultivation level of the founder of Yan'er's school. I don't know how many times it is. The founder of Yan'er's school is just a saint, and is called a medicine saint.

When the Ten Thousand Medicine Qiankun Ding was passed to Yan'er, it was a sacred artifact.

But now, that Wanyao Qiankun Ding has been made into a quasi-sovereign Taoist implement by Yan'er.

Yan'er also came. With Gu Fei's cultivation base, it was not difficult to find Yan'er because they had a special connection.

With Yan'er's indifferent temperament, she didn't want to compete with others for good luck, but she also knew very well that in the cultivation world, the weak and the strong eat the strong, only the fist is hard enough, no one dare to provoke you.

At this time, Yan'er was on a short mountain in the distance, watching her daughter show her power, and **** off the **** of the dozen or so guys who wanted to kill her daughter, begging for mercy.

"Daughter is like her father!"

Yan'er sighed, then raised her head and glanced at the sky.

"You can't see me again."

Gu Fei was looking at Yan'er from above the nine heavens, and suddenly seeing her look up, he could not help but quickly withdraw his gaze, a little embarrassed.

In fact, Gu Fei was sitting on the nine heavens, with numerous formations blocking her body. Even if Yan'er had a quasi-extreme level of cultivation, she would not be able to see Gu Fei.

Gu Ling has a temperament like Gu Fei, but Yan'er is right.

Yan'er is very clear about her own temperament, she is indifferent to fame and fortune, and she is indecisive. She can cultivate to the quasi-supreme realm and rely on Gu Fei.

If Gu Ling had a temperament like her mother, she would probably not know how many deaths she had died on the ancient roads of the human race.

"Say, who sent you to die."

Gu Ling coldly looked at the middle-aged man headed by the other side.

"Huh! Killing people to win treasures is commonplace in the cultivation world, do you still need people to send us?"

The head of the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said that he felt an extremely dangerous aura from Gu Ling's body, and the other party had already had a murderous intent on himself.

Once this kind of existence has a murderous intent on a certain life, it will inevitably require the other party to see blood.

"Hmph, very good, don't you say, I have a way to make you speak."

As Gu Ling stretched out his right hand, he grabbed the middle-aged man opposite.

This seemingly random scratch fell in the eyes of the middle-aged man, but it was a different feeling. In the eyes of the middle-aged man, the other hand covered the whole world.

"Covering the sky with one hand?"

The middle-aged person is motionless. It is not that he does not want to avoid him, but the other party has locked himself in. No matter how he avoids, the other party's hand will follow, and he can't avoid it at all.


The middle-aged man struggled with his fate and turned to profound art, and a group of divine light emerged from him, covering him.

The next moment, the middle-aged man flew towards Gu Ling involuntarily.


The middle-aged man couldn't help but feel moved.

Without any suspense, the middle-aged man was beaten by Gu Ling with a punch, almost vanishing.

Finally, Gu Ling directly used the soul search secret technique to read the memory of the middle-aged person's soul, and then he knew what this happened.

Xianzhou in the eternal world is where the eternal gods are located. As one of the three powers of Xianzhou, the eternal gods have many forces attached to it.

The reason why this group of people was looking for the ancient spirits was because of the stone clan, and the stone clan was just one of the great forces under the eternal gods.

Gu Fei reached a consensus with the ancestor of the Eternal God Dynasty and would not make a move.

However, the Stone Clan wanted to smash Gu Fei's body into thousands of pieces, because an ancestor of the Stone Clan fell into Gu Fei's hands.

When the supreme ancestor of the Eternal God Dynasty led a large army to kill, he was stopped by Gu Fei outside the sky, and Gu Fei killed several Jidao Supremes with a single finger.

Among the titles of the book Extreme Dao Supreme, there is the Ji Dao-level ancestor of the Stone Clan.

The stone clan is also a big clan in the eternal **** dynasty. There are Ji Dao ancestors in the clan, but now, the Ji Dao ancestor among the stone clan has fallen, and the stone clan is in danger.

Without the protection of the Jidao ancestors, the status of the stone clan in the eternal gods was suddenly unstable.

You know, even in the eternal world, cultivation resources are limited. There are three strongest forces in Xianzhou, and the eternal gods are just one of them.

And within the Eternal God Dynasty, there are countless forces entangled together. Although the Eternal Emperor is powerful, it has to be careful to deal with other forces in the God Dynasty.

When the supreme ancestor of the stone tribe died, other big tribes naturally looked to the territory of the red stone tribe.

The stone clan didn't dare to find Gu Fei to settle the account, so he went to Gu Ling, but they never thought that Gu Ling would be equally difficult to deal with.

Gu Ling, almost invincible among the same ranks, directly crushed the seventeen strongest of the stone clan, scared the leader of the stone clan to turn around and flee.

The seventeen strongest members of the Stone Clan were all beheaded by the ancient spirits, not one left.


Gu Ling came to Yan'er.

"Your cultivation level seems to have improved again.

Yan'er smiled and looked at her daughter.

Gu Ling sighed, "Unfortunately, I just couldn't take that step!"

Yan'er touched Gu Ling's head after hearing the words, and said: "Sometimes I just insist on it, but I can't succeed, but sometimes I put everything down and it will happen."

"Mother, are you..."

Hearing this, Gu Ling couldn't help being overjoyed. Is it possible that his mother is going to become the supreme?

Yan'er groaned for a moment, and said, "I don't know, I have never forced anything. It can be achieved, the best, and nothing can be achieved if it fails."


Gu Ling laughed. His mother was really going to be supreme, a double supreme. This is also a good story in the cultivation world. Of course, he does not have to be supreme.

"My mistress is going to become the supreme?"

The Star Beast Venerable and the Black Wind Supreme who were following Gu Fei were very surprised.

"Just a little bit, but soon."

Gu Fei, who was sitting cross-legged on nine days, overlooking the entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world, smiled.

He saw Yan'er's cultivation base at a glance, Yan'er's cultivation base was about to break through, and he was in a mysterious state.

One step forward is the supreme, and one step back is nothing, but it is still the quasi supreme.


Gu Fei looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice instantly spread throughout the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion.

The powerhouses who were fighting for various good fortunes in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion were all shocked.


Gu Ling looked up to the sky.

"What is that guy laughing at?"

In another place, the old turtle curled his lips and looked up to the sky.

Qin Yao, who was fighting with others, heard the laughter and moved her heart, and she was almost punched by the woman in white.

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