Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4701: Vulnerable


Gu Fei grabbed Zong Yan's hand and immediately caught the elder of the Eternal Demon Sect, and a soul flew out, trying to escape.

"Want to escape?"

At this moment, a swallowing force emerged from the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, and directly pulled Zong Yan's Primordial Spirit into the Chaos Immortal Mansion.

This is the primordial spirit of a strong man in the half-step eternal realm, this primordial spirit, but the existence of Zong Yan's life force condensed!

How could Gu Fei waste such a huge life force?

The next moment, Zong Yan's primordial spirit appeared on the nine heavens and came to Gu Fei's face.

"Eternal sire, spare your life!"

Where did Zong Yan still have the domineering aura just now, begging for mercy, he didn't want to die here like this.

"Spare you?"

Gu Fei smiled. This guy turned out to be a bully and afraid of hardship.

"Eternal Lord, just treat me as a fart and let it go."

Zong Yan begged.

At this time, Di Jiutian and Tong Yu also came to Gu Fei's side.

They were shocked and inexplicable. They knew how powerful this great demon was. Moreover, this great demon also mastered the eternal law, and the power of the eternal law of the eternal demon sect was even more unimaginable.

Gu Fei easily defeated this demon, and captured his soul.

This kind of combat power is really terrifying.

"I searched your memory just now. There were countless creatures that died in your hands. You even wiped out a lot of worlds. Such a cruel demon, do you think I will let it go?"

Gu Fei's voice was extremely calm.

"You... I fought with you."

Zong Yan knew that once the existence of this series had a murderous intent on him, there would only be one fate for him, and that was death.


A violent destructive power erupted from Zong Yan's soul, and countless magic patterns exploded on his soul, forming a lore destructive power.


Tong Yu and Di Jiutian were shocked.

With a whistling sound, Tong Yu immediately fled.

This is the primordial spirit of half-step eternal realm. Once it explodes, even Tong Yu, who is also half-step eternal realm, might not be able to stop it.

Di Jiutian did not escape, but his face was solemn.

Seeing that Zong Yan's primordial spirit was about to explode, a big hand directly pressed down against the primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit that was about to explode came down.


There were thunderous sounds in the void.

Zong Yan's primordial spirit was shocked to discover that the strength of the primordial spirit that he was about to explode was actually pressed back by the opponent, which made him almost vomiting blood in depression.

"Without my permission, you can't die even if you want to."

Gu Fei said calmly.

"what do you really want."

Zong Yan was fighting.

"eat you!"

After Gu Fei opened his mouth and took a breath, he actually swallowed Zong Yan's primordial spirit directly into his stomach.


Both Tong Yu and Di Jiutian were dumbfounded. Is this the legendary killing when they disagree?

At the same time, Gu Fei spurred the great formation of the Chaos Immortal Palace World, and the endless life force condensed by this great formation also gathered towards Gu Fei like crazy.

"Master, this is..."

Upon seeing this scene, Tong Yu's expression changed, his master was about to hit the legendary realm.

"You all retreat, I am going to retreat."

Gu Fei said to Tong Yu and Di Jiutian.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, master!"

Di Jiutian and Tong Yu both retreated immediately.

Soon, Gu Fei turned into a cocoon.

This is a kind of Nirvana and a kind of new life. As long as Gu Fei can succeed, he will be the eternal supreme. If he fails, he may even get in with his life.

"Master will finally break through."

Di Jiutian vaguely guessed something and couldn't help being shocked.

At this time, the trials in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion continued. At this time, the powerhouses of the entire big world did not know, and they were still fighting for the treasures of the world in this world.

Even if it was extremely chaotic outside, Gu Fei had already closed the door. In fact, the people in charge of Chaos Immortal Mansion were Emperor Jiutian and Tong Yu.

At this time, in an area within the world of Primal Chaos Palace, Qin Yao and the woman in white actually chased the old turtle away, which made them extremely depressed.

"That rascal……"

The white-clothed women are really very angry. This is the enlightened purple lotus, which can help people understand the way. With the enlightened purple lotus, they can cultivate countless saints.

But now, the enlightened Zilian was taken away by the old turtle.


The white-clothed woman didn't hesitate, she killed Qin Yao directly, and smashed her fists directly at Qin Yao.

This is the martial arts fist, the terrifying fist strength burst out, the entire area is shattered, countless mountains turned into dust, and completely disappeared into the void.

"Afraid you won't make it?"

Qin Yao stretched out his right hand and directly displayed the Huatian hand to greet the mighty fist.


The two forces collided together in an instant, bursting out incomparably shocking fluctuations, and a circle of visible ripples suddenly spread.

Where the ripples passed, everything was ruthlessly obliterated.

This time, those who watched the battle had learned a lot. They weren't real, they just had an incarnation or clone watching the battle.

Even so, more than a dozen indistinct figures were directly annihilated under the transparent ripples that spread.

Seeing this scene, those strong men who released their clones or incarnations all secretly wiped a cold sweat. If they were there just now, I am afraid that they would have already vanished by then.

When the war broke out, one area was instantly destroyed, and countless creatures fell.

When Qin Yao was fighting against the white-clothed woman, in the eternal world, the place of the eternal demon sect, a bell ringing spread throughout the ancestral land of the eternal demon sect.

"Elder Zong Yan has fallen."

A voice sounded, with a hint of panic in his tone.


"how is this possible……"

"Zong Yan actually died?"

In the ancestral land of the Eternal Demon Sect, everyone is incredible.

Zong Yan is a half-step eternal existence, in the entire lower realm, who can kill him?

However, the current fact is that Zong Yan's life card was broken, and Zong Yan really fell to the lower realm. This is a fact, an indisputable fact.

"Send someone to see what's going on."

An eternal demon ancestor spoke.

Suddenly, all the noisy sounds in the Eternal Demon Sect disappeared.

"Eternal Lord, let me go!"

One person stood up.

I saw that this person was a black-clothed and masked woman. Her body was filled with eternal aura, and she was also a half-step eternal existence.

"Okay, you go!"

The eternal demon ancestor finished speaking and stopped talking.

"With Elder Zongyue taking action, those people in the lower realm will suffer."

Someone said such words.

"Well, I am afraid that something has happened in the lower realm."

Someone was very calm. Zong Yan fell to the lower realm. It seemed that either he was looking for death on his own, or a great existence appeared in the lower realm, and that existence shot Zong Yan out.

Gu Fei didn't know that a crisis was coming.

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