Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4702: Horror Corpse

A half-step eternal existence, in the Ancestral Realm, the Taishi Realm, and even the human world and the heaven realm, it can be called an almost invincible existence.

This kind of existence is enough to sweep the world.

The Eternal Demon Sect died an elder, and this elder still mastered the eternal law, the Demon Sect naturally wouldn't let it go.

At this time, Gu Fei was in retreat. Although Tong Yu and Di Jiutian were half-step eternal, they did not master the eternal law.

That eternal law, however, is a killer weapon, used to deal with natives like Tong Yu and Di Jiutian, it is absolutely killer, there is no suspense.

After all, it is eternal law.

If it weren't for Gu Fei's move, even if Di Jiutian and Tong Yu went together, it would definitely not be the opponent of Zong Yan, the elder of the Eternal Demon Sect who mastered the Eternal Law.

But in front of Gu Fei, this Zong Yan was vulnerable.

This is the difference between true eternal supreme and half-step eternity, eternal supreme, half-step eternity can be squeezed to death with one finger.

Zong Yan, the elder of the Demon Sect, actually died unjustly.

Although Gu Fei was in retreat, the trials in the Chaos Immortal Mansion were still going on, and the powerhouses of all worlds were vying for various good fortunes in the Immortal Mansion world.


A large mountain surrounded by magic energy in the east of Chaos Immortal Palace suddenly exploded, a sarcophagus burst out, and monstrous magic energy erupted from the sarcophagus.

"this is……"

The strong in the nearby area were all shocked and inexplicable.

"What a strong magic power!"

Someone exclaimed.

"This demon aura is full of death, I'm afraid that the demon corpse in the sarcophagus has changed?"

Some people are a little uneasy.

"Hey, the devil's corpse was born, but it's cheaper for my primitive demons."

Thousands of miles away, on a mountain ridge, a demon shadow completely shrouded in devilish energy suddenly lit up with two spots of blood.


The demon shadow rose directly into the sky and rushed towards the sarcophagus.

At the same time, the strong men in the eastern region of the Chaos Immortal Mansion World also rushed towards the direction where the sarcophagus appeared, and even Gu Ling was alarmed.

The figure of the old turtle also appeared near the sarcophagus.

There are also many powerful magic shadows nearby.

You know, not only the ancestor realm has the existence of the demons, but also the human world, the heavens, and even the Taishi realm.

This time the trial of the Chaos Immortal Mansion World, Gu Fei is always willing to come, as long as he is half an eternal existence, he is eligible to enter the Chaos Immortal Mansion.

In the trials of the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, many people in the magic way have come.

However, the Mozu is the public enemy of the world, and the quasi-supreme of the Mozu entering the world of Chaos Immortal Palace will naturally attract countless powerful people to attack.

However, some particularly tyrannical Demon Race powerhouses ignored everything and slaughtered the Quartet in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.


Soon, a magic hand directly grabbed the sarcophagus in the sky, trying to grab the sarcophagus.


At this moment, Yuankong suddenly heard a roar, knowing that a bright knife light slashed from Yuankong, it suddenly cut off the magic hand that was holding the sarcophagus.

The blood-colored knife light reflected the entire world into a **** color.

A blood-haired demon appeared in Yuankong.

"Chi Ming, what do you want."

The demon who took the first shot coldly said.

"Tianyou, this thing is not yours."

The red-haired demon said coldly.


A devilish figure soared into the sky and rushed directly towards the sarcophagus in the sky, only to see that he directly opened the inner world and wanted to take the sarcophagus away.

The demon named Chiming naturally wouldn't let him take the sarcophagus easily, and directly urged the magic knife to kill it.


The **** sword light smashed into the opponent's inner world directly.

The demon named Tianyou quickly closed his inner world.

However, through the entrance of Inner Heaven and Earth, many people have seen countless mountains and ridges in Tianyou Inner Heaven and Earth crumbled, and an abyss-like knife mark appeared on the earth.

The inner world created by the demon of the quasi-superior level should be extremely stable, but in front of the strong at the same level, it is very fragile.


The two big monsters are fighting together.

But at this moment, the sarcophagus was blooming with endless magic light, and every magic light penetrated the void.

The two demon heads screamed and retreated directly, the magic light also penetrated their demon body, and the power of death contained in the magic light was actually wiping out their vitality.

Whether it is a person in the magic way or other cultivators, the vitality in the body is the source of life. Once the vitality is cut off, there will be only one life.

Both Tianyou and Chiming were not shocked, because they were the closest to the sarcophagus, and their bodies were pierced by at least a dozen magic lights.

They weakened all at once.

"Go and die!"

At this moment, someone suddenly made a move, and a black shadow suddenly appeared behind Tian You, just a punch, directly blasting Tian You's monster.

Tianyou's demon directly turned into a cloud of blood mist, and even the primordial spirit could not escape, and was directly shaken into the void.

A generation of quasi-extreme demon was killed by one punch.

The strength of the incoming person really shocked everyone inexplicably.

"Huh! Unbearable!"

That person was a white-clothed young man with a shocking momentum, especially the power of his punch just now, which could smash the sky with terror.

"Wuji Shenquan again?"

Above the sky, Qin Yao couldn't help but shrink when he saw the punch of the white-clothed youth.

She was very familiar with this overbearing fist, because she had learned this martial arts fist before, if it hadn't been for Gu Fei to teach the eternal technique, she would have been bombarded and killed by the martial arts fist.

There was no suspense, Chi Ming was also punched and killed by the white-clothed youth. Then, under everyone's shocked gaze, the white-clothed youth rushed directly toward the sarcophagus, and then hit the sarcophagus with a punch.

Xeon's boxing power burst out instantly.


With a loud noise, the sarcophagus suspended in the air exploded directly, and a devilish figure rushed out of the sarcophagus and rushed towards the young man in white.

"It's just a small demon corpse, dare to be fierce?"

The white-clothed youth squeezed his five fingers, and slammed his fist towards the demon corpse that had been culled. The powerful fist burst out, and the whole world was shaking.

This kind of boxing is invincible, it is the supreme combat skill created by the martial art that has been evolved to the limit. One punch can break all magical powers, regardless of whether you are eternal or not, all with one punch.


The demon corpse was directly blasted away by the white-clothed youth with a punch, and a large area of ​​its chest collapsed, but it was not directly blasted.


Gu Ling, who watched the battle from a distance, couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw this scene.

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