Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4709: Surprise a sword

The Emperor of the Sun is the eternal world, the Golden Crow family.

The eternal world is full of races, and races in the Ancestral Realm, Taishi Realm, and even the heavens have their origins in the Eternal World.

Even in the human world and heaven, there are also the existence of the Golden Crow family.

Of course, the Golden Crow clan in the Eternal World is much stronger than the Golden Crow clan in any realm, because even in the Eternal World, this clan is also a top strong clan.

As soon as the emperor made his move, he directly crushed the powerhouses of the four worlds, pushing one side invincible.

"It's all a bunch of rubbish, is there really no one in this lower realm who can handle my three tricks?"

The Emperor Oiichi is extremely strong.

"Hey, the Emperor, why are you serious with these ants? Just send a follower to take action, and you can kill these ants."

A young man in white clothes filled with fairy aura smiled.

"Bei Gongyu, don't talk nonsense. If you don't do anything, then the origin of Hunyuan Hongmeng will fall into the hands of others."

The Emperor Dairi said coldly.

"I'm about to shoot."

Then Bei Gongyu said with a wave of his right hand, a sword light directly rushed out of his hand, and directly cut the void of heaven and earth, and three figures fell out of the void.

"A sword breaks the void?"

Someone exclaimed.

The Beigong clan is also the top strong clan in the eternal world, and its power is not inferior to the Wu Ji Xianzong.

The kendo of the Beigong clan is also a must in the entire eternal world.

Bei Gongyu's seemingly random sword actually contains Void Sword Dao. This Void Sword Dao is exactly the nemesis of Wu Ji Xianzong's Wu Ji change.

"Who is it? Who would dare to ruin my big things!"

At this time, Meng Ao was almost vomiting blood, Nima, Lao Tzu was about to kill this demon, and someone broke his martial extreme change at this time.

That was the absolute imprisonment that Junior Sister depleted her cultivation base. She originally killed this demon and got the Hunyuan Hongmeng origin and the immortal technique.

Even if Junior Sister lost her cultivation base, it was worth it.

But now, I really did nothing to draw the basket.

"Brother Meng, I'm really sorry, I accidentally vented some sword energy just now, but unexpectedly it broke your martial arts change, hey, you are not good at learning!"

Bei Gongyu shook his head and sighed.


When Meng Ao saw Bei Gongyu, his face was flushed, and he wanted to attack, but he didn't dare. You know, Bei Gongyu is the contemporary son of Bei Gong Yu!

The saint son of the Beigong clan, who dares to provoke easily?

This dumb loss, Meng Ao can only swallow it in one bite.

"Brother, forget it!"

Leng Qiuyue was really afraid of being arrogant and dizzy, and shot towards Bei Gongyu. You know, Bei Gongyu is the holy son of the Beigong clan, and he cultivates Void Sword Dao.

This void swordsmanship is exactly the nemesis of Wu Ji change.

And Meng Ao and Leng Qiuyue's biggest reliance is Wuji Shenquan and Wuji change, but now, their reliance is no threat to Bei Gongyu.

"Haha, you two little guys, come and die!"

At this time, the devilish energy was mighty, a huge demon shadow appeared between the heaven and the earth, the devil ran away from the dead, and it was really a cold sweat.

He felt the threat of death just now.

Although the immortality of the heavenly devil is powerful, it is not absolutely immortal. Just now, in the Wu Ji Void, he was absolutely imprisoned. If the opponent took this opportunity to completely slay his soul, he would also die.

The so-called immortality is not absolute.

"Devil, don't be arrogant."

Meng Ao hadn't spoken yet, but Bei Gongyu stood up.

"Which green onion are you again!"

The evil spirit madly swallowed the surrounding heaven and earth essence, quickly replenishing the consumed vitality.

"This guy is looking for death, dare to be so presumptuous in front of Bei Gongyu."

"Then Bei Gong Yu is the saint son of the Bei Gong clan!"

"A sword breaks the void, never defeated!"

Those strong men who crossed from the eternal world are all watching the confronting Bei Gongyu and Mo Daoxie nervously.

"It seems you are very good."

The voice of the evil spirit is extremely cold.

"Hey, I'm not good at learning, where can I go?"

Bei Gongyu said disapprovingly.

The strong men from the eternal world present all raised their middle fingers to Bei Gongyu in their hearts. If this guy is not good at learning, then the monks in the entire eternal world will not be good at learning.

"Then you go away and don't stop Lao Tzu from killing."

The evil spirit roared, and the terrifying evil sound spread into the ears of everyone present, with a murderous look.

"Oh, speak well, tell me to get out? You are too much." Bei Gongyu seemed to be chattering, without the bearing and demeanor of the son.

"Too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

The evil spirits talked directly towards Meng Ao and Leng Qiuyue, and the monstrous demon energy swept down from the air immediately, with great momentum.

Among the devilish energy, demon shadows were condensing one after another, and they were killing Meng Ao and others like a thousand horses.


The whole world is shaking.


Meng Ao and Leng Qiuyue were both taken aback, and quickly backed away.

"Oh, if you have something to say, how can you kill people at every turn?"

Bei Gong Yu hurriedly took out the sword. He seemed to be flustered, but with a sword, it was the devilish energy sweeping from the sky that Shengsheng slashed in half.


Mo Daoxie was surprised. Is this guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? The power of this sword is earth-shattering, and it is definitely not inferior to the Wuji Shenquan of Wuji Xianzong.

The countless magical shadows under the devilish energy dissipated under the sword light.

Seeing the power of this sword, Meng Ao's forehead broke into cold sweat.

The existence of him and the Saint Child and the God Child level, whether in terms of combat power or cultivation base, is still a lot worse.

Seeing this sword, Gu Ling couldn't help but was moved. She also repaired the sword, but even she couldn't cut such a sword. Perhaps only her father Gu Fei could display such a surprise sword.

"I don't know how long it will take for my father to get out!"

Gu Ling looked up to the sky. Her father was her greatest pride.

Even the evil spirit hidden in the devil qi was almost split in half by this sword.

At this time, he had to put away his contempt. This seemingly lazy young man is actually a great master, not comparable to the two little guys just now.

"This is the real confidence of the eternal world?"

Above Nine Heavens, Tong Yu and Di Jiutian who saw this scene were also shocked and inexplicable.

With their cultivation skills, it is natural to see that Bei Gongyu's sword is powerful, and Bei Gongyu's swordsmanship has been cultivated to the extreme, but it is a little worse.

This guy, it won't take long to cultivate Sword Dao to the perfect state and become the Supreme Sword Sovereign.

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