Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4710: The flaw of the immortal body

"Red dust refines the heart, I only have the sword!"

Bei Gong Yu raised his sword and sang loudly, his expression was a little crazy, but also a little chic, giving people a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

"This guy……"

Others didn't feel anything, but the Sons and Sons of God from the Eternal World were all moved when they saw this scene.

"It's no wonder that this guy has done a lot of absurd things in the game world for the past 100 years. It turned out to be like this."

The sun and the moon were sinking in the eyes of the Emperor of the Sun, and in the divine flame outside his body, there seemed to be countless golden crows looming, flapping their wings, and the vision was amazing.

"Hmph! Follow the trail, this is a kind of cultivation, what's so strange?"

You Shenzi sneered.

"You can't say that." A purple-clothed saint's fairy light lingers, like a supreme Immortal Venerable descending to the world, the fairy light from the body continues to condense into golden lotus flowers, constantly disillusioning.

"Eternal Immortal Sect Saint Yu Huang?"

Someone recognized the origin of this purple-clothed saint, the eternal fairy sage saint is the sister of Yu Wei, the true disciple of the eternal fairy sect.

Yu Wei has the confidence to call Ban Mengao, because his sister is the saint of the Eternal Xianzong, and the saint of the Eternal Xianzong, just like the Bei Gongyu, is just a little worse.

This kind of existence of them has become the supreme supreme, that is a matter of iron and steel.

You know, this is the descendant cultivated by Eternal Xianzong.

"Hong Chen refines his mind, one hundred kinds of people, one hundred kinds of mind, Bei Gongyu, obviously has found what he wants." Yu Huang said calmly.

"well said!"

The other sons and sons nodded secretly.


The divine sword in Bei Gongyu's hand kept shaking, releasing one after another fierce sword light, no matter how fierce the Mo Daoxie offensive, he could not stop his sword.

This is the real one to break the law.

"Is it eternal law again?"

The evil spirit roars.

"Hey, this is my law!"

Bei Gongyu smiled.


The evil spirits were taken aback, this kind of kendo was actually cultivated by this guy himself? Instead of the so-called eternal laws.

His own law can actually be compared with the eternal law, this guy is too bad!

Everyone is dumbfounded.

"I am the only one!"

Bei Gongyu slashed out with a sword, and the blood suddenly appeared, and Mo Daoxie's left arm actually flew.

"I am the only one?"

When Gu Ling heard Bei Gongyu's words, there was a flash of light in his mind, as if he had caught something, which made her surprised and happy.

"It's me!"

Mo Daoxie knew that he had encountered a perverted-level guy. What this guy realized was so amazing that no one knew what happened to this guy.

However, Mo Daoxie can see that this guy is a person with a story.

"Nima, who doesn't have a story? This demon master is also a person with a story, why is this demon master to be sealed for endless years?" That resentment in the heart of the evil spirit!

If one arm is gone, another one will grow out. This is nothing to the evil spirit who possesses the immortal body of the demon.

But in a moment of thought, the left arm of Mo Daoxie that was cut off by Bei Gongyu's sword grew out in an instant, as if it had never been cut off.

However, he had just grown his left arm, and his right arm was cut off by Bei Gongyu, which made Mo Daoxie extremely depressed.

"I am long!"

Mo Daoxie's right arm grew out again.

However, in the next moment, it was not his arm that fell, but his head. When the sword light flashed, Mo Daoxie's head flew up.

"Damn it!"

Mo Daoxie is really going to scold his mother, this guy is teasing himself with emotions.

"I can grow my head too!"

But in an instant, Mo Daoxie's head grew out of his neck.

"This guy is bull, he won't die after being hit by Bei Gongyu so many swords?"

Those who saw this scene were stunned. This Bei Gong Yu's sword was not something anyone could bear. Even if those **** sons and saints were slashed by Bei Gong Yu's sword, they would suffer severe damage.

You know, Bei Gongyu's sword contains his Tao.

However, I have to say that the immortality of the evil demon is really amazing, and it can actually block Bei Gongyu's kendo power.

At this time, even Tong Yu and Di Jiutian above the Nine Heavens were shocked. Bei Gongyu's sword training was too anti-heaven, and it was not like a sword that a quasi supreme could understand.


The sword in Bei Gongyu's hand continued to dance, and there were sword marks one after another on Mo Daoxie's body.

"I'm not playing anymore."

The evil spirits really couldn't stand it anymore, and they turned into a cloud of demonic energy and rose into the sky, wanting to escape.

However, the sword light rushing from the divine sword in Bei Gongyu's hand instantly smashed the group of devilish energy, but this devilish energy grew out after being cut off, which made Bei Gongyu somewhat helpless. .

Mo Daoxie is equally depressed.

The next moment, the demon energy he transformed suddenly exploded, turning into countless thin lines, rushing in all directions, his soul attached to every thin line of demon energy.

However, Bei Gongyu shook the divine sword in his hand, and in the next moment, countless equally tiny sword auras burst out of his sword, slicing every demon aura accurately.

Mo Daoxie's primordial spirit was not cut off, but it was also greatly impacted.

"What a terrible kendo!"

Gu Ling's heart trembled. Even if he was against this Bei Gong Yu, it would be difficult to win. This kind of enchanting existence was really too difficult to deal with.

If the **** sons, saint women and saint sons of the top powers who crossed from the eternal world are like this Bei Gongyu, then the strong ones in the four worlds are not opponents at all.

Even Bei Gongyu alone could sling the Quasi-Supreme of the Four Worlds.

Moreover, there are many **** sons and saints of the eternal world that have crossed over this time, and those princes of the eternal gods are not comparable to Bei Gongyu and others.

This Bei Gongyu sword can destroy the eternal prince of God.

But Yu Huang, the emperor of the sun, and the existence of Wu Jizi did not put the eternal gods in their eyes.

At this time, Mo Daoxie was a little anxious. He couldn't escape, and he couldn't beat and beat him. He could only make this guy abuse him all the time.

Mo Daoxie is very clear that the opponent's sword can weaken his own soul power.

The immortality of the immortal body of the heavenly demon refers to the immortality of the original spirit. Once the original spirit is cut off, even if the evil spirit is refined into the immortal body of the heavenly devil, it will be dead.

Bei Gongyu has long seen the futility and reality of the evil spirits, he is going to consume the evil spirits!

In fact, other gods may also see the futility and reality of the evil spirit, the only flaw in the immortality of the evil spirit is his soul.

"Good guy!"

Gu Ling looked at Bei Gongyu, who was unhurriedly drawing the sword, his face was extremely solemn.

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