Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4715: The collision of the strongest blood

The demon who was trapped in the fire cauldron actually had the origin of Chaos and Magnificence, which made everyone extremely excited and jealous.

"Unexpectedly, this guy actually has an open **** on his body!"

The Ziyang Emperor held the divine halberd and killed directly towards the black sky. The killing array under the black sky cloth was under the Ziyang emperor's divine halberd. It was so fragile that it could not stop him at all.

In the eyes of the people of the eternal world, the opening of the gods is extremely precious, because the eternal world is too detached and has existed for endless years.

Although the eternal world is rich in cultivation resources and can satisfy the eternal supreme cultivation, the eternal world is extremely rare.

What is the opening of the gods, that is, the gods when the heaven and the earth first opened, even the gods that were conceived before the heavens and the earth were opened.

The eternal world has existed for endless years, and the gods and creatures created by the open sky have been consumed seven or eight, which is extremely difficult to see.

However, in other worlds, Kaitian gods can still be found, especially in those young worlds, there are many Kaitian gods.

"If I can get the origin of the Chaos Harmony, my Ziyang Divine Body will be transformed into the Chaos Harmony Ziyang Divine Body. At that time, it won't be much worse than the younger generation of invincible hands."

Ziyang Emperor was fierce in his heart, he must get this kind of heaven-opening god.


He danced the divine halberd and directly slammed to the opposite side of Heitian.

"This guy……"

Hei Tian was really taken aback by the opponent's momentum, the opponent's displayed combat power was too strong, and the kill formation he sacrificed was not an ordinary kill formation.

However, in front of this guy, his own killing array is like a kid's stuff, not in the flow at all.

"Samsara of Nine Deaths!"

Hei Tian did not hesitate, and directly displayed his own assassin.


I saw the void around him immediately shattered, and the void disappeared all at once, turning into a palpitating black hole.


The Emperor Ziyang only felt the darkness in front of him, and he fell straight down. The surroundings were pitch black, and there was no light, as if he had entered an absolute dark void.

Everyone within a radius of thousands of miles is the same, as if they have fallen into a dark abyss without any light.

"how is this possible……"

The black-clothed masked woman, as well as the evil spirit trapped in the fire cauldron, were shocked.

At this time, they were surprised to find that the essence of their bodies was rapidly draining, being wiped out, to be precise, being swallowed by the dark void around them.

Those other strong men who were trapped by the killing array were unlucky. After the killing array entered this dark void, it immediately collapsed, and the endless array pattern dissipated in the void.

And those strong from all sides who were trapped in the killing array were actually horrified to find that their bodies were shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Do not……"

The shriveled flesh body of a powerful Quasi-Supreme was directly turned into fly ash, and even the primordial spirit was scattered in the void, and the light of the primordial spirit died directly.

That is a sign that the brand of life has been wiped out, and there is no chance to go to reincarnation.

Of course, this world must have reincarnation. Whether it is the heavens and the eternal world, reincarnation is a taboo and absolutely mysterious.

Even the eternal supreme is unclear about reincarnation, and the way is unknown.

"What is this, the power of reincarnation?"

The Ziyang Emperor encountered an annoyance, and the Ziyang power on his body was gradually wiped out, and the Ziyang Divine Flame outside his body also dimmed.


At this moment, there was thunder from a distance, and a group of sacred fire rushed from a distance.

"this is……"

The Emperor Ziyang looked attentively, and couldn't help being overjoyed. Amidst the sacred fire, the three-headed fire unicorn was pulling a chariot and rushing towards him. That chariot was not easy.

The Emperor Ziyang laughed loudly, and immediately jumped up and landed on the chariot.


The next moment, he slapped his palm on the chariot, and then, the whole chariot seemed to be revived, blooming with purple flames, and nine rounds of purple sun appeared around the chariot.

Nine rounds of Ziyang directly opened the Diablo Void and rushed out.


Outside, Hei Tian couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw the chariot that rushed out, this guy could actually break through the void of his nine deaths?


Not far away, the void exploded, and a magical shadow rushed out, the magical mighty ten directions.


Heitian has a toothache, and the power of his Nine Deaths Reincarnation Void has weakened? impossible!

However, then a scene that made Heitian speechless appeared, and the nearby Void approached a few more places, and there were three other guys who broke through his Nine Deaths Reincarnation Void and rushed out.

This is the existence of the five great emperors in the eternal world.

"Unexpectedly you are here too."

Standing on the chariot, the Emperor Ziyang glanced at those people, showing his fighting spirit like a rainbow.

"That's such a bully, I won't play anymore!"

Hei Tian tore the void directly as he spoke, rushing into the void of the Nine Deaths Reincarnation.

"This guy……"

The Emperor Ziyang was furious. Such a strong man was so unskilled that he would run away before he even hit.

In fact, he didn't know that Heitian was really bleak. You know, he is a black hand, the ancestor of making bricks, he is not a gentleman.

Hei Tian was not stupid enough to fight desperately with the five emperors of the Eternal Great World. One Ziyang Emperor couldn't do it, let alone four guys who were not weaker than Ziyang Emperor.


The extremely angry Ziyang Emperor directly exploded a mountain beside him with a punch.

"Others can't get out."

A blonde young man had a cold face. The man was really cunning just now. He killed dozens of guys who were about to watch the show all at once.

Of course, those people actually have no good intentions and want to pick up the bargain. Whoever thinks that the bargain is not picked up, but loses their lives.

"Haha, a good harvest this time!"

In the void of the Nine Deaths Reincarnation, Hei Tian was collecting his trophies. Although those guys who were beaten into the void of the Nine Death Reincarnations were all turned into ashes, the things on their bodies remained.

Storage rings, storage bags, and even the inner world they opened up will not completely collapse so quickly.

By the means of Hei Tian, ​​it is absolutely possible to enter these inner worlds and harvest them before they completely collapse.

If the owner of the inner world has fallen, the inner world will collapse and become nothingness again, unless there is some power in the inner world to restrain the inner world.

"Black brother, black father, black master, black ancestor, just let me go!"

At this time, a fire cauldron floated and sinked in the endless dark void. In the fire cauldron, Mo Daoxie was really panicked. He didn't want to be suppressed and sealed again.

In the entire void of the Nine Deaths Reincarnation, only Demon Dao Xie was still supporting it, but Hei Tian didn't want to kill this guy.

"I'll clean up you later."

Heitian is not evil at all, and continues to harvest the spoils.

At this time, in the Eastern Region of Chaos Immortal Mansion World, Gu Ling was fought with the Great Sun Emperor, and the void he fought was shattered, as if the end had come.

This is the collision of the strongest descendants. Gu Fei is the strongest existence in the heavens and all realms, which can contend with the eternal supreme, and the eternal blood is also flowing on the body of the Emperor.

Everyone stared nervously at the two strong men in the war, and they were extremely nervous.

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