Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4716: Foot on the Emperor

The ancient spirit fights the Great Sun Emperor, this is definitely the first strongest bloodline collision between the young generation of the heavens and the young generation of the eternal world.

You know, Gu Ling is the daughter of Gu Fei, and Gu Fei, but once the eternal supreme, so Gu Ling is the second generation of the eternal supreme, with the purest eternal blood.

However, this emperor is also an eternal descendant. Of course, the ancestor of the emperor is the eternal supreme. His blood has been passed down to his generation, and it is no longer known how many generations have been diluted.

However, this great Japanese emperor was born with a different personality, and his ancestors appeared on his body. His ancestor's bloodline was many times more pure than ordinary people.

In this way, with the help of the power of blood, the Emperor Dahi is definitely one of the most powerful beings among the younger generation of the Golden Crow family, and the emperor among the younger generation.

"Haha..., the little lower realm ants dare to compete with Haoyue for glory, and they are really overwhelmed."

The emperor laughed and shot, only to see him punch out, the void in front of his fist was instantly enveloped by the divine fire, and the nine golden crows went directly to the Gu Ling to slay.

This is the fighting technique of the Golden Crow family of the Eternal Great World, the Golden Crow God Fist, this type of fist, and the Wuji Shenzong's Wuji Shenzong, and the Eternal Xianzong's Eternal Huaji hand, are all of the same level.

As soon as the Golden Crow's fist strikes, the entire world is flooded with the power of the Golden Crow, as if the universe is about to be crushed, and Gu Ling can't escape such an overbearing punch.

Since you can't avoid it, don't hide.

Gu Ling squeezed the five fingers of her right hand, and the next moment, she punched out without thinking about it. She moved her fist intentionally, and a punch that exceeded the limit erupted from his fist.

The void in front of her shattered directly, and the nine golden crows broke apart in an instant. Although it looked like an ordinary punch, it contained invincible will.

"this is……"

Even if the heart of the Emperor Da Ri was shaken, a small ant in the lower realm could cultivate such a powerful fist, and he had to be moved.


Gu Ling's fist crushed everything, and the Emperor was directly shaken hundreds of thousands of miles away, directly smashing through a mountain.

"Okay! Very good, I thought the lower realm was boring, it seems that I underestimated the creatures in the lower realm!"

The Emperor Dainichi reached out his hand to wipe the trace of blood from the corner of his mouth. He stared at Gu Ling, the divine light from his eyes was as bright as a divine sun, illuminating the whole world.

In his eyes, there are countless fire patterns intertwined.

Gu Ling only felt that a murderous intent had enveloped him instantly.


At this moment, the emperor of the sun roared and saw two divine lights that were as terrifying as a heavenly sword shot out of his eyes. These two divine lights instantly tore the void and penetrated into the ancient spirit. In front of him.

"With only one hand!"

Gu Ling only had time to block her hands forward, and the power of transforming the sky came out of her hands.

The moment when the two **** lights collided with the ancient spirit's power of transforming the sky, they dissipated in an instant, and they were melted away.

"Eternal Law?"

The Emperor of the Sun was shocked, this ant of the lower realm actually mastered the eternal law?

what happened?

The emperor really does not understand, is the eternal law so cheap? Even the creatures of the lower world can master it.

The eternal law, even in the eternal world, is the secret method of the top sects of the town, and it is a practice that must not be spread.

The top forces in the Eternal World strictly prohibit the spread of Eternal Law.

The Jinwu clan also has eternal law.

"Great sun burns the sky!"

The Emperor Da Nichi directly displayed the eternal law of the Golden Crow clan. In the next moment, endless sacred fire erupted from his body, and the sacred fire instantly enveloped the entire world.

The area with a radius of a million miles has become a sea of ​​flames.

Those unlucky guys who could not evade the battle directly screamed and burned to fly ash, and even the soul couldn't escape, and they ended up in a ruinous end.

Only a few strong men broke through the fire and rushed out.

"This guy is amazing!"

The old tortoise, who had long seen the bad situation, withdrew directly from thousands of miles away. With his cultivation base, even if he was thousands of miles away, he could see the battle.

"None of those guys from the eternal world are easy to mess with."

Qin Yao frowned and said, these quasi-superiors in the Eternal World are too strong, no matter it is the Taishi Realm or the Ancestral Realm, almost no one is the opponent of these people.

Of course, some people in the ancestral world don't want to make a move.

Only a few people such as Gu Ling knew that there were some hidden masters in the Ancestral Realm, and those people would not easily make a move.

At this time, the power of transforming the sky came out from Gu Ling's body, and all the terrifying divine fire that swept toward her could hardly get close to him.

"it is good!"

The Emperor Da Nichi appeared in the sea of ​​flames, and fisted directly towards Gu Ling.

I saw his fist strength directly penetrated into the void within a hundred feet of Gu Ling's body, but when he was still ten feet away from Gu Ling, he was completely clean.


The Emperor Dairi was taken aback. The other party's eternal law was too powerful. This simply eliminated all attacks. With this eternal law, wouldn't this guy be invincible?

"Don't be surprised."

Above Nine Heavens, Tong Yu and Di Jiutian were staring at the battle below, and they were extremely nervous.

You know, Gu Ling is Gu Fei's only daughter, and if something happens, they will suffer.

Gu Fei is in retreat, and both Tong Yu and Di Jiutian know that once Gu Fei leaves the customs, his cultivation will probably be restored to the eternal state. At that time, the heavens and the world, even the eternal world, will have Gu Fei's seat. The bit.

However, they can't make a move.

"One foot!"

At this moment, Gu Ling took a step forward and disappeared into the void in an instant. The next moment, when she appeared again, the person had already reached the sky above the head of the Emperor.

Without any hesitation, she stepped directly on the head of the emperor with a "touch!", and then the entire head of emperor was exploded.

"Ohio Nippon is defeated? How is this possible!"

The powerhouses from the eternal world were all stunned by this scene. But the emperor, the emperor of the same rank, had unexpectedly fallen into the hands of this little ant?

"The Emperor will not be defeated!"

Someone said in a deep voice.

Sure enough, the headless body of the great Japanese emperor rose into the sky, and the flames were full of flames, and a head directly emerged from his neck, with no difference in appearance.

Existences who have cultivated to the pinnacle of Quasi-Supreme can hardly be killed by people, because they can be reborn with a drop of blood, unless they are destroyed by the soul.


The emperor was so angry that he couldn't even beat a little girl. His face was lost to his grandmother's house, which made him almost crazy.

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