Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4721: Wan Po incarnation

The great tomb of Jidao Supreme was born, which alarmed all directions.

Whether it is the Quasi-Supreme of the Four Worlds or the Dragon of the Eternal World, they all gather towards the tomb of the Supreme Supreme. There is absolutely something extraordinary in the tomb of the Supreme Supreme.

Extreme Dao supreme, the sky is hard to destroy, the earth is difficult to bury, even if the body is dead, the corpse will be immortal for thousands of years, and there may even be the origin of the extreme road.

At this time, the earth split, and death auras rushed out from the depths of the earth, like poisonous dragons after another, seeming to swallow all the creatures approaching.

The entire tomb was enveloped by a breath of death, and the hundreds of thousands of miles were turned into dead zones.

I saw a fierce beast encountered a breath of death lingering in the void, and the next moment, the fierce beast, as huge as a hill, turned into a corpse in an instant.

"this is……"

This scene happened to be seen by a woman in black on a low mountain in the distance.

"It's terrible."

The black-clothed woman muttered to herself that the cultivation base of that fierce beast was comparable to that of a saint, but she was killed when she encountered a ray of death and turned into a corpse.

However, such a terrifying lifelessness could not stop the real strong.


A figure directly rushed into the deadly area, the sound of breaking through the air was deafening, as if for fear that others would not know that he was here.

"It's him?"

The woman in black frowned and turned into a black smoke, rushing into the dead zone ahead.

At this time, above the high sky in the northern region of the Chaos Xianfu World, the void suddenly shook, and the void was rippling like water waves.

Soon, a magic light penetrated the void, and a black hole appeared in the sky.

"finally reached."

A magical voice came out from the black hole, several vague magical shadows walked out of the black hole, and the black hole behind them began to disappear.

Those were four powerful demon masters, and one of them was a blood-haired woman. This woman was very beautiful, with a vertical demon eye growing between her brows.

Behind the blood-haired woman, followed by three powerful magicians who were covered in black robes.

The demon aura on the head of the blood-haired woman seemed to be absent, but the body of the three demon masters behind her was devilish.

"Where is the devil, die!"

At this moment, a roar sounded from a snow-capped mountain below, and the next moment, a divine light shot up into the sky, and went straight to the blood-haired woman headed by the sky.

"court death!"

The blood-haired witch directly waved her hand, and the divine light that penetrated through her fell into the void, and then she pressed her right hand downward.


The snow mountain below exploded directly, and a figure collapsed into the void.

"Elder Moon is invincible."

The three demon masters behind the blood-haired witch couldn't help but be moved when they saw this scene. Elder Yue's cultivation became more and more powerful, perhaps even stronger than Elder Zongyan who fell here!

"It's just one ant."

The blood-haired witch said calmly.

The three demon masters are speechless. The guy who was slapped to death by the elder Yue just now is a quasi-supreme!

That blood-haired witch is the elder Zongyue of the Eternal Demon Sect of the Eternal World.

Zong Yan has fallen to the lower realm, and it is impossible for the Eternal Demon Sect to ignore it. You know, that is, an elder of the Eternal Demon Sect has fallen.

"There is actually a super killing array laid down by a strong eternal level here?"

Before Zong Yue entered the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, she had already designated her cultivation base, and now she can only use the cultivation base of Quasi-Sovereign Peak.

She saw that this world was enveloped by a super killer formation, even if she was a half-step eternal powerhouse, she did not dare to take risks.

"Go to someone and ask, where is the guy who killed Zong Yan called Gu Fei."

Zong Yue directly ordered the three powerful demon roads behind him.

"Yes, elder!"

After the three powerful masters took their orders, they immediately turned and left.

The northern part of the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion is a world of ice and snow. Here, at first glance, it is all white.

"Come out, haven't you seen enough?"

Zong Yue suddenly turned around and looked at a snow-capped mountain in the distance.

I saw a white figure walking out from behind a big rock.

This is a woman in white, she is actually Yan'er.

"A man in the magic path? You don't seem to be a demon from the four worlds, do you come from the eternal world?" Yan'er looked at Zong Yue indifferently.


Zong Yue could see Yan'er's fictitiousness and reality at a glance, and it seemed that this woman's cultivation could break through to the extreme realm at any time!

"When did the creatures of the lower realm become so powerful?"

Zong Yue said to herself, this time coming from the eternal world to the lower realm, it made her feel a little unbelievable. There are too many powerful creatures in the lower realm.

When she entered the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, she once slaughtered all over the world, provoking an alternative and eternal fellow, and was almost killed by that person.

Fortunately, she escaped quickly, and escaped into the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion with three of her men.

An alternative eternal strong is still much stronger than a half-step eternal strong. Although it is an alternative eternal, it is eternal in the end.

"Little girl, do you know where Gu Fei is?"

Zong Yue asked directly.

"Why are you looking for him? He killed your people?"

Yan'er was still very calm, as if nothing in the world could make her move.

"I want him to take revenge!"

Zong Yue did not conceal, nor did he need to conceal.

"Want to seek revenge from him? Then let me see if you have this ability."

Yan'er said, turning over her right hand, and a dark ancient Ding appeared in her hand when she was standing. This was the Qiankun Ding, the heavy weapon of their Dandingmen's inheritance.


Zong Yue smiled, the magic light in his eyes became even more weird, as if there was a kind of terrifying magic power, and someone dared to challenge themselves, then play with this little girl.

As the elder of the Eternal Demon Sect, Zong Yue didn't know how long she had lived. In her eyes, Yan'er was just a little girl.


At this moment, the Wanyao Qiankun Ding in Yan'er's hand suddenly shook. The next moment, nine black shadows rushed out of the Wanyao Qiankun Ding and went directly to Zong Yue.

This is the incarnation of Ten Thousand Poisons, it is illusory and unreal, and there is no entity, but once Yan'er's incarnation of Ten Thousand Poisons is thrown on her body, even the Quasi-Supreme will die.

"what is this……"

Zong Yue stroked her right hand in front of her, and the black figure that had been culled by the nine cullings was instantly cut into two pieces.

However, although the black shadow was cut into two pieces, they gathered together again in an instant, and continued to culminate towards Zong Yue, the speed reaching the extreme.

Zong Yue fisted at the black shadow that had been culled in front of him, and directly blasted the shadow away.

However, she only felt that there was a feeling of being burnt on her fist. She quickly looked down and saw that her entire fist turned black.


Zong Yue was taken aback.

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