Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4722: Ten Thousand Poisonous Universe Void

In the northern part of the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, Yan'er fought against the Elder Zongyue of the Eternal Demon Sect.

This Zong Yue, self-proclaimed a half-step eternal cultivation base, suppressed her cultivation in the quasi-supreme realm, but although she could not use half-step eternal power, even the power of the extreme level, she possessed an extremely powerful monster. .

However, even if he had a powerful monster, he still couldn't stop Yan'er's poison.

Yan'er's Nine Thousand Poison Incarnations are more powerful than imagined. Zong Yue blasted a Wan-Poison incarnation with one punch, but her fist instantly turned black as if painted with ink.


Zong Yue's right fist shook, and the black air immediately penetrated from her fist and dissipated in the void. It was the toxin from Wan Poison who was forced out by her.

The half-step eternal level demon is extremely powerful, and the poison of the Ten Thousand Poison Qiankun Ding seems to be unable to help her.


The incarnation of Ten Thousand Poisons that had been blasted away by Zong Yue condensed and formed again, and then culled towards Zong Yue.

The Nine Dao Wan Poison incarnations rushed towards Zong Yue at the same time, and the poisonous gas erupting from the Nine Dao Incarnations enveloped the entire void, and the poison permeated every inch of the void.

Thousands of miles of snow turned black, contaminated with terrible toxins, and wiped out one party.

Fortunately, there are no living creatures in the ice and snow in this northern region. If it is in other places, it will be disastrous.

"Small bugs!"

Zongyue is the elder of the Eternal Demon Sect, who crosses the world and competes with the strong from all sides. How can you be afraid of poison if you have not seen any storms.

Moreover, in the eternal demon sect, there are also powerful demon masters who practice poison.

Seeing his body shook, a ball of magic light burst out from her immediately, and the incarnation of nine thousand poisons directly hit the ball of magic light.


The incarnation of Nine Dao Wan Poisons exploded directly, and the dark Dao patterns were branded in the void, and even the void was corroded by the terrifying toxin.

Zong Yue's protective magic light dimmed.


Zong Yue had to move her face. This little girl was really poisonous, and she was unique. Even the great devils who cultivated the Poison Dao in the Eternal Demon Sect, on the way of the Poison Dao, I am afraid that they are beyond reach.

"I am the only one!"

Zong Yue roared, and in the next moment, a violent demon power burst out from her body, like a stormy sea, sweeping through the ten directions, dispelling all the poisonous gas around.

This is the unique magic power of the Eternal Demon Sect. As soon as the unique magic power of Zong Yue comes out, it does have the aura of self-respect, just like the ancestor of ten thousand demons came to the world, looking at the world.

"Poisonous universe!"

Yan'er directly displayed her assassin, and a party suddenly appeared in the world, and directly swallowed Zong Yue in.


Zong Yue was really angry, the Domineering Demon Shadow appeared in the Ten Thousand Poison Universe Void, and directly opened the entire Ten Thousand Poison Universe Void.

That demon shadow was so huge that it was unimaginable. That was the void opened up by Yan'er. This void was an extinct void, and there were the most powerful poison everywhere.

Even the Quasi-Supreme, trapped in Yan'er's universe, would have to die, the Quasi-Supreme-level existence could not resist Yan'er's poison.

Moreover, with Yan'er's current cultivation base, there are probably not many people in the same level who can resist Yan'er's poison.

However, at this time, a demon shadow was living Yan'er's ten thousand poisonous universe, and there were huge cracks in the void.

In some cracks, chaotic air even leaked out.

"how is this possible……"

Yan'er was moved. She knew that the opponent she encountered now was definitely the most powerful opponent she had ever encountered. This battle might be the key to her achievement of the ultimate supremacy.

Her cultivation has reached a delicate state.

In this state, even Yan'er herself is difficult to control, but as long as she can pass this level, she can become a true supreme Supreme.

If she couldn't pass this level, Yan'er might never become the supreme Supreme.

The best result for a person who fails to hit the extreme realm of the supreme realm will be severely injured and the cultivation base will decline, and the worst result will be to go crazy and die.

Of course, with Gu Fei's ability, naturally the worst result would not happen.

"I don't believe I can't hold you down."

Although Yan'er is indifferent to fame and fortune, this does not mean that she is not eager to compete.

She directly urged the Ten Thousand Poison Qiankun Ding on her hand, and saw the Ten Thousand Poison Qiankun Ding rise from her hand, and instantly became as huge as a hill, directly suppressing the Ten Thousand Poison Universe Void.


The entire Ten Thousand Poison Universe Void shook violently, and one space after another was constantly being repaired by the mighty forces on the Ten Thousand Poison Universe Cauldron.


Zong Yue, who was trapped in the Void of Ten Thousand Poisons, naturally sensed the changes in the entire Void of Ten Thousand Poisons.

She only felt that the endless pressure was coming from all directions, and she almost couldn't straighten up.

"Huh! This little girl is not only good at poison, but also at her cultivation level!"

Zong Yue finally knew why the other party was not afraid of her. The other party had confidence.


Another powerful magic power burst out of Zong Yue's body. The power of the domineering magic power seemed to have no end, and the huge magic shadow once again opened the world.

This demon shadow is like the supreme demon who opened the sky, as if opening the heavens and the earth, on the demon shadow, the chaos and demons were mighty, and the overbearing power to the extreme crushed the world.


Outside, Yan'er's face changed drastically. This demon was too strong and exceeded her expectations. Even if she used the Ten Thousand Poison Celestial Ding, she seemed to be unable to suppress this guy.

It was the first time she had encountered such a powerful demon.

In fact, after constant experience, Yan'er's combat experience is already very rich, but compared to a guy like Zong Yue who has lived for endless years, she is still very tender.


Yan'er directly sat cross-legged on the Ten Thousand Poison Universe Ding, the body and the cauldron were united, energizing the Ten Thousand Poison Universe Ding with all her strength, and endless Dao patterns erupted from the Ten Thousand Poison Universe Ding.

A strong force erupted from the Ten Thousand Poison Universe Ding, and this force was blessed above the Ten Thousand Poison Universe Void.

Yan'er got on the bar with Zong Yue.

But isn't Zong Yue hitting Yan'er?

The two powerhouses are using their strongest power, and they are already riding a tiger. You must know that at this time, whoever retreats will be killed by the other party.


Two extremely powerful forces are constantly colliding, and the surrounding void is constantly shattering, but they are rapidly reorganizing, repeating itself again and again.

For a while, no one can beat anyone.

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