Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4728: The legendary realm

In the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, an inexplicable breath enveloped the entire world.

"what happened!"

"Could it be that something ominous happened?"

All the creatures who entered the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion and participated in this trial were all shocked, and they were very sensitive to the changes between heaven and earth when their cultivation level reached their level.


Gu Ling, who was fighting Yu Huang, suddenly thought of something and immediately wanted to retreat, but Yu Huang had already red eyes in the battle. How could it be so easy for Gu Ling to get away.


Yu Huang waved the True Phoenix Sword in her hand, and the sword light burst out from her hand one after another, quickly interweaving in the void, forming a big net that enveloped the ancient spirit under the sword net.


Gu Ling is angry, I am afraid that you will not succeed?


A sword rang through the sky, and a sharp sword light rushed from Gu Ling's body, soaring into the sky, and directly broke the sword net.

However, after Gu Ling was blocked for a whole afternoon, Yu Huang was already close, and Sen Han's sword aura cut through the void and slashed directly in front of him.


Gu Ling grabbed her right hand, and a divine sword immediately appeared in her hand, and then directly greeted Yu Huang's sword light.

The two divine swords collided in an instant, bursting out sparks of destruction.

Both Gu Ling and Yu Huang flew backwards, and there were countless spatial cracks in the void between the two, one after another, like strands of hair, densely packed.

This was caused by the explosion of two sword auras. Regardless of the fact that the sword light from these explosions was very thin, the few stars in the distance were affected by the sword aura and were directly cut into pieces.


Yu Huang was taken aback. In this inferior world, there is a divine sword that can compete with the True Phoenix Sword?

The True Phoenix Sword is a well-known Dao tool even in the eternal world, and any ordinary ultimate Dao tool can't stop a blow from the True Phoenix Sword.


Gu Ling turned directly, the human sword merged into one, instantly turned into a sword light, and disappeared into the void.

"It's unreasonable, the next time I meet, I will definitely have a victory or defeat with you."

Yu Huang said angrily.

"Afraid you won't make it?"

Gu Ling's voice came from far away.

"this is……"

This is, Yu Huang only noticed the changes in this world.

"Could it be..."

Yu Huang was shocked to the extreme when he thought of something.

"Impossible, how could it be possible in such a world..."

Yu Huang shook his head fiercely. This idea is really absurd, but the current situation seems to be very similar to that recorded in ancient books!

The Eternal Wizard is a super sect that has passed down endless years. As the saint of the Eternal Wizard, Yu Huang is qualified to read some of the core classics of the Eternal Wizard.

Moreover, Eternal Immortal Sect also has an eternal level existence.

"It is impossible for anyone in this world to break through to that state."

Yu Huang couldn't believe it. She raised her head and looked up to the sky, but she just happened to see a scene that she would never forget.

Above the sky, the endless cloud energy was dissipating, and one after another electric light blasted out from the depths of the sky. Every bolt of lightning was huge, revealing a terrifying aura of destruction.

The whole world became extremely depressed, and even the strong men who broke into the tomb of Jidao jumped out.


There was a violent vibration in the Great Tomb, and a group of divine light like a divine sun burst out of the bottomless black hole on the ground, illuminating the entire world.

The powerful real sun burst out, shaking the sky and the earth.

"Ziyang Emperor?"

Someone exclaimed.

At this time, Ziyang Emperor looked up to the sky.

Not only the Ziyang Emperor, but also other powerful people who felt bad were also looking up at the sky.

The endless aura of the avenue was condensing, and the terrifying coercion suddenly fell on everyone's head, pressing everyone almost out of breath.

"The avenue has become unstable!"

Someone exclaimed.

There are too many people who have entered the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, not only Zhunzhizhi, but also holy creatures.

The good fortune in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion has attracted countless powerful creatures. If not all of the four worlds have come, I am afraid that more than half have come.

Heaven, earth, ancestor, Taishi, the quasi-supreme among the four worlds, is a huge number.

You know, throughout the ages, there have been creatures stuck in the quasi-sovereign realm. I don’t know how many creatures there are.

Of course, there are many Quasi-Supreme fallen in endless years, but more Quasi-Supreme survived.

Moreover, not only the Quasi-Supreme of the Four Worlds entered the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, but also many Quasi-Supreme broke into the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion in the Eternal World.

The eternal world is the paradise of the ultimate powerhouse. Since the endless years, the quasi-supreme born in the eternal world has been countless.

Even Xianzhou, or the quasi-superior of several continents adjacent to Xianzhou, may be more than the quasi-superior of the four worlds.

Because whether it is Xianzhou or other continents, there is the existence of eternal supreme, and there are countless extreme supreme existences, and quasi supreme, there are as many as a cow.

This is the confidence that can surpass the ancestor realm, the Taishi realm, and the eternal world above.

There are more powerful creatures in the Eternal World than in other worlds combined. Therefore, no one knows how many Quasi-Supreme has broken into the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.

However, at this time, the creatures in the entire Chaos Immortal Palace world felt the chaos of this world, the heavens were trembling, and countless great powers were being suppressed.

It was Di Jiutian and Tong Yu that both felt a great deal of pressure.

"Is it Gu Fei?"

In the great tomb of Jidao, Hei Tian suddenly felt his heart, and he rushed out of the tomb.

"He is finally about to take that step again."

The old turtle stood on a big mountain and looked up at the sky.

"Uncle Uncle is going to achieve eternity?"

Qin Yao walked out of a valley, where the smell of blood filled the valley, and there was a huge mountain-like savage beast, and several equally powerful savage beasts.

Yan'er is Qin Yao's master. She originally wanted to call Gu Fei the master, but after deliberation, she should call Gu Fei her uncle.

As the eternal breath that opened from above the nine heavens gradually strengthened, the entire avenue of heaven and earth was suppressed, and everyone was shocked to the extreme.

"Master succeeded?"

Tong Yu was shocked. He practiced hard all his life, not for eternity? If a monk wants to break through to the eternal realm, can he really not rely on any external force? On your own?

At this time, Gu Fei's retreat was already surrounded by the power of various avenues, but Gu Fei was sitting in the endless avenue rules.

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