Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4729: Today I prove eternal

Ever since he fought against the First Demon in the Ancestral Realm, Gu Fei, who was driven into reincarnation with his life and entered the cycle, was almost cut off by the power of reincarnation, and now he finally took that step.


In the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, three thousand avenues resonate, and the laws of endless avenues are intertwined around Gu Fei's body, evolving endless true meaning, and blooming flowers of avenues.

This is the embodiment of the purest Dao law, Dao transforms into golden lotus, and Gu Fei sat cross-legged among the largest golden lotus.

The Three Thousand Avenue and Gu Fei’s Eternal Avenue are simply incomparable. The Dao Jinlian evolved from the Dao power of Gu Fei’s Eternal Avenue is much larger than the surrounding countless golden lotus.

This is the real feat of suppressing the three thousand avenues with one person. Throughout the ages, not many people in the entire world can do it.

"Master... has proved..."

Above the nine days, Tong Yu stared blankly at Gu Fei, who was shrouded in countless avenues of golden lotus in the distance. At this time, Gu Fei was undergoing amazing changes.

I saw him sometimes turning into a ball of thunder and lightning, sometimes turning into a human-shaped fire, sometimes like an ancestral dragon going out to sea, flying around the world, sometimes like a divine phoenix flapping its wings, soaring for ninety thousand miles.

"He is transforming..."

Di Jiutian stared at this scene dumbfounded. Three thousand avenues were just a general number. There is definitely more than 3,000 avenues in this world.

Gu Fei was actually evolving other avenues, wind, fire, thunder, rain, snow, frost, humor, chaos, yin and yang, and the five elements. He could easily evolve all kinds of avenues to the extreme.


Tong Yu was also shocked. He also took the first step of eternity and achieved half of the eternal body, but he was still a thousand miles away from becoming a true eternal supreme.

But now, he vaguely knew what he lacked.

"The legend turned out to be true..."

At this time, a voice came, and it rushed to the nine heavens and came to the neighborhood.

That person was actually Bei Gongyu, a monster-level existence Bei Gongyu of the Bei Gong family, one of the super powers of the Eternal World.

This Bei Gongyu, but once defeated the secret skill of Wu Ji Xianzong Meng Ao and Leng Qiuyue jointly demonstrated martial arts changes, it was a complete mess.

His kendo cultivation has surpassed his cultivation realm.

"What legend!"

Tong Yu's figure was blurred for a while, and he appeared directly in front of Bei Gongyu.

The figure of Emperor Jiutian also appeared beside Bei Gongyu.

Under the shroud of Gu Fei's peerless array, they couldn't use half of the eternal power, and they could only suppress the cultivation base in the quasi-supreme realm.

However, this does not mean that they have no advantage.

Whether it is Tong Yu or Di Jiutian, they all have real half-step eternal bodies, and they are invincible by virtue of their powerful bodies alone.

Even Bei Gongyu is not their opponent. Of course, Tong Yu and the others can't kill a monster like Bei Gongyu just by the strength of their physical body.

"He is not demonstrating Dao, but proving Dao."

Another voice sounded, Wu Jizi arrived.

Wu Jizi is another demon-level existence, the emperor among the younger generation of Wu Jixianzong, and among the younger generation in the eternal world, he is also a rare opponent.

Prove the Dao, use the Three Thousand Dao to confirm your Dao, and then learn from the strong points to make up for the shortcomings, so that your Dao can be sublimated and transformed, and finally break through your own shackles and achieve your own perfect Dao.

Both Wu Jizi and Bei Gong Yu are superpowers that have passed on endless years. Both the Bei Gong family and the Wu Ji Xianzong have eternal supreme.

Of course, the eternal supreme among their sects and families hasn't appeared for a long time. Such existence is rarely concerned in the world.

The only thing they can't let go is the sect or family.

At this time, I saw that the golden lotus of the Great Dao that Gu Fei evolved was getting bigger and bigger, each petal was branded with countless Dao patterns, and each Dao pattern was blooming with the divine light of the Dao.

There are many Dao patterns on Gu Fei's Dao Jinlian that are not perfect and seem to lack something, but these Dao patterns are changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

An eternal breath erupted from Gu Fei's body. This was the supreme breath that truly surpassed the Three Thousand Avenue.

Although it was not very strong, it made everyone almost breathless.

"This is an unimaginable opportunity, haha, it seems that we will also have the opportunity to become the strongest existence in the future." Wu Jizi stared at the countless golden lotus roads around Gu Fei, with extremely enthusiastic gazes in his eyes.

At this time, the entire void was shaking, and there was a faint voice of the Great Dao in the void, and the Three Thousand Great Dao began to resonate with Gu Fei's Eternal Dao.

Just as there are countless supreme beings preaching, just as there are countless supreme beings worshipping the supreme existence.


Whoever can witness this scene will be unforgettable forever.

At this time, more than a dozen figures rushed for nine days and came to the neighborhood. Seeing this scene, these people were also dumbfounded.

Even Gu Ling came, and Yu Huang also arrived.

Among the countless quasi-supreme, only a very small number of people can rush to the Nine Heavens, come to the place where Gu Fei proves the Dao, and see an extremely shocking scene.

"Uncle Uncle is going to achieve eternity?"

Qin Yao also came.

Heitian has also arrived. He just got the origin of Chaos Harmony. After fusing the origin of Chaos Harmony, his cultivation has reached a limit, and he will be able to achieve the ultimate leap just a short while away.

Laogui is rather sad, but he hasn't got any good fortune against the sky, and he is limited by his father's Jidao bloodline, it is impossible to become Jidao Supreme.

He needs to cut off his own extreme bloodline to achieve the ultimate leap.

"How can they go up?"

On top of a mountain, Laogui was sitting on a large rock very depressed, looking up at the sky.

Not only the old tortoise, there are too many quasi-superiors who have entered the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion. The four worlds, plus the eternal world, countless quasi-superiors have poured into the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, competing for various good luck.

Some people even hit the idea on the undead peach tree.

But now, everyone is looking up, because above the sky, a huge golden lotus appeared, and the creatures in the entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world heard the voice of the Great Dao spreading from the golden lotus.

All the Quasi-Supreme sat down cross-legged, it was a supreme chance, this kind of great sound could help them enlighten the way.

"Today I prove eternity, give you the supreme good fortune."

At this moment, a voice sounded from above the nine heavens and spread throughout the entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world. The next moment, one after another golden lotus descended from the sky and floated in all directions.

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