Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4731: I dare to kill without mercy

Above the nine heavens, countless avenues resonate, one by one avenue golden lotus descending from the sky, this scene, branded in everyone's mind, will never be unforgettable.

And this day is called the prologue of the great world by the heavens and all realms. From this beginning, an unprecedented prosperous era was opened. Since today, all worlds have been born.

Even the eternal world, the pattern that has remained unchanged for billions of years, has begun to be shaken.

No one wants to succumb to others, no one wants to be someone else's slave, no one wants to control their own life and death.

In the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, everyone was crazy.


The savage beast roared, a huge figure rushed from the depths of the starry sky, and saw that this giant beast slapped a dozen quasi-supreme to death with one slap, then opened its mouth and inhaled, swallowing a golden lotus directly into the body.

"It's the ape ancestor!"

Someone recognized this savage beast, the Ape Ancestor, as an ancestor of the Taishi Realm Ape Ancestor. He has lived for endless years, and has reached the pinnacle of the quasi-supreme in his cultivation, and only one step can become the supreme of the Jidao.

However, it was just such a step that made Ape Ancestor almost desperate. After endless years, his cultivation was difficult to advance, and he was stuck in the quasi-supreme peak realm.

Now that Dadao Jinlian is present, he naturally cannot miss it.

"Kill him, grab Jinlian."

Immediately there were seven or eight powerful figures attacking and killing the Ape Ancestor.


Ancestor Ape was furious, and saw that he grabbed it with a big hand, and immediately blasted a quasi-superior, then opened his mouth and inhaled, swallowing all the essence of this quasi-superior.


The Ape Ancestor opened his mouth and spit out a piece of electric light, and he blasted the other quasi-superiors out, and the few quasi-superiors who had a weaker cultivation base were almost turned into coke by the power of lightning.


The ape ancestor was so fierce that no one dared to step forward for a while.

Taking advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that no one dared to move rashly, Ape Ancestor fled away.

In the entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world, there are as many quasi-superiors as feathers. Once they are embraced by those quasi-superiors, even the existence of the pinnacle of the ape ancestor will be cool.

The powerful creatures who have won the golden lotus of the Great Dao flee in the first time. They find a place to retreat, and they must rush to refine the golden lotus of the Dao Dao and attack the realm of the extreme realm within seven or seventy-nine days.

But at this time, as the news spread, the entire eternal world was boiling, and Dao Jinlian appeared in the lower realm, and those who received the news flocked to Xianzhou.

For a while, all the teleportation arrays in Xianzhou flashed non-stop.

The emperor of Xianzhou's eternal dynasty was extremely depressed.

Because the entrance to the world of Chaos Immortal Palace is in the hands of the Eternal Gods, then the Eternal Gods will be a tragedy, because none of them dare to offend.

The **** of Wu Jixianzong arrived and wanted to go to the lower realm. Who would dare to say no?

The saint of the Eternal Demon Sect is going to the lower realm, who dares to stop?

Daozong's Daozi came, and even the Eternal Emperor would be polite and dare not neglect.

When the Buddha of the Buddha's day comes, all the high-level eternal gods will personally come out to welcome them.

In front of these top forces in the Eternal Great World, the Eternal God Realm is really not enough, and the Eternal God Realm does not dare to offend these forces at all.

In the end, the Eternal God Dynasty simply announced the coordinates of the Chaos Immortal Mansion world. In this way, as long as there is a force that can cross the border, they can start the cross border and go to the lower realm.

As a result, the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion was suddenly overcrowded.

However, the gods and saints who entered the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion were immediately messed up when they saw the golden lotus that descended from the sky, and then they went desperately with others.

This is a great opportunity and a great catastrophe for the top powers of the Eternal World.


The whole world suddenly shook, and a strong aura of extreme Dao suddenly appeared in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, and a big hole appeared in the high sky.

There is Jidao Supreme who wants to cross the boundary and enter the world of Chaos Xianfu.

Everyone was shocked to the extreme.

I saw in that big hole in the sky, a huge figure was about to enter the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.


At this moment, there was an angry shout, and then, a dazzling sword light flashed past, directly into the big hole in the sky.

The next moment, a desperate scream came out of the big hole, and then the whole big hole collapsed.

At the same time, on the top of a mountain in the Eternal World, a teleportation array on the top of the mountain exploded directly, and then the entire mountain was turned into dust.

The countless monks on the mountain also disappeared with their form and spirit, and they didn't even know how to die.


At this moment, a roar sounded from a nearby mountain, and a figure with extreme aura rushed over, and a middle-aged man in a black robe appeared above the dust in the sky.

"What's the matter, who ruined the teleportation array, who dares to fight against my Taiyi Palace."

The middle-aged man roared.

Just now, one of the core elders of Taiyi Palace died unexpectedly. That is a supreme Supreme Dao, and a middle-level sect like Taiyi Palace died of a supreme Supreme Dao. That is definitely a pain.

"Zhu Dao dare to come, kill one if you come, one pair, kill one pair."

Above the nine heavens, Gu Fei's voice spread throughout the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.

Countless quasi-sovereigns were shocked to the extreme when they heard this voice, unbelievable, does this guy named Gu Fei want to be an enemy of the entire eternal world?


There was a loud noise from Gao Tianzhi, and another Jidao Supreme wanted to cross the boundary.

However, when it came to a critical moment, another sword light flashed, and then there was no more. The Extreme Supreme, who wanted to enter this world to fight for the golden lotus, slashed with a single sword.

The news quickly spread back to the eternal world, and then, the big men guessed who made the shot, eternally killing the extreme way, there is no need to brag about it.

And the supreme existence of the eternal level will not take action, so, soon, the major sects will prohibit the Jidao Supreme from going to the lower realm.

However, at this time, many Supreme Dao Supremes were beheaded by the existence of the lower realm, and died under the sword of that person.

But at this time, there are many **** sons and saints of the top powers who have returned, and these **** sons and saints who have returned from the lower realms directly return to the sect and cannot escape.

Don't ask, these guys who came back have got the legendary things.

However, more sons and saints can't return. The competition in the lower realm is too fierce, and even the sons of the top powers are in danger of falling.

In the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, there is Gu Fei sitting in town, no one dares to mess around, dare not use extreme power, and can only fight with his own power.

And Gu Ling is definitely the craziest one among countless killers. She actually got three golden lotus avenues, and even if she got so many golden lotus avenues, she was still competing with others.

With the constant battles, her combat power has been continuously improved, and a real aura of extreme Dao began to appear on her body.

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