Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4732: Let's fight



High above the sky and in the starry sky, two figures are moving fast, colliding with each other from time to time, and the burst of destructive power instantly spreads for hundreds of thousands of miles, shattering one star after another into the void.

"You lunatic..."

A blood-stained middle-aged man stared at a woman in black on the opposite side, gritted his teeth, and his hand was imprisoned by a golden lotus.

And the black-clothed woman also had blood oozing out of her body, especially her left shoulder, which was even more bloody. Although she was not injured lightly, she was still fighting like a rainbow.


The woman in black didn't care about anything, she just killed it again.

The middle-aged man wanted to escape and didn't want to entangle with him, but he was already locked by the opponent and it was not easy to escape.


The woman in black grabbed her right hand in the void, and a divine sword immediately appeared in her hand. The next moment, a sharp sword light rushed out of her hand, directly towards the opposite middle-aged man. Hacked away.

"The avenue is boundless, the sky is free!"

A celestial light burst out of the middle-aged man's body, and he saw his foot step on the celestial light, and he disappeared instantly.

"Slash the avenue with one sword!"

The black-clothed woman roared, and the divine sword in her hand directly cut the void, cut off the universe, and cut off the fairy light avenue at the feet of the middle-aged.


The middle-aged popular almost vomited blood.

"Have a great fight!"

The woman in black doesn't care whether this guy is angry or not, she just wants to fight for a fight.

"who are you."

The middle-aged man shouted as he shot.

"Remember, my name is Gu Ling."

The black-clothed woman said indifferently that her kendo was based on the assault dao, but at this time, her kendo was changing and her murderous aura gradually weakened.

Although Gu Ling's kendo murderous aura weakened, but the power has not weakened, but more powerful.

I saw that every sword light that Gu Ling slashed out seemed to be alive, and a large sword light net was interwoven in the void, covering the middle-aged man in the sword net.

"Heavenly Way!"

The middle-aged man is not a vegetarian either. He stepped on the Avenue of Immortal Lights and rushed out of Gu Ling's sword net.

"Eternal Law?"

Gu Ling's heart shook. This guy has a big background, don't ask, he is definitely the descendant of the top power in the eternal world.

You know, the Eternal Law can't be cultivated by a disciple of a top power in the eternal world. This fellow must be a true disciple in his sect.

"go to hell!"

The middle-aged man roared and took a step forward, and in an instant he came to the sky above Gulin's head, and then collapsed.

This foot, like stepping on the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, was crushing towards Gu Ling. The terrifying aura of destruction made Gu Ling feel a great threat.

The middle-aged people can't wait to find a place to retreat to refining the golden lotus, naturally they want a quick fight.


Gu Ling sneered, and the next moment, she suddenly disappeared in place.


The middle-aged man was taken aback. With his cultivation base, he didn't even see how Gu Ling disappeared. This is definitely not a good thing for him.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head, only to see a big foot quickly growing in his pupils.


The middle-aged man didn't even turn his thoughts, he was slammed on his face by Gu Ling, his entire face was crushed, and he fell from the starry sky.

"He has the golden lotus in his hands..."

The nearby powerhouse rushed over, trying to take advantage of the fire.


With a violent roar, one by one, great lights rushed out of the middle-aged man, directly dismembering those who wanted to take advantage of the fire.

The divine light rushing out of the middle-aged man was as sharp as a peerless soldier, and the void was cut into hair-like cracks.

"Want to grab things from my Sun Baiyi? Tired of life."

The middle-aged man roared, his face was quickly reforming, and his flesh and bones were being reborn.

"What, he is Sun Baiyi of Xiaoyao Sect of Heaven? The son of God of the previous generation of Xiaoyao Sect of Heaven?"

The people around him who were eager to move didn't dare to act rashly, the Heavenly Dao Xiaoyao Sect was one of the top forces in the eternal world.

However, Gu Ling doesn't care who this guy is, she wants to fight, and only in the life and death battle, the golden lotus in her body will be refined by her in a short time.

"One foot!"

Gu Ling directly displayed the step.

As soon as Sun Baiyi looked up, he sadly saw the big feet that were rapidly growing in front of him.


Sun Baiyi fell from the sky with Gu Ling's foot again, and dozens of teeth flew out of his mouth. This foot crushed his jaw.

Of course, with Sun Baiyi's cultivation base, flesh and blood can be reborn, even if his immortal body is exploded, it can also reshape his flesh.

However, his dignified Heavenly Dao Xiaoyao Sect’s previous generation of gods were trampled on their faces one after another, which really lost all face.

"Roar, Tie Kong, I know you are there, so when you don't make a move yet."

Sun Baiyi's divine consciousness fluctuated in all directions and was caught by everyone nearby.

"Tie Kong is here too?"

"That's the first **** son of Xiaoyao Sect of Heaven!"

"Halo, all those perversions are here, where can we still have our share of Jinlian on this road?"

The people watching the game nearby were very upset.

The descendants and disciples of those superpowers in the eternal world are not easy to provoke. Those of them who have been named sons of gods are even more abnormal.

Especially those so-called first gods, they can crush other powerful people in the same realm.

"I can do it, and the cause and effect between you and me is wiped out."

In the void, a voice came.

"it is good!"

Sun Baiyi hurriedly said.

At this moment, Gu Ling continued to take a step forward, trying to catch up with Sun Baiyi, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Your opponent is me."

The person's tone was extremely cold, and the next moment, countless avenues of divine light rushed out of his body, directly strangling Gu Ling.

"You are better than him, good!"

Gu Ling directly punched out, and all the Dao Shenguang that strangled was blasted away, and countless Dao patterns disappeared in the void.

What she wanted was a powerful opponent, whether it was Sun Baiyi or this guy named Tie Kong.


Tie Kong had to get serious, and the endless avenue of divine light rushed out of his body again, lingering around him, cutting open like scrolls, splitting the void.


Gu Ling directly hit the Huo Xing fist, the powerful fist shook the sky and the earth, and it directly shattered the avenue figure after the figure, and killed Tie Kong.

"So strong!"

Tie Kong had to move.

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