Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4741: Big brother

Gu Fei's fierce name was out there. As soon as he appeared, the Hundreds of Zhunzhun who was guarding the first seal of the Nine Layers of Heaven immediately ran away more than half.

You should know that among the hundreds of quasi-sages who blocked the old tortoise outside the first seal, many were from the Taishi realm, the ancestor realm, and wanted to fish in troubled waters.

Gu Fei was in the Ancestral Realm back then, it was a big blow to the Quartet, and the Supreme Dao Supreme that died in his hands didn't know much, and even the existence of the Lord level was not his opponent.

Finally, Gu Fei also defeated the first demon of the ancestor in the ancestor world.

The first demon of the ancestor was a real big demon in the eternal realm, but he was forced to start reincarnation with his life and beat him into reincarnation.

That battle shocked the creatures of the entire Ancestral Realm, and after this battle, countless creatures in the entire Ancestral Realm remembered one person's name, and that person was called Gu Fei.

Gu Fei's battle completely changed the pattern of the Ancestral Realm. The Ancestral Demons began to decline and other forces began to rise.

The ancestor demons who did not have the first ancestor first demons were almost driven to extinction by other forces, and had to retreat into the ancestor demon realm, and did not dare to come out.

However, the quasi-supreme from the eternal world has never heard of Gu Fei's name. The ignorant are not afraid, and these people naturally do not fear Gu Fei.

"Meet Master!"

At this time, when Di Jiutian saw Gu Fei suddenly appearing in the first seal, he immediately came over to see him.

"Meet the master!"

Tong Yu also hurriedly appeared in the first seal, and then bowed down to Gu Fei.

When the quasi-sages outside the seal saw this scene, their eyes almost fell to the ground, who is this person, the two half-step eternal existences actually bowed to this person.

That is a half-step eternal existence!


"the host?"

After hearing the words of Tong Yu and Emperor Jiutian, the quasi-supreme outside the first layer of seal was shocked to the point of indescribable.

"Let me take good care of him!"

Gu Fei glanced at Laogui, and in the next moment, he disappeared into the void.

No one can see how Gu Fei left.

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, Master!"

Tong Yu and Emperor Jiutian quickly took their orders.

In this way, those people outside the seal are completely out of play, unless they can invite Eternal Supreme, but Eternal Supreme is not so easy to invite.

The existence that can become the eternal supreme being, is the supreme existence of the one religion, sitting in the sect, will not be easily dispatched.

At this time, news came that someone got a golden lotus in a Jedi in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion.

As a result, those people outside the first seal could not sit still, and left one after another, they were going to venture into the Jedi, to gain the slightest opportunity.

You know, it's a Jedi, it's not a jedi, it's a price, and this price is often life.

Now that someone succeeds, let's try it. It's too unrealistic to block the tortoise here. You know, there are two half-step eternal existences in it.

All of a sudden, those quasi-supreme above the nine heavens left clean.

At this time, Gu Fei's figure appeared outside the Chaos Immortal Mansion, he pondered for a moment, and the next moment, he took a step forward and disappeared into the void again.

Soon, his figure appeared outside the Taishijie Zuyuan Mountain Range.


He looked up, and saw the sky above the Zuyuan Mountain Range, the endless electric light drowned Yan'er, and the terrifying destructive power was vast between the sky and the earth.

Masses of robbery thunder exploded beside Yan'er. It was the five-color robbery thunder, the five-element thunder robbery.

"Unexpectedly, the Five Elements Heavenly Thunder Tribulation was brought."

Even Gu Fei was a little surprised, the Five Elements Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, one of the most powerful Thunder Tribulation, but looking at Yan'er's current state, it seemed very good.

"How many calamity is this?"

Gu Fei groaned for a moment, then stretched out his right hand, and a supreme immediately flew towards him involuntarily, and he grabbed his neck.

He didn't hesitate to read the memory of this guy directly.

Although this guy is the Supreme Supreme, but in Gu Fei's eyes, he is nothing more than an ant.


As soon as Gu Fei waved his hand, this Ji Dao self-esteem disappeared.

"Is it already the fifth Heavenly Tribulation?"

Gu Fei was a little surprised. There are nine levels of Heavenly Tribulation in the Extreme Way. If Yan'er wants to become a true supreme, she naturally has to undergo the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation.

At this time, the Extreme Dao Supremes who were watching Yan'er's Cross Tribulation were all scared by Gu Fei, and they could easily capture a Supreme Dao, and easily throw away a Extreme Dao Supreme.

Such cultivation is simply terrifying.


The endless five-color robbery thunder was raging, and Yan'er was already sitting in the void. Above her head, there was an ancient cauldron suspended, and the ancient cauldron also began to reveal its extreme aura.

But the Nine Sky Stars Sword that appeared nearby did not move. When Gu Fei appeared, this eternal-level divine sword shook immediately, and then flew towards Gu Fei.

Gu Fei stretched out his right hand and directly held this eternal sword.

"Old boy……"

Gu Fei touched the body of the sword, feeling the spirit fluctuations from the eternal divine sword, and couldn't help feeling a little bit. This sword has almost accompanied his life and witnessed all his growth.

"Continue to stay here."

Gu Fei threw out the sword as he spoke.

Divine Sword was a little unwilling, but Gu Fei ignored that much.

He disappeared again.

When he appeared, people had already returned to the human world.

With Gu Fei's thought, his divine mind instantly enveloped the whole world, whether it was his enemy or his friend, he could instantly sense where they were.


Gu Fei suddenly pointed to the west, and a divine light directly crossed the endless void and penetrated a mountain peak. The next moment, the entire mountain exploded, and a powerful existence screamed out, but, In just an instant, that existence turned into fly ash.

"The remnants of the ancient Yuan are hidden very deep!"

Gu Fei successively destroyed several strongholds of Proterozoic Remnants in the human world.

After finishing all this, Gu Fei waved his hand and a figure appeared opposite him. This person was Li Lingfeng, Li Lingfeng, the big brother of the former Taixuan Sect.

With Gu Fei's current cultivation base, people in every corner of the world could easily be caught in front of him with supernatural powers.

"Junior Brother?"

Li Lingfeng was very excited when he saw Gu Fei.


Gu Fei nodded, and then directly fetched a Dadao Jinlian, and then shot the Dadao Jinlian into Li Lingfeng's body.

"Junior Brother, what is this?"

Li Lingfeng was taken aback.

"This is a good fortune against the sky, you practice hard, but you shoulder the important task of revitalizing the teacher."

Gu Fei directly helped Li Lingfeng open the golden lotus.

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