Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4742: Lu boss

Li Lingfeng is the big brother of Taixuan Sect.

Back then, when the Taixuan Sect was destroyed, only a limited number of people escaped. Gu Fei had to pay for this kind of grievance.

However, the Eastern family was still there, and if it weren't for Jiang Renhuang to intervene, Gu Fei and the Eastern family would definitely never die.

Of course, the culprit of the year had been killed by Gu Fei, he was not a good killer, and he did not necessarily have to destroy the Eastern clan.

You know, the Eastern Emperor back then did a great deed to the entire human race.

At this time, driven by Gu Fei's eternal force, the golden lotus in Li Lingfeng's body gradually melted away, and Li Lingfeng's body was undergoing amazing changes.

The flesh and bones were melting, and finally turned into a mass of blood. The endless Dao patterns loomed and intertwined in this mass of blood, and a little soul light shone in the blood.

At this time, Li Lingfeng also knew what Gu Fei was going to do.

However, what made Li Lingfeng feel unbelievable was that although he turned into a mass of blood, he felt no pain at all.

At this moment, he felt very comfortable and relaxed, and the whole soul seemed to be soaked in warm water.

At this moment, he felt that his avenue was being constantly replenished by an unknown force, and the bottlenecks encountered in cultivation in the past were actually broken one by one by him.

His way is changing towards perfection.

The perfect way is the ultimate way.

Could it be that Junior Brother’s cultivation base has reached the point where people can directly break into the extreme realm?

No wonder Li Lingfeng thinks this way. You know, he can clearly feel that his avenue is transforming towards perfection.

However, in fact, it was Li Lingfeng who thought too much. It was impossible for others to raise a quasi-superior to the realm of extreme realm. If we want to achieve extreme realm, we can only rely on ourselves.

Dadao Jinlian can only greatly increase the chance of Li Lingfeng breaking through to the extreme realm.

Soon, the group of essence and blood gradually turned into a human form, flesh and blood was reorganizing, and the meridians one after another glowed in the blood like lightning, densely packed.

"Reshape the flesh..."

Gu Fei shouted, the endless blood and light gathered towards the figure like a tide, and Li Lingfeng appeared in the void again.


Li Lingfeng looked up to the sky and roared. At this moment, he was full of power, as if he could punch a big hole in the sky with a single punch.

"Quasi Supreme Peak, haha..."

Li Lingfeng laughed. Half an hour ago, he was still at the quasi-sovereign elementary level. He didn't think that it was only half an hour, and his cultivation level was raised to the realm of the quasi-sovereign peak. This is really incredible.

"Junior Brother, you..."

Li Lingfeng was so excited that he could hardly speak.

Gu Fei can turn a man into a quasi-supreme? If this is really the case, asking myself, a junior, to make hundreds of quasi-supreme, then revitalizing the Taixuan Sect is not easy?


Gu Fei shook his head and said.

"What, brother, do you know what I want to say?"

Li Lingfeng was taken aback.

"It's impossible to bring up the quasi-sovereign. A saint is still possible. However, forcibly upgrading the cultivation level will cause big problems, and it will be impossible to make progress in a lifetime."

Gu Fei said.


Li Lingfeng was stunned when he heard the words, and it was difficult to advance his cultivation throughout his life. This is a big problem. In this world where there are many sages like dogs and great sages walk all over the world, sages are really nothing.

You know, the sons and saints of the eternal world are quasi-supreme guys!

Even if Gu Fei's cultivation was restored to the eternal realm, it would not be possible to create a quasi-supreme. You know, you can only rely on yourself to take that step.

His own way can only come out by himself, and after he walks out, Gu Fei can help him perfect his way.

Therefore, in essence, if Li Lingfeng had not become a quasi-supreme, Gu Fei would not be able to help him perfect his Tao.

"Junior Brother, do you want to sit down with me?"

Li Lingfeng said.

"it is good!"

Gu Fei nodded.

The next moment, Gu Fei waved his hand, and the two of them disappeared into the void instantly.

Li Lingfeng only felt that his eyes were dark and then bright again, and he returned to the Eastern Region of the Human World, and returned to the mountain gate of the Supreme Profound Gate.

"This method..."

Li Lingfeng had to be surprised, his junior fellow is amazing!

Even at the pinnacle of Quasi-Supreme, it is impossible for him to teleport back to the gate.


Gu Fei looked at the three big characters on the mountain gate and couldn't help feeling very emotional. He remembered the scene of studying art at Taixuanmen back then. At that time, he was a small person who was regarded as a waste by the same school.

Fortunately, I got a yin and yang jade pendant at the bottom of the cold water and cold pool. I just came to work at this time, and I made great progress and embarked on the road of being strong.

Gu Fei had to admire Li Lingfeng. Not only did he rebuild the Taixuanmen, but he also managed the Taixuanmen vividly. There were more than a dozen saints in the door.

Coupled with the quasi-supreme Li Lingfeng, this is also a powerful force.

Of course, compared with the ancient Zhao family, the Eastern aristocratic family is still not enough to look at the Taixuan Sect, but those superpowers dare not easily attack the Taixuan Sect.

You know, Li Lingfeng is Gu Fei's big brother.

Huanggu Zhao's family finally resolved their grudges with Gu Fei, where they dared to offend Gu Fei.

However, the Eastern family did not dare to do anything to Li Lingfeng because of the Dongtian Overlord. However, the Eastern Overlord issued a death order. Whoever dared to offend Gu Fei would expel those from the Eastern family.

Moreover, Gu Fei also had power in the Eastern Region, in Vientiane City, but there were Jie Xue Dao Ren and Zhuge Liang sitting in charge.

There are also demons in the Eastern Region.

"Junior Brother, please!"

Li Lingfeng led the way, and directly invited Gu Fei into the Taixuan Hall of Taixuanmen.

"The master..."

"The master..."

A dozen strong people in the hall hurriedly saluted Li Lingfeng.

Li Lingfeng sat on the throne in the middle of the hall.

"Sit down, brother!"

Li Lingfeng said to Gu Fei.


Gu Fei sat down.

"Who are you? That position is not something you can sit in. Get up quickly."

As soon as Gu Fei sat down, a white-haired old man yelled at him.


Gu Fei glanced at this person and smiled. This guy is just a sage's first-level cultivation base. In front of him, it is just an ant-like existence.

"Yes, this is the position of boss Lu, young man, you should get out of here."

Someone said impatiently.

"Hurry up, get out, boss Lu is here."

Someone rushed.

"Haha...Is the master of the door back?"

At this moment, a loud laughter came from outside the hall, and then the door went dark, and a person strode in from outside.

Boss Lu is here.

The guys in the hall were gloating at Gu Fei who was sitting in the first place.

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