Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4743: He is Gu Fei

The current Taixuan Sect is no longer the Taixuan Sect back then. There is only one Taixuan Sect disciple in the entire Taixuan Sect, and that person is Li Lingfeng.

Rebuilding the Taixuan Gate was Li Lingfeng's long-cherished wish, and now his long-cherished wish has been fulfilled.

The Taixuan Gate was rebuilt, and Li Lingfeng, who is about to break through to the realm of the Extreme Dao, will be even stronger at that time.

In the Supreme Profound Sect, besides Li Lingfeng who is the pinnacle of Quasi-Supreme, there is another guy who is about to break through to the realm of Quasi-Supreme.

That person is the second person in Taixuan Sect, Lu Wei, the boss of Lu.

This Boss Lu, with the cultivation base of the highest sage, in the Taixuan Sect, his prestige is second only to Li Lingfeng, and all the elders of the holy ranks obey him.

Sometimes it was Li Lingfeng who gave him three points.

Lu Wei was very strong, and he bowed his hand to Li Lingfeng on the throne in the middle of the hall as a salute.

This is in Taixuan Sect, only he dares to be so arrogant in front of the master Li Lingfeng.

"Vice Master Lu..."

Li Lingfeng was about to introduce Gu Fei to this Lu Wei, but when Lu Wei came in, he had already seen Gu Fei sitting in his place, which was incredible.

"Boy, who are you, why don't you get out of here?"

Lu Wei said loudly to Gu Fei.

"Yes, this kid doesn't look at whose position this is, can he sit casually?" A gray-haired middle-aged saint sneered.

"For the entire Taixuan Sect, only Boss Lu is qualified to sit in this position."

The holy rank powerhouses all looked at Gu Fei with sarcasm and disdain.

In their opinion, the black-clothed boy really didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick. He took the position of boss Lu and angered him, with serious consequences.

"Vice Master Lu!"

Li Lingfeng's face changed a little harder to look, this Lu Wei was really a bit presumptuous, and he even dared to interrupt himself.

"The master..."

Lu Wei noticed that Li Lingfeng's tone was a little different from usual.

"This is my junior, Hugh is rude."

Li Lingfeng said in a deep voice.

"Junior Brother? Sect Master's Junior Brother?"

The dozens of powerful saints on the main hall were all taken aback, but the cultivation level of the master's junior apprentice did not seem to be very good, not even saints.

In this world, the saints are all ants, and the sect master’s junior is not even a saint, so he dared to sit in the position of the boss of Lu. It was simply going to do something!

Does the sect master want to make his junior, who is not even a saint, be the deputy sect master of our Taixuan Sect?

If this were the case, everyone in the door would not accept it.

Taixuanmen is not the Taixuanmen of Li Lingfeng alone.

"Sect Master, even though he is your junior, please ask him to get out!"

Lu Wei did not give in at all.

Cultivation base and combat power are the kingly way. A guy who is not even a saint, even the sect master's junior, is a ant.

Gu Fei didn't show off his cultivation level, but suppressed the cultivation level below the saint, watching the scene with interest, and did not speak.

Faced with the cynicism of these people, Gu Fei was still calm.

"Fuck off, kid!"

"Do you want our boss Lu to ask you to **** off?"

"Little guy, get acquainted!"

The saints in the hall sneered.

"Outrageous, do you know who he is?"

Li Lingfeng really couldn't bear it.

"Who can he be?"

Boss Lu said disdainfully.

"Yeah, who is this person? Isn't it the ultimate supreme?"

"Haha, it's so funny, if he is the Supreme, I am the Supreme King."


All the saints in the hall laughed.


Li Lingfeng roared.

"The master..."

All the saints in the hall were surprised when they saw Li Lingfeng's anger, they all looked at Li Lingfeng on the throne a little flustered.

"The sect master calms down, although this little guy is your junior, but this world is a world of power, he is not even a saint, he is just an ant, are you going to hurt your anger for an ant?"

Boss Lu said disapprovingly.

"You tell me about power?"

Li Lingfeng shook his head helplessly. If these people knew who my junior was, would they dare to be so presumptuous?

"This is a fact!"

Boss Lu said calmly.

"He is Gu Fei!"

Li Lingfeng said coldly.

"Gu Fei, that Gu Fei!"


"He is Gu Fei?"

The awakening group of saints looked at the black-clothed young man sitting on the seat like the old god.


Almost all the saints in the hall knelt directly.

"Gu... Senior Gu, Master Gu, Ancestor Gu, we didn't know it was you..."

A sage is not able to speak.

Everyone was panicked to the extreme, for fear that Gu Fei would kill them in a rage. You must know that Gu Fei is a peerless murderer, and there are legends about him in the cultivation world.

Ping the Jedi, destroying the immortal Taoism, killing the supreme, and defeating the heavenly powerhouses, all these are enough to make everyone look up.

Should have thought of it long ago.

The intestines of all the people in the main hall were repented. They didn’t know that the master master had a great junior, but when they saw that Gu Fei’s cultivation was actually under the saint, they were already preconceived, thinking that this person was just the master master. It's just the other juniors of the adults.

You know, Gu Fei, who is a peerless murderer, how can he appear here?

However, no one would have thought that Gu Fei turned out to be a boy in black.

"You, are you Gu Fei?"

Boss Lu also changed a lot, and his voice trembled.

"Not bad!"

Gu Fei said calmly.


Boss Lu gritted his teeth and plopped before kneeling in front of Gu Fei.

"You talked about it just now, what power, what ant, you are so majestic!"

Gu Fei said.

"Senior Gu, please forgive me!"

Boss Lu had cold sweat on his forehead.

"Hey, I asked you to spare me. I'm just an ant. Your majesty, you can pinch me to death with one finger!" Gu Fei shook his head.


Boss Lu's face turned green, and he was trembling on the ground, panicking to the extreme.

Others almost scared to pee.

"Big Brother, you are too lenient in the Profound School," Gu Fei said.

"Hey, brother, brother, I am cultivating while starting a sect. I have limited abilities alone. Why would you help me?"

Li Lingfeng took the opportunity to express his thoughts.

If Gu Fei helps, Tai Xuan Sect will definitely rise strongly in a short time!

"It's up to you to work hard."

Gu Fei smiled.

"You **** don't embarrass me here, just get out of here." Li Lingfeng shouted at the guys lying on the ground.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Those people suddenly rushed to the outside of the temple as if they had encountered an amnesty.

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