Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4744: Mozu Small World

"Senior brother laughed."

Li Lingfeng was a little embarrassed, his subordinates were too presumptuous, and too embarrassing.

Gu Fei waved his hand and said, "Big brother, you can't make a circle without rules. You must distinguish between rewards and punishments. Only this can revitalize the Taixuan Sect!"

"What the younger brother said is."

Li Lingfeng nodded, he was really too tolerant towards the boss of Lu and the others, to the point where they were all defiant, and it seemed that he was about to reorganize.

"Well, big brother, then I will leave."

Gu Fei didn't want to interfere with the Taixuan Sect.

"Junior Brother, are you leaving now?"

Li Lingfeng was taken aback. He hoped that Gu Fei would stay and help him, but he also knew that this was unrealistic. The current Junior Brother is not the previous Junior Brother.

He couldn't see the depth of Gu Fei, but he knew that Gu Fei was at least the Extreme Supreme Existence now.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I walked around. It's time to meet those old friends."

Gu Fei was a little bit emotional, and the years were merciless. I'm afraid there are not many people who can live to the present.

When I first debuted, I competed with the outstanding people in the Southern Wilderness. The Qinglong, Guiteng, Fengqiwu, Zhuqueer and others didn't know what was going on now.

The years are merciless, and the waves are scouring the sand. Some people are destined to be annihilated in the years, but some people are going forward bravely and overcoming obstacles.

With Gu Fei's current cultivation base, as long as the person's life mark has not completely dissipated, he can resurrect him.

"Junior Brother, you..."

Li Lingfeng wanted to say more.

But Gu Fei had disappeared.

"Something can smash this Dao Talisman."

Gu Fei's voice came, and then a Dao Talisman floated down from the void.


Li Lingfeng caught the Taoist talisman, feeling a bit complicated.

The news that Gu Fei had come to Taixuanmen soon spread, and the entire Eastern Region cultivation world was a sensation. The Patriarch of Huanggu Zhao's family came directly to Taixuanmen and asked to see Gu Fei.

The Patriarch of the Eastern Family also came.

The two superpowers in the Eastern Territory of the Human World dared not neglect.

Especially the Eastern family, he was afraid that Gu Fei would come to seek revenge, so he could only show his favor to Gu Fei first, and his attitude was very low.

The power holders of other small forces in the Eastern Region swarmed, all wanting to meet Gu Fei, and for a while, Taixuanmen was a crowded city, extremely lively.

However, no one would have thought that Gu Fei had left the Taixuanmen long ago, and he has now appeared in Vientiane City.

"Meet the master!"

In the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion in Vientiane City, Gu Fei was sitting on the throne in the middle, and was being greeted by the Jagged Taoist and others.

They were all very excited when Gu Fei could come back. You know, there are all legends about Gu Fei outside, and no one has dared to come to Vientiane City to make trouble recently.

You know, in the past, those demon guys came to harass from time to time, and even attacked Vientiane City.

But now, even the demons don't appear often in the entire Eastern Region.

"Get up!"

Gu Fei waved his hand.

"Yes, master!"

The Jagged Daoist and others quickly stood up.

"Master, you are coming back this time..."

The Jagged Taoist said carefully, the feeling that Gu Fei gave him was still unpredictable.

"Just do what you guys should do! I'll walk around this world and take a look, that's it." Gu Fei said calmly.


The powerhouses in the hall couldn't help being a little confused, what's the matter? The master just came back and took a look, what the **** was going on?

This is very different from what the Jagged Taoists thought. They are still looking forward to Gu Fei leading them out of Vientiane City and conquering the entire human world.

But now, the master seems to have no intention of striving for hegemony in the human world.

"How is this going?"

The Jagged Daoist and others are inexplicable.

They couldn't think that Gu Fei was no longer the old Gu Fei. His eyes were no longer in the human world, but in the eternal world, where is his stage.

"Hmm! Demon!"

Gu Fei was just a thought, and his divine mind instantly enveloped the entire Eastern Territory of the human world. Whether it was the ancestral land of the ancient Zhao family or the ancestral land of the Eastern world, they were all under his influence.

These two places are shrouded in important formations, with countless array patterns intertwined, one after another strong aura can't escape under Gu Fei's induction.

And in a seemingly deserted place in the Eastern Region, there is a mysterious entrance.

"Are you hiding in Xiaotiandi?"

Gu Fei smiled, and in the next moment, under the shocked gaze of the Jagged Daoist and the others, he disappeared into the void and disappeared.

"the host……"

As soon as Gu Fei left, Jie Xue Dao Ren and others didn't know what to do.

In the next moment, Gu Fei appeared outside the entrance of that secret little world.

"Human? Die!"

A sneer came from the side, and then, the void shattered, and a figure directly walked out of the void, and slapped Gu Fei with a palm.

The violent magic power exploded, and the void was shaking.


Gu Fei was a little surprised, this guy turned out to be a demon, demon guarding the door, it seems this little world is incredible.


The palm taken by that Demon Lord was blocked by an invisible force in the void about a foot from Gu Fei.

"who are you!"

The Demon Venerable was taken aback, and quickly retreated.

"You are not qualified to know."

Gu Fei said calmly.

"go to hell!"

The Demon Lord roared, and the endless magic light burst out, it was **** magic light, corroding everything, and the void was annihilated.

The **** magic light instantly enveloped Gu Fei, and the entire area instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood, the **** light reflected on the sky, half of the sky was bloody.

However, although the **** magic light was terrifying, it couldn't get close to Gu Fei's body, even the corners of his clothes, no matter how turbulent the magic light was, he couldn't get close to Gu Fei's body.


This Demon Venerable was shocked to the extreme.

At this time, Gu Fei snapped his fingers, and the next moment, the endless blood dissipated, and the demon lord also exploded in an instant, turning into a cloud of blood mist, directly disappearing.

Gu Fei took another step, and instantly passed through the entrance of the small world and entered the small world.


As soon as Gu Fei came in, he sensed an extremely powerful magical aura.

This time, he returned to the human world, although he said that he met old friends and walked around, but it was also to solve the evil of the human world.

Especially in the Eastern Region, where there is Taixuanmen and Vientiane City, he is going to let those disciples and grandchildren go to the world to experience.

"That's it."

Gu Fei soon discovered the secret here. There was a source of demon ancestor power hidden here, and it was precisely because of this source of demon clan power that this place became a world of demons.

At this time, countless powerful demons slew towards him like a tide.

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