Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4745: Eternal magic weapon

Gu Fei left the human world. When the news of his presence in the Eastern Territory spread, the Eastern Territory of the Human World, and even the entire human world cultivation world were shaken.

Countless strong men rushed to the Eastern Region, wanting to see Gu Fei.

Gu Fei now has supreme prestige in the human world. He suppresses the territories, destroys the devil's cave, and opens up the path of immortals. Such merits are unprecedented.

When Gu Fei reappeared in the world, countless people were extremely excited and wanted to come to the Eastern Region for a pilgrimage.

Suddenly, the entire Eastern Region became the most watched destination of the entire human world.

But at this time, Gu Fei smashed into a small world of demons in the Eastern Region with his own power.

As soon as he appeared, the powerful demons in the Demon Race Xiaotiandi immediately slew towards Gu Fei, and saw that the sky and the ground were all powerful magic shadows.

"act recklessly!"

Gu Fei smiled lightly.


He just snapped his fingers, and then there was no more. The countless powerful demons who rushed towards him all instantly turned into a cloud of blood.

Demon blood stained the blue sky, and the whole world was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Seeing Gu Fei's right hand grabbed in the void, the endless magic energy gathered towards his right hand like crazy, and he grabbed it in his hand.

A **** magic pill immediately appeared in his hand.

The essence of countless demon experts was refined into a magic pill in an instant. Everything is so simple. The huge demon energy in the magic pill is enough to create a quasi-supreme demon.

With Gu Fei's current cultivation base, there is no longer any need to deliberately refine the heaven and earth aura to supplement his body.

Because he is the sky, he is the earth, and he is the ruler. With one thought, he can swallow the whole world and the week, and one thought can also destroy a big world.

At this time, only a few weak demons and some weak monsters remained in the entire demons small world.

Gu Fei didn't make any more moves. He turned around and left. The demons above the immortal **** realm in this demon clan Xiaotiandi were all dead, and the rest were ants who were not even in the immortal **** realm.

After this battle, it is impossible for the demons in this small world of demons to recover, not for thousands of years.

All the demons in the Mozu Xiaotiandi were all dumbfounded.

At this time, Gu Fei walked out of this small world, then took a step forward, and left the Tenglong ancestor star directly into the depths of the starry sky.

"There is a deficiency in the way of heaven. No wonder no one has been able to achieve the ultimate way since the prehistoric world."

Gu Fei sensed the pulsation of the surrounding heaven and earth, and soon he knew where the problem was. It was not an easy task to fill the heavens.

Of course, with Gu Fei's current cultivation base, it is not difficult to mend Heaven's Path.

The ancient flying disc sat in the depths of the starry sky, and then released his spiritual thoughts, but for a moment his spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire human world. He could sense that there were two huge cracks in this world and countless avenue fragments. The cracks are constantly reorganizing and breaking apart.

These two huge cracks could not be repaired by the power of the heavens in the human world.

Others couldn't find those two cracks in this square of heaven and earth at all, only the existence of Extreme Dao Supreme Grade could barely sense these two cracks.

But Gu Fei is eternal supreme now, and the two cracks between heaven and earth are no secret to him.

"Only Jidao has a perfect road."

Gu Fei was talking to himself.

"Well, pull out those guys and sacrifice to the sky."

Gu Fei stood up as he spoke. The next moment, he locked the entrance of a small world, which was in the Northern Territory of Tenglong Ancestral Star, the Northern Demon Territory.

The Extreme North Demon Territory back then was extremely powerful, and the Six Dao Demon Palaces ruled the ten directions. The Six Dao Demon Lords had even killed the Taixuan Sect back then, and was extremely mad.

However, now, the peerless ruthless man who originally held the Extreme Demon Realm has long since left, and the Demon Cave is still suffocating devilish energy.

All the demons have disappeared, but in the depths of the earth, the roar of monsters is still heard from time to time, and the sky of the entire northern demon is still dim.

The seven magic cities seemed to exist forever, still standing on the far north.

At this time, Gu Fei appeared outside the ruined magic cave.

In the entire human world, there are countless small worlds, all of which are invisible under the cover of Gu Fei's eternal spirit.

The human world is not as simple as it seems in performance.


With just one punch, Gu Fei broke through the void and penetrated this little world.


A magic hand abruptly appeared in the void and directly grabbed Gu Fei.

"The power of quasi supreme class?"

Gu Fei frowned. In this human world, there is the existence of Heaven's Punishment, even the Supreme Dao Supreme dare not use the power of the Supreme Dao, the Supreme Supreme Being is the most powerful existence in the human world.

He waved his hand impatiently, and the magic hand that was grabbed at him shattered into the void.

In the next moment, Gu Fei took one step directly and entered this small world in this way.

"this is……"

After Gu Fei entered this small world, he found that this small world was actually no different from the outside world, without a trace of devilish energy.

There are also countless creatures in this small world, and countless cities are scattered on the earth, and it seems that there are no particularly powerful demons in the city.

"What's this?"

Gu Fei was a little surprised. Isn't this small world the lair of the demons? The style of painting is wrong. How can I play this?

He originally wanted to capture the Supreme Demon Dao Supreme, but now it seems impossible.

He couldn't even feel the demon quasi-sovereign who had just shot.

"How could this happen, could it be..."

He thought of a possibility and couldn't help being surprised.


At this moment, a magic light suddenly shot at him, and the next moment, this magic light penetrated his eternal martial arts and flew out from behind him.

"All this is an illusion!"

Gu Fei suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and the terrifying sound waves spread out in all directions, and saw the entire void undulating like water waves.

I saw that the scene in front of me was rapidly changing, and the whole world suddenly changed greatly. The world was dim, there was devilish energy in the void, and one thing was suspended in the middle of the whole small world.

The original beautiful scene disappeared.

The thing floating in the middle of this small world is like a **** magic eye, and that thing is scanning towards Gu Fei.

At this time, Gu Fei's injuries had healed.

"Can you hurt me?"

Gu Fei had to move.

Gu Fei never expected to encounter an eternal magic weapon here, and this eternal magic weapon is still an awakened eternal magic weapon.

This is simply the supreme existence equivalent to an eternal state.

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