Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4746: Eternal layout

The Far North Demon Territory was originally the source of the magic way on the ancestor star of Tenglong in the human world. This is the world of the magic, and the magic way is respected.

However, no one would have imagined that there is a small world in this extreme north demon realm, and in this small world, there is actually an eternal magic weapon.

Eternal level magic weapon, even in the ancestor world, there are not a few that can be found.

However, this is not the ancestor world, but the human world. The human world has eternal magic weapons, which is something that Gu Fei never expected.


At this moment, this eternal magical weapon in the small world became powerful, and endless blood burst out from that magic eye. In the blood, countless magic shadows appeared, and they were attacking and killing Gu Fei.

This is magical power, this eternal magic weapon is not sleeping, it is the spirit of the weapon.


The whole small world is shaking.

In fact, with the power of this eternal magic weapon, I am afraid that a single thought can destroy the world, but obviously, this eternal magic weapon does not want to destroy the world.

Gu Fei didn't want to ruin this little world either.

He squeezed the five fingers of his right hand, and directly fisted at the endless blood that swept across.

The next moment, the endless magical shadow in the **** light instantly collapsed into the void, and the monstrous **** magic light disappeared all at once.

The seemingly ordinary punch is surprisingly powerful.

"Little guy, who are you."

A wave of divine consciousness was uploaded from the eternal magic weapon.

"You are the magic source here?"

Gu Fei looked at the magic eye and said calmly.

"Little guy, the deity is asking you."

Demon Eye said coldly.

"Cut, be respected in front of me?"

Gu Fei said disapprovingly.

"go to hell!"

The magic eye suddenly disappeared, a magic shadow appeared in the void, and the next moment, this magic shadow shot at Gu Fei.

A magic hand caught Gu Fei directly.

"It's just a small eternal magic weapon, I thought I could shake the sky?"

Gu Fei still punched out.


Gu Fei's fist instantly collided with the demon hand that he grabbed. In the next moment, a circle of spatial ripples visible to the naked eye spread to the entire small world centered on the two figures.

Several nearby mountains crumbled directly into dust.

This small world is very desolate, but there are also some monsters and demons, but the cultivation base of these demons is not very high. The breath of Gu Fei spreads out, and the monsters and demons in the entire small world burst in an instant. Died.


That demon is angry, this is his world, he is the supreme master here, everything here is his, even the life and death of these monsters and demons can only be determined by him.

"Well, since you can't find the Demon of the Extreme Dao rank, let's use you to make up for the heavenly Dao of this human world!"

Gu Fei groaned and said.

"Little guy, what are you talking about?"

That magic image looked at Gu Fei like a monster.

"I said I will sacrifice you to heaven."

Gu Fei said disapprovingly.

"Haha... Take me to sacrifice to the heavens? What can the heavens and the earth bear?"

Mo Ying laughed and said, he is an eternal magic weapon, an existence that transcends the Dao of Heaven, and no Dao of Heaven can withstand the power of his Dao.

At least the way of heaven in the human world is not good.

"I said yes, so yes."

Gu Fei stood with his hand in his hand and said calmly.

"I said you were going to die."

The demon shadow disappeared into the void in an instant, and the next moment, suddenly appeared behind Gu Fei, and bombarded him with a punch.

However, Mo Ying was dumbfounded for the next moment, and saw that his fist had penetrated Gu Fei's body, as if it had hit the air.


Gu Fei waved his hand, and the magic shadow flew away directly.

"You are just a magic weapon."

Gu Fei took a step, directly caught up with the demon shadow that flew out, and stepped on it from the air.


The Demon Shadow roared, the endless magic power exploded, and **** magic spears rushed out of the Demon Shadow, piercing the void.

But the magic spear that pierced Gu Fei was all flew away by his guardian god.

"Be honest!"

Gu Fei said that as soon as he exerted a force on his right foot, a powerful eternal force came directly out of his feet, and instantly restrained the magical shadow.

"What do you want to do."

Mo Ying panicked.

"Are you stupid or deaf? They said they would take you to sacrifice to heaven."

Gu Fei said impatiently.

"Don't, boss, ancestor, don't!"

At this time, Mo Ying was completely stunned. He couldn't think that this human being turned out to be an eternal existence. Of course, if he hadn't been severely injured in the battle that year, this human race might not be able to help himself.


Gu Fei didn't hesitate, and he shot this guy back to his original shape. It was an eye-shaped magic weapon, very strange.

"Could it be a magic weapon made with real eternal magic eyes!"

Gu Fei was also surprised.

The power of this eternal magic eye is a little different from what he thought, but now, he finally knows the reason, and there is a crack on the eternal magic eye.

Without hesitation, Gu Fei left this small world with this eternal magic eye.

He did not take action to destroy this small world, and believes that in endless years, there will be creatures in this small world again, and these creatures may be demons.

"Where are the real monsters?"

Gu Fei is really curious, he can cover the entire Tenglong Ancestral Star with a single thought, and the strongest existence in the current Far North Demon Realm is that there are only two quasi-extreme-level demon masters.

Under Gu Fei's induction, the two quasi-supreme auras were as striking as bright lights in the dark night.

"The location of the five ancestors of life..."

Gu Fei left Tenglong Ancestral Star directly and came to the depths of the starry sky. At this time, his divine thoughts covered most of the human world, covering all the five great life ancestors in the human world.

He discovered that the five ancestors of life are in a strange position in the starry sky.

"Good guy, before the endless years, there are people who want to repair the way of heaven?"

Gu Fei was shocked. The five ancestors of life were obviously part of a super array. To be precise, the five ancestors of life were the five eyes of this super array.

Gu Fei could clearly feel that the auras of the entire universe are gradually converging towards the five ancestors of life. It is no wonder that so many creatures can be bred on the five ancestors of life.

Someone used the means of reaching the sky to plant a super-major array in the human world to nourish the five ancestors of life.


Gu Fei also thought of the existence of Heaven's Punishment.


Gu Fei was amazed, but if he wanted this super large formation to run, it didn't need a little bit of energy, and the eternal magic eye in his hand could provide endless energy for the super large array.

"Try it!"

Gu Fei began to prepare to sacrifice to the sky.

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