Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4747: Today I make up the sky

Before endless years, someone laid a heavenly formation in the human world. The so-called heavenly formation was based on heaven and earth.

Someone wants to fill the sky and make the heavenly path of the realm perfect, but failed, because if that person succeeds, the heavenly path of the human world today is perfect.

However, there is still a deficiency in the way of heaven in the human world, and therefore the ultimate supreme can not be born.

Once Gu Fei succeeded in patching the sky and repairing the Tao of Heaven, then the entire human world would change drastically, and the entire world would be different. The human world might be able to reproduce the heyday of the prehistoric world.

At this time, the ancient flying disc was sitting in the depths of the starry sky. His position was very special. It was at the center of the five ancestors of life in the world. He wanted to activate this sky formation by himself.


Sitting in the starry sky, Gu Fei suddenly burst into a wave of tyrannical thoughts, and this wave of thoughts instantly enveloped the entire human world.

This is the Divine Sense of the Extreme Dao level, even the Supreme Divine Sense of the Extreme Dao cannot cover the entire human world. Only the supreme existence of the eternal realm can have this method.

At this moment, the quasi-superiors on the five greatest ancestors of life in the human world all sensed a wave of terrifying divine consciousness that made their souls tremble.


Tenglong Ancestral Star, in the ancestral land of the Jiang family, a figure resembling a stone statue, as if Henggu was already sitting on the boulder, suddenly opened his eyes.

"A little familiar, is it that little friend?"

Emperor Jiang is talking to himself.

In other regions, those strong men who had sealed the ultimate cultivation base were also alarmed.

"That guy is back?"

Fengdu Ghost Territory, a huge city suspended under the dim sky, a figure sitting high on the throne suddenly stood up.

"It's time to go for a walk."

Fengdu Ghost Emperor said that in the next moment, he disappeared in Fengdu Ghost City.

A middle-aged man who was like a mummy floating in the endless chaos suddenly opened his eyes.

"The sky formation is activated..."

The middle-aged man was talking to himself, the next moment, he broke through the chaos, took one step, and appeared directly in the human world, and then took another step, this person has already come to the depths of the starry sky and appeared where Gu Fei is. In the star field.

"It's you?"

The moment the middle-aged man saw Gu Fei, he was very surprised.


Gu Fei also sensed the presence of middle-aged people.

"I am no longer called by that name in this life."

The middle-aged man who was wrapped in skin and a mummy said such words.

"You live a second life?"

Gu Fei was taken aback and said, Ji Dao supreme is inherently immortal, but this is relative, Ji Dao supreme will be injured and killed.

Someone killed the Supreme Dao Ancestor once? How could this be possible, that is the Supreme Dao ancestor, the existence of Extreme Dao level, his power is beyond imagination.

"It can be said like this."

The middle-aged man pondered and said.

"That fellow Taoist is called..."

Gu Fei asked.

"Qin Huang!"

The middle-aged man said.


Gu Fei heard this, this shock is really no small thing, the second life of the Supreme Dao Pao, turned out to be the Emperor Qin? The Qin Emperor of the Qin Clan? how can that be.

"What you saw back then was just an incarnation of me."

Middle-aged Qin Huang said.


Gu Fei was really a little dazed. The second generation of Supreme Dao Patriarch turned out to be Emperor Qin. The Qin clan is an extremely ancient clan who once had a great emperor.

"Then I call you Emperor Qin good, or the Supreme Dao Ancestor?"

Gu Fei was really crazy.

"The name is just a code name. You can call it as you like." The middle-aged man shrugged and said, he didn't care.

"Then I'll call you Dao Zu!"

Gu Fei thought for a while and said.

"It's up to you, do you want to fill the sky?"

Dao Zu said.

"Not bad!"

Gu Fei said indifferently, at this time, the sky formation began to gradually move, and a pressure that made all living beings tremble fell on the sky and the earth.

When Dao Ancestor saw this, he stopped talking, and he also sat in the void.

Soon, one after another array patterns emerged around Gu Fei's body, intertwined into a formation, and the formations connected the five ancestors of life.

In the next moment, the five pillars of light rushed out from above the five great ancestors of life, and the five pillars of light rushed straight into the sky, fixing the crack in the sky above the sky.

That is the power of the five elements.

The ancestor of Tenglong is the power of earth travel, the ancestor of Kunlun is the power of gold, the ancestor of Zhou is the power of water, the ancestor of Ziwei is the power of wood, and the original ancestor is the power of fire .

The power of the five elements of the entire human world is condensed on the five ancestors of life.

However, soon, the five beams of light began to weaken, and the five elements of the five ancestors of life that condensed the endless years of the five elements could not last for a quarter of an hour.

Without hesitation, Gu Fei directly sacrificed the eternal magic eye.


The power of the Eternal Demon Eye exploded directly and was firmly controlled by Gu Fei, and then through Gu Fei's refining, it turned into the infinite force of the Five Elements and headed toward the five great ancestors of life.

In the next moment, the five ancestors of life seemed to be burning, bursting out an unprecedentedly powerful five element divine light.

At the same time, Gu Fei used his great magical powers to decompose the eternal avenue of the eternal magic eye, and countless lines rushed toward the sky, and directly sank into the crack in the sky.

The cracks in the Heavenly Dao held by the power of the Five Elements began to gradually shrink.


Dao Zu saw this scene, couldn't help laughing, a tear dripping from the corner of his eye, he was happy, the heavenly realm of the human world was recovering, and he was thinking of perfect transformation.

He waited for this moment for too long.

The prehistoric world was shattered, and they were sinners. Those who survived tried their best to repair the damaged way of heaven, and some people took their lives.

However, throughout the ages, since the fragmentation of the wild world, the surviving Extreme Dao Supremes have wanted to repair the heavens and even jointly set up the heavens, but they still failed.

Those who survived that year came to the end of their lives one by one. Only he and a limited number of people successfully survived the second life.

The Supreme Dao Ancestor and others finally came to a conclusion that it is impossible for Ji Dao Supreme to repair the cracks in the heavens. It is too difficult to repair the cracks in the heavens.

Of course, there is Ji Dao Supreme who voluntarily sacrificed himself and sacrificed himself to Heavenly Dao. However, although the cracks in Heavenly Dao have become smaller, they have not been completely repaired.

This time, there must be a miracle!

Soon, another powerful figure appeared near Gu Fei. These people didn't dare to get too close to Gu Fei, they just watched from a distance.

The figure of Emperor Jiang Ren also appeared nearby.

Gu Fei's growth rate is so fast, he has surpassed Jiang Renhuang, and also surpassed all the powerhouses in the human world. In addition to having not overcome the calamity, he is a genuine eternal class inside and out.

"Today I make up the blue sky!"

Gu Fei's voice spread all over the world, and countless monks on the five ancestor stars of life heard his voice.

"Someone is patching the sky? How is it possible?"

The whole human world was panicked to the extreme.

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