Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4749: The transformation of heaven

In the human world, Gu Fei opened the sky array, refining eternal magic eyes to fill the blue sky.

This is a great merit, but at the most critical juncture, a series of terrifying monsters directly shattered the void and killed them to prevent Gu Fei from repairing the sky.

However, the human world is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface, and there are even peerless powerhouses who have taken action to block the big demons that suddenly slew out.


The old man who rushed out of the ancient battlefield in the depths of the starry sky directly evolved the world, and the demon head directly into that side of the world.

That side of heaven and earth disappeared instantly.

The old man didn't want to fight the demon in the human world, he wanted to fight the demon outside the world.

"Where is the demon? There is absolutely no such a demon in the world."

The strong men of the human world who watched the battle in the nearby star field were all stunned by this scene, dumbfounded.

"Is it a demon from outside the world?"

Someone was surprised.

"The cultivation base of these demon heads seems to be above the extreme path!"

The old antique who had self-sealed his Ji Dao cultivation base saw something, his face turned ugly.

"The realm in the legend?"

The other antiques were also shocked to the extreme.

Back then, the prehistoric world collapsed, and there was a madman who wanted to take that step and hit his idea on the heavens of the entire prehistoric world.

Finally, after a great war, the prehistoric world was shattered.

However, now, two horrible monsters who are suspected of being above the extreme realm have jumped out. Why is this not shocking and frightening?

Only Gu Fei knew that these two great demons were actually not really eternal great demons, they were just half-step eternal existence.

This kind of cultivation level just wanted to prevent him from repairing the sky, and he couldn't live or die.

However, at this time, he couldn't be distracted, and he had to refining the Eternal Demon Eye with all his strength, otherwise, the two demon heads would have never known how many times they died.

With Gu Fei's continuous refining, there were more and more cracks in the Eternal Demon Eye, and it was about to break at sight.

At this time, the crack in the road in the morning in the sky was almost invisible.

"Little guy, stop!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded, and then, the entire sky shattered, and a huge boundless demon shadow actually shattered the sky and directly entered the human world.

The entire human world shook, as if it might collapse at any time.

"Eternal Demon?"

Gu Fei couldn't help but shrink when he saw this big demon's pupils.

The human world can't accommodate an eternal demon.

In the next moment, Gu Fei just moved a thought, and the star field where the eternal demon that came violently collapsed directly.

The eternal demon was swallowed by a big hole that suddenly appeared in the void before turning a thought.

At the same time, a dark roulette appeared above Gu Fei's head. It was the ancestor realm's wheel of the heavens and ten thousand worlds.

When Gu Fei recovered his eternal cultivation base, he could finally use the wheels of the heavens.

He just used the wheels of the heavens and myriad worlds to drive the eternal demon into other worlds just now.

However, Gu Fei knew that this still couldn't prevent the return of the eternal demon. The creatures in the eternal realm were too strong. The eternal demon wanted to come back and no one could stop him.

It was only a matter of time before the eternal demon returned to the world.

Gu Fei wants to repair the way of heaven before the eternal demon kills back to the world.

"It seems that there is no reservation."

Sitting in the starry sky, Gu Fei suddenly made up his mind. The next moment, his forehead suddenly burst out with endless eternal light, and he used his eternal origin.


Under the bombardment of Gu Fei's eternal origin, the eternal demon eye shattered in an instant, and a group of eternal origin of the demon path appeared in the world.

Gu Fei did not hesitate, but with his great supernatural powers, he separated an eternal origin of his own, and then merged his eternal origin with the eternal origin of the eternal magic eye.

The eternal origin after fusion is neither the origin of Gu Fei nor the origin of the eternal magic eye. This is a brand new eternal origin, extremely powerful.

Gu Fei directly hit the eternal origin of this fusion into the heavenly formation.

In the next moment, the entire heavenly formation emerged between heaven and earth, and endless auras of heaven and earth gathered frantically, and the whole heavenly formation soared into the sky with a fusion of eternal origin, directly submerged into the heavenly realm.


After the Heavenly Dao merged the Heavenly Formation and the Eternal Origin, an astonishing transformation has taken place. At this moment, the Great Dao's divine sound lingers throughout the world.

The aura of the entire human world is increasing rapidly, and the void of heaven and earth has become extremely stable.

The heavens in the human world are many times stronger than before.

This is the eternal way of heaven, which also means that the way of heaven in the human world is not only restored, but also has the opportunity to transform into another eternal world.

Of course, this process is absolutely extremely long.

At this time, even if the eternal demon slayed back to the human world, there was nothing left for this world.

"Heaven's punishment does not need to exist anymore."

Gu Fei waved his hand as he spoke, and the power of Heaven's Punishment that enveloped the entire human world disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"Heaven's punishment... disappeared?"

The group of old antiques in the human world who watched Gu Fei patching the sky in the distant star field was extremely excited, because of the existence of the punishment of heaven, they had to be a turtle with their heads shrunk.

But now, they don't have to live like this.


A Jidao came out from the depths of the starry sky.

Soon, in the Jiang family ancestor land of the human world, there was a mighty power of the supreme emperor, and the emperor Jiang unlocked his seal.

On this day, there was an eruption of Extreme Dao Divine Power everywhere in the human world, and those self-sealed Extreme Dao Supremes waited too long for this day.

And on this day, the strength displayed by the human world is much stronger than other worlds. Although it is not as good as the ancestor world, it has the potential to surpass the ancestor world.


At this moment, the sky broke again and cracks one after another, and a magic shadow was about to break through the void and appear in the human world.

"I will kill you."

Gu Fei directly took the demon shadow back with a palm of his hand, and then rushed into the strange world. He was going to confront the demon in this desolate world.

He must take the initiative.

"Little guy, you have a kind."

The eternal demon stared at Gu Fei with a sneer.

"Fight if you want to fight!"

Gu Fei became a little impatient, he just broke the eternal origin, but it hurt his vitality.

"You want to die, I have no reason not to fulfill you."

The Eternal Great Demon sneered. The next moment, two **** magic lights suddenly shot out of his blood-colored pupils and went toward Gu Fei.

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