Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4750: Eternal catastrophe

Gu Fei and the Eternal Demon were confronting each other.

The aura of the two great eternal level powerhouses broke out completely, and the whole world broke into pieces directly, turning into chaos.

Fortunately, there were no creatures in this desolate world, and this world simply couldn't bear the coercion that erupted from the two eternal powers.

The world collapsed instantly, the heavens turned into nothingness, and the whole world returned to chaos.



Gu Fei and the Eternal Demon shot almost at the same time.

"With only one hand!"

He directly displayed the Huatian hand, and saw that he shot it out with a palm, the power of Huatian burst, even the chaos was biochemically transformed, everything that was enveloped by the power of Huatian instantly turned into nothingness .

"Magic thought is eternal!"

The Eternal Demon roared and saw his eyebrows suddenly split, and a magic eye appeared on his eyebrows. The next moment, a **** magic light rushed out from the magic eye on his eyebrows, towards Gu Flying through the hole.


The moment the **** magic light collided with Gu Fei's power of transforming the sky, it was directly transformed by the power of transforming the sky and disappeared into the void.

In the next moment, even the Eternal Demon himself was enveloped by Gu Fei's transforming power.

In just an instant, the eternal demon felt that the eternal magic power in his body had been reduced by half, which shocked him to the extreme.


The Eternal Demon roared, and directly rushed out of the void enveloped by Gu Fei's transforming power.

"No quantification!"

The eternal demon roared, and in the next moment, countless demon shadows appeared in the world, one after another, these demon shadows overwhelmed the sky and filled every inch of void.

This is simply an army of demons.

"Give me!"

Gu Fei used his full power of the Heavenly Transformation Hand, and the power of the Heavenly Transformation was unprecedentedly powerful, and instantly enveloped a world of heaven and earth.

Demon shadows disappeared in the void one after another, and they were transformed into nothingness by Gu Fei's power of transforming the sky, dissipating into nothingness.


The eternal demon was taken aback.


He directly used his Taoist weapon, which was a knife, a terrifying magic knife.

With the magic knife in hand, the eternal magic's combat power suddenly soared a lot.


Without any hesitation, the Eternal Demon slashed towards Gu Fei with a single knife, and saw the blood-stained sword light directly pierced through Gu Fei's transformation domain.

The **** magic light was rapidly dimming under the power of transforming the sky.

However, with this knife, the Eternal Demon had already used all of its power, and even the chaotic void would be broken open with a single cut. This was a knife that would destroy the world.


Gu Fei flipped his right hand, and a big tripod appeared in his hand.

Without any hesitation, Gu Fei directly sacrificed Shanheding.


The Eternal Demon slashed the Shanhe Ding with this knife, and sparks flew everywhere, and the Shanhe Ding was shocked and flew away by the knife.

With a move from Gu Fei's right hand, the mountains and rivers flew back to him and fell into his hands.

He looked down and couldn't believe all of this. He saw a knife mark on Shanhe Ding's body. This was Shanhe Ding, and it was cut with a knife mark on it.

This is really incredible.


The eternal-level big demon shot again.

I saw that he was slashing towards Gu Fei with a single knife, killing everything where the **** sword light passed. This is the terrifying place of eternal power.

The existence of the eternal level can destroy a world with a hand.

If it is not a duel in the chaos, but in the human world, Gu Fei and this eternal demon can directly destroy the human world, and endless creatures will fall.

At this time, Gu Fei grabbed the Shanhe Ding and smashed towards the cut light.


The **** knife slashed on the mountain and river cauldron fiercely. This time, Gu Fei even the human and the cauldron was smashed out, and the hand holding the cauldron was shocked with blood marks one after another.

"So strong!"

Gu Fei had to admit that this demon was really powerful. He hadn't overcome the catastrophe yet, to a certain extent, he was not really the supreme existence of the eternal realm.

"Po Jiquan!"

Without any hesitation, Gu Fei directly played this ultimate ultimate move.

Seeing him punch out, the aura of the whole person is soaring, whether it is strength or speed, it instantly breaks through Gu Fei's limit.


Gu Fei looked up to the sky and roared, and the terrifying sound wave spread out, dispelling the surrounding chaotic energy.



Gu Fei's fist directly hit the **** knife light from the opponent's chopping, the **** knife light instantly shattered, and his fist directly hit the opponent's chest.


The Eternal Demon was taken aback. He couldn't avoid it even if he wanted to avoid it. Gu Fei's fist pierced his entire body, leaving a transparent blood hole in his chest.


The eternal demon was shocked to the extreme, this guy could actually hurt himself, how could this be, his demon body had already been tempered, even if it was a true eternal-level supreme treasure, it would be difficult to hurt him!


Gu Fei's right hand shook, and violent power erupted from his hand. The next moment, the eternal demon's body instantly shattered into a cloud of blood.

It is definitely not an easy task to kill eternal creatures.


Gu Fei directly grabbed the blood mist in his hand, then used the wheels of the heavens and myriad worlds, and instantly disappeared into the chaos.

When he appeared again, he had already come to the realm of ancestors.

The Ancestral Realm is a primordial world where eternal-level creatures can be born. The laws of heaven and earth are extremely powerful. Even the supreme realm, it is impossible to destroy this world.

Because there is a stronger existence than Jidao Supreme, and it is difficult to truly destroy the Ancestral Realm.

"Where is the ancestor Demon Realm?"

Gu Fei directly released the eternal level divine thoughts, and soon he sensed the existence of the eternal demon realm, and his thoughts instantly disappeared into the void.

The next moment, when he appeared again, he was already standing outside the entrance of the Eternal Demon Realm.


At this moment, the group of demon blood that Gu Fei was holding in his hand suddenly exploded, and a blood shadow appeared in the void, but in an instant, the eternal demon reorganized its body and fully recovered.

"You go in for me!"

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, just punched the eternal demon directly, and smashed into the Ancestral Demon Realm, and there was a sudden chaos in the Ancestral Demon Realm.

He also took a step forward and directly entered the Ancestral Demon Realm.

The moment Gu Fei entered the Ancestral Demon Realm, he directly triggered his eternal catastrophe.

Then, the terrifying coercion directly erupted from Gu Fei's body, and countless cracks appeared in the entire Ancestral Demon Realm immediately, as if it might be completely shattered at any time.

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