Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4751: Fight to destroy the world

After Gu Fei's cultivation was restored to the eternal realm, he returned to the ancestor realm for the first time, and he made great movements.

He did not return to the Ancestral Realm alone, but entered the Ancestral Demon Realm in a battle with an eternal demon. He wanted to destroy the Ancestral Demon Realm.

At the moment when Gu Fei and the Eternal Great Demon entered the Ancestral Demon Realm, the entire Ancestral Demon Realm almost collapsed. The terrifying coercion swept across ten directions, and countless demons could not withstand the pressure of this series. Exploded and died,

After just a few breaths, most of the demons in the ancestor's demon realm were dead, and only those demon heads in the extreme realm could barely hold it.

"It's Gu Fei..."

The Great Dao Ancestral Demons in the Ancestral Demon Realm were all dumbfounded.

No one would have imagined that Gu Fei would suddenly come in. Moreover, now Gu Fei is more terrifying and powerful than before. Could it be that he has restored his eternal cultivation base?


There were bursts of thunder over the Ancestor Demon Realm suddenly, and Jie Yun appeared over the Ancestor Demon Realm, and the entire Demon Realm was darkened, as if the night had suddenly fallen.

The creatures in the entire Ancestral Demon Realm were all horrified to the extreme.

"You lunatic!"

The Eternal Great Demon was really frightened by Gu Fei, this guy actually triggered his eternal catastrophe, which belongs to his catastrophe, but this guy actually wanted to pull himself through the catastrophe together.

"I won't play with you anymore."

The eternal demon is about to flash people directly.

"Hey, now you just can't play with me."

Gu Fei smiled.

At the next moment, the Eternal Great Demon realized that the entire world was imprisoned, and with his cultivation base he couldn't tear the void of heaven and earth here.

At the same time, Gu Fei killed him again.

"Broken Extreme Fist!"

Gu Fei did not hesitate, and directly played the supreme combat technique he created.

I saw that he made a fist, and a violent breath erupted from his body.

"Little guy, do you really think that the demon master is good to bully?"

The Eternal Great Demon squinted his heart, and also used his demon skills at the bottom of the box.


The magic light of the nine groups rushed out from the body of the eternal demon, illuminating the world.


Gu Fei punched out, and the void in front of his fist shattered directly.

At the same time, the nine groups of magic light surrounding the Eternal Great Demon's body directly greeted him.

Two unimaginable forces collided together in an instant, and the power that burst out fluctuated wildly in ten directions, and the ancestor Demon Territory that had been shattered finally shattered into the void.

At this time, the Eternal Tribulation had already locked this area, and it was impossible for Gu Fei and the Eternal Demon to leave here.

The two figures were moving fast, and the dull impact sound continued to sound, even in other areas of the Ancestral Realm, this sound could be heard.


The eternal great demon roared in rage, with black hair like magic fire, dancing wildly, and then, that black hair grew violently, and every strand of hair resembled a magic dragon, raging out of the horrible magic fire, entwining towards Gu Fei. .


Gu Fei punched out, and the eternal power suddenly surging forward surging forward, directly shattering the entangled Qianzhang magic hair, and blasting the eternal demon out.

"Want to pull me through the robbery? You are too underestimating me, the real world!"

The eternal great demon roared, and unexpectedly evolved into the world, pulling Gu Fei into a real demon world.

Here, there is no heavenly tribulation, the eternal great demon actually isolated the heavenly tribulation by this means, this is a world opened up by the eternal great demon.

"All ten directions will be destroyed, but the magic will survive alone!"

With a loud shout, the Eternal Great Demon's devilish energy surged out, and the nine groups of magic light burst out. In an instant, the terrifying fire of the sky burned all over every inch of the void in a demon realm. .


The entire Demon Territory was shaking violently, and the inside was pitch black. What you could see was the pitch black demon fire that burned the void violently and twisted.


Gu Fei evolved Tai Chi Yin and Yang, and a Tai Chi Yin and Yang figure suddenly rushed out of his body and settled on top of his head, covering a world. In the eyes of two black and white Tai Chi, Yin and Yang were constantly surging.

This yin and yang two qi is the power that chaos produces tai chi, and tai chi produces two yis, the power evolved when chaos opens the sky, the terrifying power of yin and yang, resists the surging magic fire.

The power of yin and yang that came out of the yin-yang map of Tai Chi immobilized the whole world.

The rumbling sound continued to be heard from that side of the dark demon realm, where there was a vast wave of magic power, as if it had turned into chaos.


A very dull sound came from the void filled with terrifying demon fire on that side, and as the sound sounded, the real demon world of that side suddenly shook violently.

The eternal demon's methods are really terrifying.

This is the real strength of the eternal level great demon, even Gu Fei's eternal catastrophe can be isolated.

On the edge of the real demon world, a series of pitch-black spatial cracks have cracked, and it seems that there is an ancient giant, beating that side of the world.


There was another tremor, and there were more space cracks in the periphery of the real magic world, densely packed, like a spider web, as if a piece of exquisite porcelain was shattered.

Gu Fei was about to open up the real demon world.


The Eternal Great Demon was frightened and angry. He had to make a full move. Under the burning of the Burning Demon Fire, even in the great world, the void of the perfect world also produced ripples.

As if a world was shattered, the power in the real demon world belonging to the eternal great demon began to emerge from the dense cracks in the space.


In the turbulent real demon world, there was another big shock, and then, as if something had been broken, the real demon world on that side unexpectedly shattered.


A terrifying roar came from the gradually shattering world, endless magic light burst out, the whole world was surging with monstrous fire, that flame, as black as ink, made the entire sky All fell into darkness.


The yin and yang picture of Tai Chi vibrated again and again, and in the two Tai Chi eyes, monstrous yin and yang two qi gushed out, suppressing like a hundred thousand mountains, protecting Gu Fei, and rushing out of the endless magic fire.

One real demon world collapsed and turned into chaos, the monstrous demon fire was so dazzling.

In the chaos, the magic fire is surging and surging. Moreover, the dark magic flame, although it emits black light, is also black and dazzling, and it is getting more and more blazing, making people unable to open their eyes. Up.

The mysterious and unpredictable Tai Chi yin and yang diagram showed great power and fixed the world around Gu Fei.


The yin and yang picture of Tai Chi vibrated again and again, and the two qi of yin and yang came out mighty. The two black and white eyes of yin and yang, like two bottomless abyss, were madly devouring the boundless demon fire that burst out.


A demon howl swayed from the endless demon fire, and then, the surging demon fire condensed into a ten thousand zhang demon shadow.

That demon shadow, overhead sky, feet on the ground, a horrible devilish aura exuded from the ten thousand feet of the devil's body, swinging a fist as large as a mountain, and blasting towards the Tai Chi Yin and Yang map that enveloped all directions in the sky.

The magic fist that was as big as a mountain shook the Taiji **** map again and again, and the eternal demon was shooting like crazy.

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