Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4752: Nine poles in one

The real demon world of the Eternal Great Demon was blown up, but this didn't make him suffer much. You know, when he reaches this kind of cultivation, he can open up the world at will.

However, Gu Fei's Yin-Yang Avenue is also no small thing. For defense, it is definitely the most powerful defensive avenue in the world. The Yin-Yang **** map operates and can block any attack.

Gu Fei had survived the nine heavenly calamities in the first place, and each heavy heavenly disaster was a kind of avenue, and this Yin-Yang avenue was also one of them.

He is the heaven and the world, the supreme of the nine realms throughout the ages, can also become the supreme of the nine extremes.

After the Eternal Great Demon's true magic world was shattered, Gu Fei's eternal catastrophe came again.


The terrifying majesty of the heavens and the earth descends from the underworld, even the eternal demon will change color, and the eternal catastrophe induced by this guy is terrifying.

"If you can't live in one world, then ten."

The eternal demon roared, in a pair of demon eyes, the demon fire burst out more than ten miles away.

In the sound of the words, the Eternal Great Demon pulled his hands to the sides in the void in front of him, the void shattered, and a world filled with demon energy appeared between the heaven and the earth.

The world was infinitely enlarged in an instant, and Gu Fei was directly enveloped in it.

The Eternal Great Demon kept making moves, and unexpectedly opened up ten real demon worlds in an instant.


The eternal demon urged the ten true demon worlds to disappear towards Gu Fei.

There the devilish energy surged, the evil energy rushed into the sky, and the sky was dim, vaguely, one could see many terrifying demon shadows looming in this world of ten real demon.

The world of ten true demons is terrifying, with cloudy winds, dense clouds, dark thunder, and a heavy burning sky among the magic clouds in the sky, unspeakable evil and terrible.

In the world of these ten true demons, the Yin Qi was permeated, and the billowing demon cloud was violently surging, as if it was about to overwhelm the earth, and the tragic evil spirit filled every world.

A stern demon roar came from the ten worlds, as if countless demons were roaring in Gu Fei's ears, making the scalp numb.


Accompanied by the sound of demon thunder, the dark sky seemed to be cut through, with **** rays of light appearing, and the eternal demon stepped on the world of ten real demon.

The dark, as if the earth penetrated by countless blood was shaking violently.

Then, under the control of the eternal great demon, the power of the ten real demon worlds gathered together, and the earth of every great world under his feet was shattering.

The power of the world of ten true demons evolved into a dark magic well surging with billowing demonic energy.

This magic well swallowed Gu Fei directly.

This is a magic well that is extremely evil, gathering the power of the ten true magic worlds, even if the existence of the general eternal realm is taken into this magic well, it is definitely the end of death.

A magic power that made everyone's heart palpitating burst out from the magic well.

That power, that breath, is even worse than the eternal great demon, a terrifying demon nature shrouded the world of ten true demon.

Gu Fei sensed this magical nature, and his mana was surging immediately and it was difficult to control. His mind became irritable, as if the evil in his heart was induced by this magical nature. The crazy thoughts that he didn't dare to think and didn't dare to act constantly kept on. Emerge in my heart.


Gu Fei sneered, the other party's method could not affect him at all.

In the next moment, in addition to the Yin and Yang Dao, the other eight types of Dao power also burst out of Gu Fei's body, and each type of Dao was cultivated to the extreme by him.

The moment the power of the Nine Dao Dao burst out from Gu Fei's body, the horror and magical nature that enveloped Gu Fei was blocked by the Nine Dao force.


When the Eternal Great Demon saw this scene, he was immediately dumbfounded. This little family is really a villain, and he has cultivated each of the nine avenues to the extreme.

Is this the legendary Nine Extremes Supreme?

He felt that something was wrong.


The eternal great demon urges the power of the ten real demon world like crazy, and the endless power gathers toward that magic well like crazy.

Soon, an extremely powerful wave of power erupted from the magic well, and in the entire magic well, endless magic patterns were intertwined.

Gu Fei, who was trapped in the magic well, was still calm and composed, and did not put this eternal demon in his eyes.

The power of the nine eternal avenues intertwined and collided with each other, and the bursting power actually blocked the ten real magic world, and it was difficult to advance.

"Nine poles open the sky."

Gu Fei roared, and the next moment, the power of the nine eternal avenues instantly merged together, and then, the power of the violent extreme burst out, and the entire void was annihilated.

The Eternal Demon couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene.

I saw the power of Nine Extremes rushing out in all directions with Gu Fei as the center, the whole magic well vibrated, endless runes intertwined.

The eternal demon was even more shocked when he saw this scene.

Gu Fei's nine-pole power was too strong, and it exploded the first true demon world like a ruin, and the other true demon world also cracked with countless cracks, as if it might break at any time.


With a loud noise, the second real magic world collapsed, and the endless real magic power burst out, and then gathered towards the dry well.

Then there is the third real world, the fourth real world and so on.

One after another, the real magic world is collapsing.

This is destroying the world, and the power of destruction erupting from every true demon world is unimaginable.

The Eternal Demon wanted to use the terrifying power released by the destruction of the world to kill Gu Fei.

It's a pity that if you want to kill Gu Fei in this way, it's just idiotic talk.

The ten-fold true demon world of the Eternal Great Demon was shocked by the nine-pole power that burst out of Gu Fei's body, which shocked the Eternal Great Demon to the extreme.

"Nine poles are one, kill!"

Gu Fei fully urged the nine powers, and the nine powers were fusing and transforming.


The success of the nine-pole unity means that in the chaotic world, the entire chaotic energy is boiling.

Without any suspense, the Eternal True Demon was blasted out, and a transparent blood hole appeared on his chest. The whole person flew tens of thousands of miles, and his body almost shattered.


The Eternal Demon was really depressed to the extreme, and he couldn't even defeat a guy who hadn't overcome the catastrophe.

"Huh, can't you blow up like this?"

Gu Fei was a little surprised. He knew very well how terrifying his nine-pole unity was. The existence of the general eternal level was not the opponent of the nine-pole warrior at all.

The Eternal Demon had to be moved this time.

No miracle appeared, the Eternal Great Demon was finally blasted by Gu Fei with a punch, and even the soul could not escape.

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