Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4753: Du Jie is boring

Nine poles are in one, the world is invincible.

The power of this combat skill created by Gu Fei in the realm of eternity was too frightening, even the eternal demon was bombarded by him with a punch, and even the soul could not escape.

The eternal supreme has fallen, and there is a sense of heaven and earth, this seemingly broken heaven and earth actually rained heavily, thunder rang through the sky, and lightning bolts that were bigger than the mountains suddenly appeared above the sky.

It was definitely not Gu Fei's choice to cross the catastrophe in this desolate world.

He directly took out the Heavens and Myriad Realms Wheel, and then directly passed the Heavens and Myriad Realms Wheel, and instantly returned to the Ancestral Realm.

Gu Fei directly sat cross-legged on the high sky of the Ancestral Realm, and he sensed a rush of great aura from above the sky.

He didn't hesitate, he immediately unlocked the seal on his body, and the eternal aura burst out from his body.


Above the sky, there was an incomparably shocking thunder, and then, one after another tribulation cloud appeared in the high sky, and the terrifying aura of destruction was majestic.

"Someone is crossing the robbery!"

The old antiques in the ancestor world exclaimed.

"too strong."

The old antiques in the ancestor world were shocked.

No one dared to attack Gu Fei anymore.


Soon, the endless robbery thunder fell from the sky, drowning Gu Fei directly.

The terrifying aura of destruction swept across the ten directions, and the powerful creatures of the entire Ancestral Realm all suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the sky, shocked to the extreme.

On this day, countless old antiques who were in retreat jumped out and were startled by this eternal catastrophe.

"It's him?"

Someone sensed Gu Fei's breath.

However, Gu Fei had many enemies in the Ancestral Realm, especially the Ancestor Demon Clan, and the Li Clan, Celestial Clan, and Chu Clan of the Ancestral Southern Territory.

However, none of these people dared to offend Gu Fei anymore, and if they offend this peerless Assassin Star, they might really be annihilated by this peerless Assassin Star.

"This little guy..."

In an unknown town in the Ancestral Realm, a middle-aged man who was buying sesame seeds suddenly raised his head in the corner of the street. His eyes seemed to have traveled through the endless void and fell on Gu Fei.

And in a city in the middle of the Ancestral Realm, a middle-aged man who helped a fortune-telling by the side of the street suddenly got up and closed his stall, then took a step, and instantly came to Gu Fei's vicinity.

"Even though he is still alive, the fellow of the First Ancestor First Demon is dead in vain."

The middle-aged fortune-teller looked at Gu Fei who was bathing in the thunder and suddenly sighed.

At this moment, a middle-aged man came carrying a pig-killing knife.

"This little guy is awesome!"

The middle-aged man who killed the pig gave a thumbs up directly at Gu Fei in the robbery.

They couldn't think of the fact that the little guy who was killed by the first demon of the ancestor to start the reincarnation, not only did not die, but also returned to the world of the ancestor alive, and was still transcending the catastrophe, eternal catastrophe.

"Why isn't the **** who bought the biscuits come."

The pork guy said impatiently.

"I'm here, I am embarrassed that I can't walk fast with a burden."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the end of the sky.

Both the fortune teller and the pork guy looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw that the sesame seedling guy was carrying his sesame seed burden, and came slowly.

"Hurry up and fix yourself in all directions, otherwise, once the eternal catastrophe of this little guy is fully erupted, this creature of hundreds of millions of miles will suffer."

As the fortune teller said, he threw the flag in his hand directly, and the fortune-telling flag flew out, directly inserted into the void in the north, and fixed a void.

The Pork Guy didn't hesitate, and threw out the pig knife in his hand.

I saw this somewhat rusty pig-killing knife soaring into the sky, floating in the east, and the eternal power erupting from the pig-killing knife fixed the void.

"Hey! This little guy can really toss!"

The biscuits guy said and put down the biscuits Danzi, and then threw out the pole in his hand.

The seemingly unremarkable pole rushed to the south and immobilized the southern void.

The three eternal Dao artifacts fixed the void around Gu Fei in the shape of a product, preventing the power of the eternal calamity from exploding to destroy a region.

"This little guy is quite capable of doing things."

The Pork Guy said with a curled mouth.

"I thought it was hopeless to go back in this life, but I didn't expect this little guy to be dead."

The fortune teller stood with his hands behind, and said calmly.

"Go back? Are you sure?"

The biscuit guy looked at the fortune teller and said.

"Don't you want to go back?"

The fortune teller asked back.

"Thinking, desperately thinking, I want to see my baby. The talent of my baby is definitely not under this little guy. After so many years, my baby has also cultivated to the eternal state."

Biscuits sighed, his face showed a trace of pain.

Whether it is Eternal Supreme, or other people, there are some thoughts and concerns, fortune tellers, porkers, and biscuits, they are all the same.

"Go back... I want to kill Quartet!"

The pork guy roared domineeringly.

These three guys have stories, and they all want to go back, but after endless years, they can't find a way back. Gu Fei's reappearance gave them hope.


At this time, Gu Feipan was sitting in the void, suffering the baptism of endless robbery. His expression was indifferent. Those terrifying robbery thunders that could kill the supreme Supreme Dao fell on him as if scratching him.

He is even refining the power of thunder for his own use.

Yin and Yang Tribulation Thunder, Sky Fire Tribulation Thunder, Nine Heavens Tribulation Thunder, all kinds of ordinary and difficult to see Tribulation Thunder appeared, all blasting on Gu Fei's body.

"No difficulty!"

Gu Fei was very boring. Yes, he was really boring. After his cultivation level broke through to the eternal realm again, he was surprised to find that his eternal martial art had transformed much more thoroughly than last time.

This may be the result of the reconstruction. Once you climb the summit again, you will find that the scenery above the summit has become more beautiful.

If the three guys outside knew that Gu Fei was being struck by lightning very boringly, he would definitely be spoiled. Others would die for the rest of their lives, he would be fine, and that would be boring.

He was bombarded by the eternal thunder thunder for three days and three nights, and the eternal thunder thunder gradually receded, and then, one after another, the stigma of the road descended from the sky, turning into a strong figure after another to kill him.

"It's this trick again. I said Dadao boss, can't you come up with something new?"

Gu Fei was speechless, he was bored with this kind of routine to cross the robbery.

He directly released the eternal sacred light protection, continued to sit in the void, letting the figures transformed by those avenues to attack him.

He was too lazy.

I saw those Dao-branded avatars furiously attacking Gu Fei, but these Dao-branded avatars could not even break through Gu Fei's eternal light, and they were all blocked outside.

Gu Fei was attacked and killed by the peerless figures imprinted on these avenues for three days and three nights, and then these peerless figures returned to the avenue.

Dadao seemed to be impatient, and he actually acted personally. The terrifying aura of destruction was overwhelming, and a terrifying Dao hand directly grabbed Gu Fei.

"Yeah! It's interesting at first."

Gu Fei stood up and stood with his hand in hand, looking indifferently at the big hand that fell from the sky. To be precise, it was the hand of Great Dao Destruction, which could wipe out everything and grasp the eternal supreme.

However, even if Dadao made a move, it was not an easy task to destroy Gu Fei.

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