Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4754: The battle is boiling


Gu Fei finally made a move, and he directly slapped the hand of Dao Zhi that descended from the sky.

Then, in the next moment, an endless wave of energy raged between heaven and earth, and the two forces collided together, forming a terrifying energy storm sweeping out in all directions.

If it hadn't been for the existence of the three eternal levels to squeeze this square world, I am afraid that this would have caused the area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles to be shaken into dust.

At this time, Gu Fei was in a daze, as if he had seen his most powerful enemy back then, the ancestor First Demon.


Gu Fei was taken aback. He knew that this was also the power of Heavenly Tribulation affecting him, and the power of Eternal Heavenly Tribulation had evolved his strongest opponent.

"Gu Fei, do you think you can really kill me? That's ridiculous!"

The first ancestor first demon appeared in front of Gu Fei with a smile.

"You are already dead, this is just a brand you left on the avenue."

Gu Fei knew very well in his heart that the First Demon of the First Ancestor used his fate to start reincarnation, he was absolutely dead, and he couldn't even practice the ghost way.

The first demon of the ancestor in front of him was nothing but a brand of wound left by the first demon of the ancestor.


A magic pattern suddenly appeared in the center of the forehead of the first demon's incarnation of the ancestor, and that mysterious magic pattern shot a magic light toward Gu Fei hole.


Without any hesitation, Gu Fei directly showed the strongest combat power against the incarnation of the ancestor First Demon, he did not dare to be careless.

Gu Fei stretched out his right hand and pressed it forward. Unpredictable power radiated from his palm. The void in front of his palm shook violently. A divine light suddenly emerged, and then rushed out, rushing forward. go with.

The magic light that came from the lasing was annihilated in an endless divine light.


Upon seeing the incarnation of the first demon of the ancestor, he just sneered, and a real demon world loomed around him.

"This trick again?"

Gu Fei was really speechless.


In the real demon world, one demon star fell from the sky, and the **** magic light illuminates the entire world. In the blood light, the entire true demon world is stained with a layer of magical blood.

The whole world was shaking, and above the sky curtain, the Devil Dao magic pattern appeared, like a boundless magic net, covering the entire real magic world.

Under the blessing of Dao Dao, the power of the incarnation of the First Ancestor First Demon has become incredible, and almost no one can contend with it.

Gu Fei knew that he originally wanted to survive this eternal catastrophe in peace, but the tragic battle had begun.


The dark magic hand enveloped the world and went directly towards Gu Fei.


Gu Fei stood with his hand in his hand, but when he was thinking about it, he soared into the sky and directly rushed towards the magic hand that fell from the sky.


The magic hand that was enough to injure an eternal creature was directly exploded by him.

Even the magical shadow in the sky was directly blasted by Gu Fei.

Then, the world of true demons evolved from the incarnation of the entire ancestor First Demon collapsed.

A avenue brand rose to the sky and returned to the avenue.

"Your deity was not my opponent back then, let alone this is just a brand you left on the road?"

Gu Fei shook his head helplessly.

However, the next moment, he had to get serious, and saw one powerful figure after another coming out from the sky.

"One, two, three, four, five..., thirty-six incarnations?"

Gu Fei was a little confused. There were so many eternal creatures in this ancestor world? If you add the previous incarnation of the first ancestor First Demon, it would be the thirty-seven incarnations.

Thirty-seven eternal creatures, just thinking about him makes his scalp numb.

If he hadn't come to the ancestor realm to cross the eternal calamity, he really didn't know that the ancestor realm was once so glorious, and there were 37 eternal supreme.

"Wait, why is that avatar so familiar?" Gu Fei stared at one of the avatars, "Nima, isn't that Laozi? No wonder it's so familiar."

"Dadao, are you going to do something? Even the incarnation of Lao Tzu has been dispatched?"

Gu Fei was really speechless.

When I achieved eternity back then, I also left a great road brand in the ancestor world. This great road brand will not disappear because of the fall of the original master.

"Oh, this little guy is playing a bit big this time!"

The pork guy and the others who were watching the show were dumbfounded when they saw this scene, even though they didn't know that so many eternal creatures had appeared in this world.

"The more you play, the higher his achievements."

The fortune teller sighed, even when he crossed the calamity back then, he had never competed with dozens of powerful men on the avenue brand at a time.

The general eternal catastrophe, even if it attracted the incarnation of the three or four avenues, it was already very abnormal, and now Gu Fei suddenly attracted the brand of thirty-seven avenues.

And one of the road incarnations is still his own.

"The show is about to begin."

The biscuits guy moved to the bench and watched the show while eating melon.


Without any words, the thirty-six incarnations rushed up directly, and Gu Fei flew away in an instant.

Each of the figures transformed by the Thirty-Six Dao Dadao's imprint was extremely powerful, as if their deity was attacking Gu Fei.

"Come again!"

Although Gu Fei was shaken out and vomited blood, he was still fighting like a rainbow.

Gu Fei Yuqiang became stronger, and fought with those 36 incarnations.

This is definitely the most tragic battle he has encountered in his life. He doesn't know how many times his body has been shattered, but he is still reorganizing his martial arts in an instant and fighting those incarnations again.

As the avatars one after another were beaten back to the main road by Gu Feisheng, Gu Fei's pressure gradually weakened.

He and those incarnations were crushed to the void, and the battle was boiling.

In the end, the other incarnations were all beaten back to the avenue, but his own avatar was not beaten back to the avenue. This was the imprint that he left on the avenue when he crossed the eternal catastrophe!

Without any extra words, Gu Fei directly fought against his avatar.

Soon, blood suddenly appeared, Gu Fei's right arm was torn off by the opponent, but his left hand penetrated the avatar's chest in an instant.


Gu Fei's avatar was directly shattered by him, and a dao brand flew back to the sky.

At this time, Gu Fei thought he could take a breath, but the next moment, the entire avenue was wiped out towards him, terrifying.


Gu Fei had no fear at all, but his martial art was directly exploded, but soon reorganized, he was like a Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten, and lived tenaciously.

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