Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4757: The sensation caused by the robbery

Taishi Realm, Zuyuan Mountain Range, here is the place where the Taishi Realm's ancestral veins are located, the power of the law of heaven and earth is the most powerful here.

Yan'er chose to cross the catastrophe here because the law of heaven and earth here is the strongest, so that she becomes the strongest Supreme Supreme.

At this time, Yan'er ushered in the last wave of the heavenly calamity. This is the imprint of the nine powers on the heavens being triggered. The incarnations of the nine strongest Supreme Dao supreme in the Taishi Realm all the time appeared in the heaven and earth .

Suddenly, all the creatures in the Zuyuan Mountain Range were panicked to the extreme.

"Who is crossing the catastrophe?"

Outside the Zuyuan Mountain Range, powerful figures were looming one after another.

The movement of Yan'er's Crossing Tribulation was so great that it shocked all the Supreme Dao Supremes in the Taishi Realm. Some people descended in the form of divine minds, and some even rushed to them in person.

I saw the sky high above the sky, where a shrine burst out of dazzling busyness suspended, among the endless golden light, the figure of the golden crow could be vaguely seen.

"The Lord of the Golden Temple, who has never been born for a long time, is also here?"

Someone exclaimed.

The Golden Temple is famous in the Taishi Realm. This is the temple of the Golden Crow Clan, and the Golden Crow Clan of the Taishi Realm is a strong clan with extremely Dao ancestors.

The master of this golden temple is the extremely Dao ancestor of the Golden Crow clan.

In the other direction, a black mountain was floating and sinking in the sky, and an extremely terrifying cold air spread from the black mountain, and the surrounding void seemed to be solidified.

"That is the Taiyin Mountain!"

Some people marveled, Taiyin Divine Mountain, that is the sacred mountain of Taiyin Protoss. According to legend, Taiyin Protoss already existed when Heaven and Earth first opened. It is one of the oldest races in Taishi Realm.

There are also some old antique figures who have long been famous for not knowing how many years they have appeared outside the Zuyuan Mountain Range.

Even the emperor of the Pingtian Divine Dynasty also came, and the Nine Dragons pulled a cart, and the emperor's mighty power.

The ancestors of Qi Tianzong, Promise Palace, Chaos War Temple, Blood Prison Demon Palace, and Taiyue Holy Land also came.

These great sects and sects all suffered heavy losses in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, but countless gods and saints died that day, and even these super powers were hurting their bones.

"Who is that guy?"

Everyone is very curious about who is transcending the Tribulation, the Extreme Heaven Tribulation, has a great influence on the Heavenly Dao, even in the Taishi Realm, the Heavenly Dao is extremely powerful, and it will take a long time to recover.

As for the Taishi Realm, no one has been able to become the Supreme Supreme for nearly 30,000 years.

Extreme Heaven Tribulation, in Taishi Realm, seems to have become a legend.

However, today, the Jidao Heavenly Tribulation reappeared, and there were people crossing the Tribulation in the Zuyuan Mountains.

The Zuyuan Mountain Range is not an ordinary place. Those who choose to cross the calamity here have great perseverance, great wisdom, and Dao Xin to the extreme, far beyond ordinary people's enchanting level existence.

Moreover, in the entire Taishi Realm, there is only one place that can achieve the strongest Extreme Dao Supreme.

"Huh! It's not easy said than done to achieve the strongest path."

The Sect Master of Qi Tianzong stared at Jie Yun above the Zuyuan Mountain Range with a sneer.

"How do you know that the person inside cannot succeed?"

A figure surrounded by chaotic energy said disapprovingly.

"Throughout the ages, only Emperor Zuyuan succeeded in crossing the Tribulation in the Zuyuan Mountain Range and became the supreme emperor among the Supreme Dao. Don't you think the person inside is even more amazing than the original Emperor Zuyuan?"

Sect Master Qi Tianzong sneered.

"Anything is possible, I believe there will be results soon."

An old voice sounded, and an elderly old man with a cane walked step by step from a distance.

The Sect Master Qi Tianzong and the middle-aged man surrounded by chaos were very respectful when they saw this old man.

"I have seen the emperor!"

Sect Master Qi Tianzong and the black-clothed middle-aged man hurriedly saluted the old man.

This old man turned out to be Emperor Zuyuan.

The Great Emperor Ancestor, that is the most powerful existence in the Taishi Realm. All the Supreme Dao Supremes are juniors in front of him, because his cultivation base is the strongest.

Although the Zuyuan Great Emperor is still alive, he has long been ignorant of the world. Moreover, he has never accepted a disciple and walks alone, but no one dares to underestimate him.

You know, this is an invincible emperor, who dares to provoke the emperor?

The surrounding Jidao Supreme rushed over to salute the Emperor Zuyuan, no one dared to neglect.

Don't look at the appearance of Emperor Zuyuan, who is about to be dead, but his cultivation base is extremely terrifying. In his eyes, Jidao Supreme is just a creature that is stronger than the ant.

"Unexpectedly, my Taishi Realm has such a rising star."

The Great Emperor Zuyuan said quietly.

He never thought that Yan'er was not from Taishijie.

But at this time, Yan'er was fighting with the nine incarnations, and the powerful force waved in a mighty wave, the void was shaking, and there were transparent ripples visible to the naked eye one after another.


Yan'er was punched on the shoulder by an incarnation, the next moment, her entire shoulder was exploded, and the people flew away.

However, in just one or two breaths, Yan'er's injuries healed.

At the level of Yan'er, it is not difficult to rebirth from a drop of blood.

However, the Nine Incarnations shot together, even Yan'er couldn't stand it anymore.

She was constantly bombarded with her body, and she was constantly reorganized. Under the baptism of the power of heaven, her flesh and blood and spirits gradually transformed toward the extreme way.

In the land where Yan'er crossed the catastrophe, a divine sword was suspended in the void.

An inconspicuous sword, this time it became Yan'er's reliance.

When Yan'er was crossing the Tribulation, Gu Ling was also crossing the Tribulation. She chose the Ancestral Realm, and Gu Fei sent Emperor Jiutian to protect her.

Di Jiutian, that is a quasi-eternal realm, with him, even Ye Qingtian would not dare to touch the ancient spirit.

As long as the people who got the golden lotus in the Chaos Immortal Mansion world chose to retreat, you must know that this golden lotus can only exist for seven or forty-nine days.

When the time is up, the golden lotus of Dadao hasn't been refined yet, so nothing will be obtained.

However, Gu Fei was the two eternal supreme accomplices of pig killer and fortune-telling, and he kept asking the two eternal supreme for training issues.

He is a novice, and these two eternal supreme have lived for endless years and are the eternal supreme of the old brand.

The two of them didn't conceal it, and they could forge a good bond with Gu Fei. That was something they couldn't ask for. They had already seen that this Gu Fei was definitely someone with great luck.

Under the guidance of the two veteran eternal supreme, Gu Fei made rapid progress in his cultivation.

And at this moment, the eternal supreme who had entered the eternal world before and bought the sesame seed finally sent news to them.

They all desperately want to know how the current eternal world is going.

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