Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4758: Reorganize the world

The eternal world is also a mysterious world for Gu Fei.

Before he knew that there was an eternal world, he thought that the Ancestral Realm was the most perfect world, because the Ancestral Realm was a Origin World.

From the ancestor realm, the heavens and myriad realms derived

The heavens and myriad worlds are a collective term, which may be described as the Great Thousand Worlds. The Ancestral Realm is the origin. From the Ancestral Realm, then a Great Thousand World was born.

The Taishi Realm is also the Origin World, and from the Taishi Realm, another great world can also be derived.

This is the fact, the world of origin is the source of the great world.

Gu Fei knew that there would never be only two Origin Worlds in the world, but now, there has been another world of higher level than Origin World, the Eternal World.

In this eternal world, there are many eternal creatures.

This made Gu Fei moved. You should know that in a world like the Ancestral Realm, all the eternal creatures born throughout the ages have counted ten fingers.

And this eternal world, there are many eternal creatures, this is simply unimaginable for Gu Fei.

At this time, the eternal supreme who had left before and entered the eternal world finally returned the news with the world talisman, and Gu Fei and the others were naturally excited.

There was a lot of news from those selling sesame seeds, but after reading the news of the delimiter, Gu Fei finally had a certain understanding of the eternal world.

This so-called eternal great world turned out to be a boundless world, this world has no end, and even eternal creatures cannot reach the end of this world.

Even eternal creatures can't reach the end of this world, which is terrifying.

You know, the eternal-level creatures are the strongest existences, killing the ultimate realm is like killing a chicken, and an eternal-level creature must enter the ancestor realm, enough to sweep the entire world.

"An infinite world, interesting, in the future, this will be my stage."

Gu Fei was a little excited.

Such a magnificent stage is suitable for him, the current Ancestral Realm, or Taishi Realm is too small in his eyes.

The Taishi Realm and the Ancestral Realm are just small pools, and the Eternal World is an endless ocean.

It’s no wonder that those goddesses and goddesses from the eternal world don’t put the creatures of the four worlds in their eyes at all, because they are used to being aloof. How can the creatures in such small places and small pools get into those people’s eye?

However, what makes the creatures in the eternal world never expected is that a dragon can also emerge from the small pool, and a monster like Gu Fei came out.

At this time, three people were sitting in a temple above the nine heavens in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.

"Made, that lunatic, who killed the little guy from the Eternal God Dynasty in a while, is not afraid to attract the attention of those old guys?"

The pig slayer's anger, low-key, Nima, Lao Tzu has been low-key for endless years. He chose to become a pig slayer, not without reason.

He is afraid that people from the eternal world will enter the ancestor world again to chase him down.

He has killed pigs for endless years, and now he feels sick as soon as he sees pigs. He hasn't killed pigs for many years, but the habit he developed cannot be changed.

Especially his pig-killing knife was refined into an eternal-class pig-killing knife with the skill of water grinding.

"Kill and kill, so what?"

The fortune teller said disapprovingly.

"Now Xianzhou is in chaos, we just take advantage of this opportunity to go back."

The fortune-telling muttered.

"You mean this is an opportunity?"

Killing pig's eyes lit up suddenly.

"It's time to go back."

The fortune teller said calmly.

"Hmm!" The pig killer nodded, and then looked at Gu Fei: "Little brother, do you want to go back with us?"

Gu Fei was very excited when he heard this, but now he couldn't, because he still had a lot to deal with, whether it was the human world, the ancestor world, or other worlds, he had to deal with it before leaving.

You know, once you leave, you don't know when you can come back.

"Well then, if you arrive in the eternal world, please contact us with the delimiter."

The pig killer said to Gu Fei, and then he and the fortune-teller said goodbye directly to Gu Fei. In fact, they were also very close to each other. Since they got the news of selling sesame cakes, they could still sit there?

"Good! Good journey!"

Gu Fei didn't say much, he personally sent the two to a cross-border teleportation formation.

The two eternal existences stepped onto the cross-border teleportation array, left the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, and returned to the eternal world.

With the return of these two ruthless men, there will definitely be a **** storm in the eternal world. I don't know how many creatures will suffer.

Of course, these things were beyond Gu Fei's imagination.


After sending the two away, Gu Fei's thought directly enveloped the entire Chaos Xianfu world, and everything in the Chaos Xianfu world appeared in his mind.

"Tong Yu is really a pervert!"

Under his induction, there are traps everywhere in the entire Chaos Xianfu world, except for the traps, which are traps. Tong Yu's abnormality turned the entire world into a trap world.

Tong Yu's purpose is very simple, that is, to harvest lives, as long as they break into the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, he will harvest them.

Of course, the current Tong Yu was tragic, and he was directly subdued by Gu Fei and became his subordinate.

At this time, Gu Fei suddenly discovered that in the entire Chaos Immortal Palace world, almost all of the gods and saints from the eternal world had disappeared.

The people from the eternal world have all withdrawn?

Gu Fei didn't bother to pay attention to those guys. He sensed that there were still many great golden lotus in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace that had not been taken away, and these great golden lotus fell into the Jedi fierce land.

These areas are all traps laid by Tong Yu, whoever enters will die.

In those Jedi and Fierce Lands, bones are piled up like a mountain. In order to get the Golden Lotus of the Dadao, I don't know how many people died in the traps under Tong Yu.

Gu Fei shook his head, this is the price of wanting to be the Supreme Supreme.


Gu Fei pondered for a moment, and the next moment, he used his great supernatural powers to reorganize this world.


The entire world of Chaos Immortal Mansion shook suddenly, and divine lights rushed out from every corner of this world, the earth shook the mountains and the lakes and seas boiled.

One by one the veins wandered the earth, like a big dragon, the terrain of the entire Chaos Immortal Palace world was changing.

All the traps that Tong Yu spent his inexhaustible effort laid down turned into fly ash.

The creatures in this world were all stunned by this changing scene.

At this time, the big golden lotus that fell in the Jedi and the fierce land flew again, blooming endless golden light, like small divine suns, dotted in the void.


Everyone was stunned, and the next moment, everybody rushed toward the golden lotus on the road like crazy.

Brother and sister Ziyunxiao soared into the sky, and immediately took away two Golden Lotuses that had flown out of the collapsed Jedi. Their luck was good and they happened to be near this Jedi.

Yuan Hong, Gu Zhong, Gu Xiaofeng, Qin Huang, the Golden Goddess, and the Qinglong who returned to the Chaos Immortal Mansion world, all grabbed a golden lotus.

The people of the eternal world have retreated, and the people of the Taishi world have also retreated. Only the people of the human world and the celestial world are still holding on. Then, these people who persisted to the end are finally lucky.

The Golden Lotus, the Dao Jinlian that had been desperately inaccessible before, is now easily available, which makes them almost dreamlike, because all this is too unreal to them.

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