Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4770: News from Guangchengxian School

Did Ji Changkong find the gate of Guangcheng Xian Sect or Shang Qing Sect?

Gu Fei was finally moved when he thought of this. When he achieved eternity, he had once sensed the entire human world with his divine mind, and he couldn't find where these two sects were.

Did Ji Changkong find it?

At this time, Ji Changkong carefully took out a piece of jade slip from his body and handed it to Gu Fei.

Gu Fei waved, and the jade in Ji Changkong's hand fell into his hand easily.

He directly separated a jade slip in his hand with his spiritual sense induction.

"Not Zhou Zuxing, Guangcheng small world?"

Gu Fei's eyes suddenly brightened, Guangchengxian faction turned out to be Guangchengxian faction.

"How did you find them?"

Gu Ling who had been silent for a while said suddenly.

She had also searched for these two sects, but there was no news, but unexpectedly, Ji Changkong found the Guangcheng Immortal Sect.

"Someone came to Ziwei Zuxing not long ago. I noticed a little bit and found that this person had a problem. At first, I thought it was the person sent by Emperor Ji and the others. I did not expect to capture that person for interrogation, but it was an accident. This person turned out to be You Mu, the Great Elder of the Guangcheng Immortal School."

"You Mu?"

Gu Fei frowned. He really had no impression of this so-called Great Elder of the Guangcheng Immortal School.

In fact, Guangchengxian sent him not many people who knew him well, Li Mengyao was one, and Xuanyuan Old Monster was one, but Old Monster Xuanyuan had already fallen a long time ago.

This You Mu, he really doesn't have any impression yet. It is estimated that this guy was a small figure in the Guangcheng Xian School before.

In fact, Gu Fei's guess was not bad. The Guangchengxian faction moved to Bu Zhou Zuxing and paid a lot of money. Some important figures in the faction have all fallen.

In order to preserve its strength and to allow the Guangchengxian faction to be passed down on a basic basis, the Guangchengxian faction had no choice but to retreat into the Guangcheng Xiaotiandi and completely retired.

"You did very well!"

Gu Fei returned the jade slip to Ji Changkong and punched a divine mind incarnation into the jade slip.

"Here is an incarnation of my divine mind. When in danger, you can crush the jade slip to save your life."

Gu Fei said.

"Thank you, Master."

Ji Changkong was surprised and delighted, now that he was already the quasi-sovereign, still could not see the master's depth, the master must be the existence of the extreme supremacy.

This jade slip is definitely the incarnation of the supreme divine mind!

"Well, you can withdraw, I will meet Heitian, and then leave Ziwei Zuxing."

Gu Fei said.

"Yes, master!"

Ji Changkong did not dare to stay for a long time, and hurriedly left the wing.

The fat shopkeeper who had been waiting outside the door of the wing finally knew the identity of Gu Fei. This person turned out to be the legendary omnipotent master of Ji Changkong!

The fat shopkeeper was very scared.

Before Ji Long dared to provoke this evil star, he died unjustly, absolutely unjustly!

"You wait for me here!"

Gu Fei immediately disappeared into the void as he spoke.

Yan'er and Gu Ling glanced at each other and smiled. It seems that they are going to make a trip to Zhou Zuxing.

Heitian’s retreat is a mysterious and unpredictable flying fairy land. In Ziwei Ancestor Star, the flying fairy land, is a secret realm with great fortune in the legend.

It is very difficult to enter this kind of secret realm. Hei Tian and Ji Changkong had a chance to enter the Land of Flying Immortals back then and were trapped inside.

By the time they came out, it was not known how many years later.

But now, even if they are already Quasi-Supreme, it will take some time to enter the Land of Flying Immortals.

After the guy Hei Tian grabbed a golden lotus from the Chaos Xianfu World, he went directly back to Ziwei Zuxing, and then entered the Land of Flying Immortals to retreat.

For Hei Tian, ​​there is no better place for him to retreat than Flying Immortal Land. It is absolutely safe here.

Near the land of flying immortals is Fei Xian City, the lord Fei Xian Wang is still the flying immortal king Ji Xuanji, but his cultivation has broken through to the holy rank, so this guy's name has been changed and changed to Fei Xian Sheng King.

Flying Immortal Saint King’s little life was pretty good. In his own city, he did whatever he wanted, and Ji Huang, the head of the Ji family, couldn’t control him.

However, since Heitian came to the Land of Flying Immortals again, his troubles have become more frequent, and he is worried all day for fear that something bad will happen.

Just as the Flying Immortal Saint King Ji Xuanji was lying on a wicker chair in the courtyard, basking in the sun bored, he suddenly found a figure quietly appearing above his city lord mansion.

"this is……"

Ji Xuanji's surprise was truly extraordinary.

The man in the sky also found him.

In the next moment, the person in the sky disappeared into the void. Just when Ji Xuanji thought that the person was gone and was happy, he suddenly realized that there was another person beside him.

"how is this possible……"

Ji Xuanji's surprise was really extraordinary. The other party had come to his side, but he hadn't found out in time. I don't know how many times the opponent's cultivation base is higher than his own!

"Do you know where the entrance to the Land of Flying Immortals is?"

Gu Fei asked indifferently. He came to the vicinity of the Flying Fairy Land, but it was a sad discovery that he could not find the entrance to the Flying Fairy Land.

However, he knew that the Land of Flying Immortals was nearby.

"Back to this adult, the villain doesn't know where the entrance to the Flying Immortal Land is."

Ji Xuan said very carefully.


Gu Fei couldn't help frowning when he heard this. It seemed that it was not easy to enter this secret realm!


Gu Fei's figure immediately disappeared into the void. When he reappeared, the person had already reached the sky above the Flying Fairy Land.

He directly sat cross-legged in the void, running his supernatural powers, sensing the movement around him.

This time, he directly used the power of the Yonghen level.

"It turned out to be here."

Gu Fei suddenly stood up, shook his body, and disappeared into the void.

When he appeared again, he knew that he had entered a secret realm, and saw that this was actually a small world, with the sun, moon and stars, and the day and night changing.

But in the middle of this small world, there is a city, a giant city, and an empty city, with no people inside.

At this time, Heitian was sitting on an altar in the Giant City Square.

Arrays of divine sounds spread from his body, as if there was a supreme existence preaching.

"Not bad!"

Gu Fei looked at this scene and couldn't help nodding. Heitian's cultivation base had been accumulated enough, and Dadao Jinlian was like a lead, directly detonating Heitian's cultivation base.

Heitian stepped into the realm of the extreme realm, but sooner or later he asked and kicked. When he saw Heitian, he left directly, he didn't want to disturb Hetian.

But Hei Tian didn't notice Gu Fei's arrival from beginning to end.

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